On this one I show the 'bad' tweet first, then the thread it replied to. They don't care if you talk about gematria, but you're not allowed to find other code conversions & share what they mean. Wonder why orange is bad? 😉 Oh, yeah.
This one was obvious.
Apparently this acct is fine after losing 2 others. Funny thing is, I have been noticing this acct is being monitored closely for activities that get other accts shadowbanned. Accts I interact with become strongly affected beyond twt.
The censoring on TruthSocial doesn't mess around with shadowbanning. They simply block content outright, especially if a person is able to provably demonstrate with timestamped screenshots & sourced materials that 'good guy' narrative is as much a psyop as cabal narrative.
I am an extremely vocal person. The last time I lost an acct, 90% my Google presence was wiped from search within 2 hours. I'm somewhat used to the abuses of extreme overkill because I've been saying exactly what I want as a public figure for 18 years.
Because I've got at least 3 million words on blogs scattered all over the internet over time, because I've beta tested analytics on several platforms, because I'm an obsessive stats & information watcher & very good at sourcing #autist, I am easily pre-Q.
When I find another person who can prove they are not only pre-Q but literally plagiarized by Q drops & then is able to accurately predict 'good guy' narrative before it happens & then that person suddenly starts being shadowbanned, rebooted, & censored after I interact,
I get super interested in that possibly actually proving what I've been suspecting & asking about for several years now. Is the 'good guy' narrative a hijack being used as a good cop bad cop psyop as a cover for something else? Ppl who cannot see beyond black & white thinking
think that is blasphemous. Patience usually wins out & I'm very good with wording out easier to grasp concept trails. However, when I started doing that with this one, this other person started suffering consequences very quickly. It's difficult to determine cause & effect here,
but since it hasn't been happening until a bit suddenly lately & I was already seeing my own content disappearing off Truth weeks before his started being blocked, all I can ask is if it's related to this.
I am genetically descended from a very questionable happenstance. I believe it is my duty, my right, and my place to help course correct.
Actually finding someone who could finally help me connect all my own research is a blessing from God Himself in my opinion. Anyone going against my own endeavors have already been warned about Thorns II because I also believe in transparency in this world of twisted 'truths'.
So here it is again in this Shadow War where I fight plainly in the open.
I think my fave accts on twt are the Illuminati trying to prove every which way that Trump is uber Luciferian with many signs from dates & stars. The panic is eyeball deep. I don't take sides but that's just getting amusing.
The Trump trains dipping toes into the esoteric arts is almost as amusing. The truly facepalm accts are the Christian accts trying to smash esoteric extraterrestrial ascension together without understanding Phoenecian history, essentially co-creating Babylon.
Study Khazarian Kabbala & Discordia. Go find where globalism started. Look up all their twisted layered wording is dictionaries. Learn how maritime law created fraudulent contracting & how religion & entertainment are used to create popular opinion.
There was a blip in my medical portal's software settings yesterday & I was able to read dr- only psyche notes going back 5 years. That was very empowering.
I didn't realized I was being tagged in remission, no idea there was such a thing. I still get mood problems but they've really abated since my dad died. Probably a sad statement there about a relationship.
Also didn't realize I was dx'd dissociated before I brought questions up. My sister always thought it was obvious, I'm too oblivious to get it most of the time.