This is a relatively famous Atlantis image, some even deem it a fraud, a recent item made to look old. But it so happens it comes from a very interesting book, written by an even more interesting character: Athanasius Kircher. See Thread for details.
Athanasius Kircher’s (1602–1680)
Mundus Subterraneus (The Subterranean World). The image above is but one of the many curious depictions it contains. I will leave here those related to maps. Although the book is also prolific in Egyptian images, uncommon for the 17th CE.
In Kircher’s studies, no event was isolated, his examination of the earth rested with Plato’s philosophy. A world created by God, a manifestation of His perfection. Kircher used indexical and iconic signs to combine rational and empirical techniques sustaining his holistic view.