@malonespeaking I absolutely do not blame these med students for leaving! What type of idiotic lawmakers does Ohio have? If the mother's life is in danger or the fetus is non-viable, a doctor would have to save the mother's life. Bc, let's face it, if the mother dies, the fetus dies. 1/2
@malonespeaking There are emergency situations that require immediate D&E's..partial molar pregnancy, cystic hygroma, molar pregnancies, hemmoraging, severe hyperthyroidism, extreme HCG levels, thyroid storm and many more. 2/3
@malonespeaking 3/3 Yes, these are very rare, but, they do occur. Pull your head out of your a#%, Ohio lawmakers! And I ask the powers that be in Ohio...What would you do if these women who had these kife threatening conditions were your daughters....? #AbortionIsHealthcare#ABORTIONS