🔥Our editorial speaks about the summary of the individual topics.
Na/K ⬇️⬆️in Ca
Palliative Rx
HSCT & kidney
Heme cancer & kidney
Paraneoplastic GN
Sickle cell ds
OncoSx and AKI
Anemia & cancer
Anti Ca Rx dosing in CKD
TxP Onconeph
⭐️Phenotypes of AKI from monoclonal gammopathy
⭐️ Data suggest that patients with MGRS are at high risk for progression to kidney failure if not treated with clone-directed therapy (e.g., bortezomib)
Read more about it in the section "Monoclonal Gammopathies and AKI" ⬇️
⭐️Other etiologies of AKI in cancer
Direct kidney parenchymal infiltration