#PhysicsFactlet (335)
Yesterday, at a small playground where my son was playing, I saw this Kugel fountain, so here comes a short thread about Kugel fountains and how they work.
🧵 1/
(Alt Text: a Kugel fountain slowly rotating in a sunny day.)
First of all, what is a Kugel fountain?
There are a few variations on the theme, but usually they are big stone spheres, sitting on a hemispherical hole, with water flowing from below. Despite their weight, they can spin with a small push, and keep spinning for a long time.
How does it work?
It can't be buoyancy, as the stone sphere is a a LOT more dense than the water (we all have direct experience of stones sinking when you put them in water, and this one is not any different).
If you browse the internet you will find a ton of "answers" claiming that there is a film of water between the stone sphere and the hole, which reduce friction.
This is sort of correct, but doesn't explain how there can be a film of water at all
If you were to just fill the hemispherical hole with water and put the stone sphere in, all the water would be squeezed out, the two stone surfaces would touch, and you wouldn't be able to move the sphere at all!
What those answers are missing is that this is a fountain, and thus you are actively pushing water in from below. If you do it with sufficient pressure, the only way the water has to escape is by lifting the ball a little bit, thus creating the water film we need.
But how much pressure do we need?
Let's make a "order of magnitude" calculation, with a stone sphere with a radius of 1m and a mass of 10³kg, placed in a hemispherical "socket".
The sphere is pulled down by gravity with a force of ∼10⁴N.
Assuming we are pushing water up the fountain with a pressure P, this will exert a upward force on the sphere equal to
Fᵤₚ=∫ P cos θ dS=2π R²∼6 P N
so we need a pressure of approximately 10³Pa. We were a bit optimistic in our calculation, so let's say 10⁴Pa.
This is not all. The hemispherical hole must be a tiny little bit larger than the sphere for this to work, so there is a small rim where the water from below is pushed down by the atmospheric pressure (1atm∼10⁵Pa).
So we need to push water into the fountain with a pressure of ∼1.1 atmospheres, which is not a lot, making a Kugel fountain actually quite easy to run!
#PhysicsFactlet (331)
"Anderson localization" is a weird phenomenon that is not well known even among Physicists, but has the habit of popping up essentially everywhere.
An introductory thread 🧵
The idea of "localization" originally came about as an explanation (by P.W. Anderson, hence the name) of why the spins in certain materials did not relax as fast as expected. nobelprize.org/prizes/physics…
What Anderson realized was that when you have a wave (in this case a quantum mechanical wavefunction) that propagates in a random system, interference can play a major role, and potentially impede propagation completely. journals.aps.org/pr/abstract/10…
Scattering is a major problem for imaging, and it doesn't take very much of it before we can't see essentially anything of what it is happening.
Not surprisingly, imaging in the presence of scattering is a very active field of research. 2/
There isn't a single best way on how to deal with scattering, and the answer depends a LOT on how much scattering we are talking about and its properties.
As a rule of thumb, the most complicated situation is where all light is multiply scattered.
I decided it is high time I learn something about machine learning. I couldn't care less about learning how to use Tensorflow or any other package that do machine learning for you. I "just" want a Physicist's intuition for how and why it works.
A million years ago I asked here for advices on resources. Some were very good advices, some were not. But I am mow armed with a textbook, and will irregularly update here on my progresses.
I am not very far on my path. I've read a few online resources and (so far) the first 30 pages of this book.
I am aware machine learning is a HUGE topic, so I will begin by concentrating on neural networks (and probably a sub-sub-class of neural networks). 3/
#PhysicsFactlet (308)
There are not many problems in Physics that can be solved exactly, so we tend to rely on perturbation theory a lot. One of the problems with perturbation theory is that infinities have the bad habit of popping up everywhere when you use it.
(A thread 1/ )
If you know anything about Physics you are probably thinking about quantum field theory and all the nasty infinities that we need to "renormalize". But quantum field theory is difficult, so let's look at a MUCH simpler problem: the anharmonic oscillator.
Disclaimer: I can't know how much you (the reader) know about this. For some of you this thread will be full of obvious stuff. For others there will be so many missing steps to be hard to follow. I will do my best, but I apologize with everyone in advance.
In celebration of 10k followers, here is a new edition of "people you should follow, but that (given their follower count) probably you don't".
i.e. people I follow, with <5k followers, non-locked, active, that in my personal opinion you should follow too.
In random order: @LCademartiriLab food, chemistry, architecture, and beauty in general. Trigger warning: strong opinions. @VKValev bit of history of Physics + chiral media @DrBrianPatton social justice in science @alisonmartin57 weaving and bamboo structures