10. We know that our model is prone to error and uncertainty. For example:
• What if the deficits would actually be 20% worse under each scenario?
• What if the worst-case scenario isn’t 10% unemployment, but 12%?
11. How can we get useful information out of any model under so much uncertainty?
The key is to look for nonlinearities in the tail.
12. The model says that f(9%) = $200B. But the average of f(8%) and f(10%) is worse: it’s $312.5B.
This nonlinear acceleration in the response function reveals fragility in the tail.
13. An analogy is using an inaccurate ruler to measure the height of a child. It won’t tell you the child’s height, but it will tell you if he or she is growing if you keep using it over time.
We don’t know if our model is accurate. But we can still get information out of it.
14. Recap (technical - can be skipped):
We took the parameter and multiplied a point value (9%) by (1+a) and (1-a). Here a=1/9, so the perturbations yield 10% and 8%. We then found that the response was fragile to volatility.
This is why Nassim refers to this as the 1+a method.
15. Even under considerable uncertainty, our model revealed vulnerability to Black Swans via nonlinear acceleration in the tail.
We can’t predict Black Swans. But this is how we can predict our vulnerability to them.
16. This is a high-level view of predicting vulnerability to Black Swans. But there are important nuances.
For example, the model has to meet certain conditions for the method to work.
I recommend reading this article to better understand these nuances:
How to think about the risk of the Covid vaccine like @nntaleb
Nassim is in favor of the vaccine. He explains why in one of his probability lectures.
If you’re still on the fence, or have a friend or family member who is, read this. 🧵
1. Covid offers no “neutral” choice.
On the one hand, there is the risk of getting vaccinated. On the other, there is the risk of getting (and then spreading) Covid.
The error is to use the precautionary principle for the vaccine, but not for Covid.
2. The risk of Covid is well documented. It’s deadly.
What can we say about the risk of the vaccine?
The traditional mistake is to say that something terrible (like cancer) might develop after, for example, 12 years - so we won’t know if vaccines are safe until after that time.
1. The Law of Large Numbers (LLN) states that sample mean converges to distribution mean for n large. The problem is that we live in the preasymptotic real world - before “n large.” In particular, n is never large enough in Extremistan.
2. Mediocristan vs. Extremistan: In Mediocristan, tail events are the result of many moderate events. If you find two people with a combined height of 13 feet, the most likely combination is 6’6” and 6’6”.