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Jul 22, 2022 205 tweets >60 min read Read on X
#zhanchengxian in which lwj is the emperor and jc and wwx are his concubines au
jc was lwj's first concubine. jc is a trade offer jfm sends off to the emperor in exchange for some power/money/benefits for his family and land. jc is So Very Not At All Gay and reFUSES to let the emperor touch him. it's not like lwj has a thing for forcing himself +
on people (yet) so he uses jc to get some of his chores done, to have him brush his hair in the mornings, and a list of endless things jc hates to do but would rather lose his time on than being a prostitute. now, having a useless, pretty male concubine makes lwj think Thoughts.
those thoughts are 1. jc is very, very fuckable 2. he wants to fuck jc and 3. he cant fuck jc so he's going to find himself another concubine to pleasure himself with. incoming wwx, who works in a brodel since he was way too young (at first cleaning, then selling himself)
wwx is sultry, slutty and shameless. at first lwj is thrown off by how cheeky the boy is, above all with all those "aiya, who would've thought the emperor was a cutsleeve!" or "your concubine must be really useless if he can't satisfy you... or maybe you're just insatiable?"
which A. no, wwx is not allowed to make fun of lwj and his sexuality B. he has no right to disrespect lwj's ah-cheng, and C. he's going to get that stupid smile erased off his face with the way lwj is going to fuck him.
wwx is as loud in bed as he is during his daily life. and wangji really. fucking. enjoys it. and since it happens that he has all the money in the world, he decides to buy wei wuxian himself and bring him home, so he's the only one who can ever touch him again.
wwx is both as scared as he is in awe of lwj's decision. he was used to his life, you see. he may have been a prostitute but he had his liberty, he could get around by himself just fine. and he would complain if lwj palace wasn't what every one of his wet dreams has ever looked +
like. he fills himself with so much food, takes nice long warm baths every single day, has his own huge bed... how is he ever going to complain? all he ever has to do is suck the emperor's dick and look pretty while he's getting his ass pounded. isn't that the easiest life?
everything is perfect until jc learns that wwx has come into their lives. he unfortunately catches the pair in the middle of the act, while wwx is on his fours begging the emperor to give it to him (which the emperor is gladly doing)
everything he had on his hands falls to the floor--vases, cups, plates and food going everywhere, broken porcelain around his feet. lan wangji, startled by the noise, halts his hips and looks up.


jc is not a little kid. he's not. he's 18 and he knows what sex is.
which doesn't mean he was ready to catch who has been his owner and kind of first and only friend for the past year have his way with who he supposes is a boy? no, no, that's perfect. that's great! jc isn't able to give the emperor what he wantd, so of course he'd find +
someone else to do it to him! and, ah, the boy looks glorious underneath lan wangji. he's lean and handsome and his hair curls at the ends, of course the emperor would choose him. of course the emperor would want to run his hands upon this boy, looking all sweaty and satisfied +
with whom he's found. and no, jc is not getting jealous, and he's definitely not bothered that the emperor would dare have sex with someone else other than him. everything's great and fine and great. yes.
"ah-cheng, be careful," lwj says, forcing the poor boy out of his startle. "your feet."

jc is not a kid. he is not, but on god, he reacts just like one. he slams the door closed and runs off somewhere in the gardens, under the bamboo trees lwj planted so he could remember home,
and hides until the sun starts to rise again. he doesn't want to face lwj ever again, and he certainly doesn't want to run into the new concubine, so he waits. he waits until everything feels safe for him to come back to, until he's so hungry he could pass out, and goes back.
lwj is waiting for him, dressed with all the glory and luxury of an emperor, without a trace on him signaling what he was getting into the night before. jc goes to his side begrudgingly. he's gotten used to being by lwj's side, an arm always around his waist, that when lwj +
doesn't touch him he takes it as an insult. as rejection. maybe he'll be sent back home after this. maybe lwj has no use for him anymore, and isnt that just his life? being thrown out of his home when something better comes in? isn't he just disposable like that? but lwj's +
words are still gentle towards him, and that's what breaks jc the most. if lwj liked him so much, why is he replacing him?
"what's wrong, ah-cheng?"
lwj doesn't touch him. maybe if he touched him, jc would break. maybe he'd confess.
"do you need to talk about it?"
jc doesn't want to talk about it and yet he does, like the idiot he is, bc he has been trained to give lwj everything he wants. everything except the only thing lwj ever bought him for, apparently.
"you bought another concubine," he mumbles, grumpy.
"mn. i did."
"i wanted to have sex with him."
"that--!" jc blushes profoundly, outraged at the emperor's honesty.
"it's okay," wangji whispers, touching jc's back "ah-cheng is still my favorite."
"i don't want to be your favorite! i don't care what you do!" jc turns away from lwj, ready to +
storm back to his chamber, but lwj grabs his arm and spins him around. the seriousness on his face is way too cold.
"you are not allowed to speak to me like this."
jc's blood freezes. the emperor has never menaced him, has never put a hand on him in a way that hurt. maybe +
that'll change, after today. maybe he's not suitable for the emperor's kindness anymore.
lwj sighs, composing himself, before letting jc's arm go.
"ah-cheng mustn't worry." lwj touches the side of his face, tender, and it only serves to break jc's heart.
jc looks down, tired, and nods. "okay."
lwj holds the boy between his arms, gently, his cheek pressed to the top of his head. jc has grown used to being the emperor's pet, his servant, the apple to his eye. he doesn't feel spoiled or pampered by him, today. he can't feel wanted.
i'll continue this later mwah mwah !!
It goes on like this for a while: wwx and lwj start to grow close and close, and jc learns to watch from the side without disturbing their bliss. wwx has been watching him from afar, too, curious by the only other concubine in the palace, but held back by the emperor himself.
"what is up with him?" he asks one day, while he's rubbing some ointment on the emperor's back. "is he bad at sex or something?"
lwj has learnt that wwx is very nosy. he doesn't care that this is the emperor's life he's nosying into. actually, he might enjoy it even more.
"nothing's wrong with ah-cheng."
"then why does he never fuck you?"
"he doesn't want to."
wwx snorts. "ah, so you're giving him a choice? how very kind of you."
lwj turns around and leans up, suddenly serious. "you have a choice, too."
wwx is caught off guard, that's why he +
doesn't throw a sarcastic word back at him. he has never had a choice or say in what he does in life, why would the emperor's will change anything? it doesn't, that's the thing. but he appreciates the effort.
"nah, I'm fine as I am"
lwj nods.
"i wouldn't have spent my money on a concubine that can't please me, though. at least I'd call him what he is: a servant."
lwj lays back down, thoughtful. "no. ah-cheng is my concubine."
wwx snorts again, shrugs. "don't have to convince me!"
it doesn't take wwx long before he sneaks into jc's chamber in search of answers. lwj had recently left his room after a long few hours of sexual craze, so wwx is sure he's gonna waste some time bathing before he makes it back. therefore, he flees.
jc's room is dim, silent, when he walks in. the boy is sitting on his chair reading something, wearing beautiful purple silk and his long hair tied in braids around his head. if lwj is going to dress him like a concubine, wwx would think he'd use him as one, yet here he is +
reading in a room filled with books and entertainment as if he were a spoiled child instead of a cheap slave. wwx is somehow jealous.
"what are you reading?" he asks, startling jc off his seat. he comes up to his side and sits, looking at the book. he can't really read it, tho.
"what are you doing in my room?" jc barks at him. "get out!"
"it was about time we met, isn't it? I'm wei wuxian, second concubine" says wwx with a beautiful smile, now eyeing the boy up close. he reaches out to touch the jewelry around his neck, astounded. "you look expensive."
"don't touch me!" jc jerks away, his face red. "who do you think you are?"
wwx rolls his eyes. in his brothel all the concubines were all over each other at all times. it was seen as a perk, since they had no problem playing with each other for the clients. wwx isn't a big fan +
of personal space, that's why he doesn't understand that jc might need him to stay away. he grabs jc's hands, bringing them to his face. "ah, such beautiful hands! i love how your nails are done!"
jc yanks them back, flustered, only for wwx to reach out and cup his face.
"you are one grumpy kid, but i can see why hanguang-jun keeps you around. you sure are a beauty!"
"s-stop with that nonsense--"
wwx tugs from a loose strand of hair, admiring it. "ah, i bet he loves touching such silky hair. he has a thing for hair, you know? maybe if you--"
"i said stop it!"
wwx looks at jc as if he had slapped him across the face. he finally pulls back, suddenly self-conscious. is this how the kid rejects the emperor each time? bc no wonder lwj doesn't want to touch him.
"please get out of my room," jc mumbles, unable to look up.
wwx drags his fingers down his own mane, consoling himself. "i don't even know your name, though."
"you don't need to know my name."
wwx throws him a look, then smirks.
"fine, then." he gets up, ready to leave, and says. "I'll just call you ah-cheng, too!"
"don't you dare--!"
wwx is gone before jc can say anything more, giggling to himself. so that was an... interesting first encounter. wwx has a few first impressions of jc, and none of them are good enough answers. jc is 1. a rich family kid sold out for more money 2. probably has never known +
true acceptance or love (maybe attraction, either) 3. he doesn't like to be touched or disturbed, and 4. if he ever actually wants to do things with the emperor, wwx will probably lose his job...
but he doesn't worry about that for now, knowing that jc won't be capable of having sex with lwj. at least, he doesn't worry until he sees them both together.

he has been getting used to the luxuries of the palace, and the privileges lwj oh so selflessly gives him (and jc) +
that he has started to fool himself into believing he had it all "secured". that's until he sees them together.

one night, since the emperor hadn't come to visit, he decided to wander around the palace. it was one of the first times he saw the big lights on in jc's room, and +
he immediately got distracted. he cracked the door open and sneaked in, unnoticed. jc and lwj were sitting around jc's table, dining together. or, rather, lwj was feeding jc, and jc was munching up every piece of food without complaint, with an expression of absolute +
mellow and submissive expression, eyes big and adoring yet shy, composed. wwx hid behind a screen to watch how jc accepted each spoon of food, how he hummed whenever the emperor would ask if the food is good, if he wants more, etc... he seemed a completely different person than +
wwx had met the other day, but it started to make sense why lwj would be so eager to keep him around. lwj was an emperor that lived to provide, to accommodate his loved ones, loved to be allowed to give his love. jc was allowing all of that—needed it, even. where lwj needed to +
give, jc needed to take. they were an almost perfect match, wwx would say. he doesn't know why jc denies lwj sex, not with the way he's already putty on his hands, already lwj's. when lwj takes his chin in hand, thumbing at the sauce at the side of his lip, jc instinctively +
opens up and sucks at his finger, cleaning him. lwj seems marveled, in trance, his ears red and mouth wet from licking his lips. jc looks up with big doey eyes, as if he didn't know the effect he has on the emperor (which he probably doesn't, ugh). wwx can feel the sexual +
tension all the way into his bones and between his legs, and it pisses! him! off! that jc isn't acting on it! can't he see the way lwj wants to ravish him?! for god's sake, just give in, kid! no concubine friend of his has every been as picky and distant as him! a shame, truly!
after, lwj takes the boy to where he has placed his guqin, seats him on his lap, and plays for his ears only. at this point, wwx couldn't be more confused. is lwj in love with jc, or does he just want to protect him? it is obvious that lwj desires jc, so it cannot just be +
that lwj felt sorry for the kid he bought and wanted to compensate for the traumas inflicted by his family. lwj does call him his concubine, so maybe he was waiting until jc was of age? nothing makes sense!

he stays there until jc has dozed off on the emperor's chest.
he doesn't need to see the emperor taking jc to bed or the soft devotion on his face as he tucks him in. it is clear that something weird and fucked up is going on here, but e doesn't know what. everything was much easier when people who paid to fuck him only wanted to fuck him!
thing is, wwx isn't a jealous person, not when he doesn't have reasons to. if he's kicked out and freed after this, so be it. he should've never gotten attached to this life, anyway. and of course he's disposable, that's something he knew from the start. so, instead of being +
distracted by negative thoughts, he decides to spend some time helping jc, even when jc refuses his presence.
Do jc and wwx end up getting along?
it took wwx no less than a week to sneak back into jc's room at night. the emperor was a busy man, so even though he spared lots of time to release his tensions with his favorite boys, he also lost many days to political matters. which was a good thing: it allowed him to rest.
it also gave him space to get to know jc better. and to annoy the heck out of him, obviously. the night he snuck into jc's room, jc /refused/ his presensce. viciously.
"i told you i don't want you here!"
"but ah-cheng, we have hardly met each other, we shall really share a moment together!"
"and do not call me ah-cheng, that's reserved for--! it's not for you to use!"
wwx smiles smugly. "aw, you really are the emperor's cute pet, aren't you?"
jc gets on his feet, fuming, and points at the door. "out. NOW."
"aah ah-cheng! you're so irritable! how does the emperor do it to make you so sweet and tender for him?"
jc's face is boiling red, fists curled into fists. "w-what?!"
wwx laughs, rests his chin on his hand.
"i've seen how he treats you, you know. or rather... how you let him treat you." he bats his lashes at jc. "such a sweet doll for him. if only you gave him what he wants most of you..."
that seems to be the last straw for jc, who grabs wwx's fine clothes and pushes him back +
against the wooden floors, looking at him with such unreasonable rage. "you don't know anything about me, so stop talking."
wwx is perplexed by jc. jc may be throwing a fit and trying to attack him with his fury, but all wwx can see on his face is... conflict. confussion, even.
this time, when wwx speaks, he's not fooling around or trying to push jc's buttons. his curiosity is honest. someone could call it worry, even.
"why don't you allow him to approach you?" before jc can get angry(er) at him, he throws his hands up, excusing himself. "i'm not +
trying to make fun of you, really! i just want to understand you, i promise!"
jc looks at him with anger for a few seconds, pushes him against the floor and stands up. walks away.
wwx sits up again, watches jc pace around the room.
"if there's anything wrong... you can tell me."
jc snorts. "as if!"
wwx smiles. "you know, i've lived in a whore house most of my life. i've seen my fair amount of shit. whatever it is, it won't surprise me."
jc clearly doesnt want to tell him anything. he throws him a harsh look and goes sit at the other side of the room.
"are you just gonna stay there all night, or what?" he spits out.
wwx goes lay down on top of a blanket and a few cushions, on his stomach, resting his chin on his hands. "i'd love to hear you talk, babe. i love a good conversation."
"sure, that's why hanguang-jun keeps you."
wwx's grin grows into a devilish, toothy smile. "that's exactly it, yes."
they stay in silence for a while.
"i have all day, you know."
"maybe the emperor will come back and finally shut you up."
"might take a few days, tho."
"are you gonna /really/ stay here til then?"
"so be it."
"so be it, indeed! you have a lovely room."
jc is giving him his back, but wwx can see his eyes rolling.
"why did your family sell you, by the way? i've heard they were already rich."
"bc i'm worthless."
wwx hadnt expected the quick answer, even less such a harsh one.
jc spares him a quick glance. there's abhorrence in his eyes, as if he's gone over the subject so many times he has bored himself. and it didn't make it hurt less.
"why else would it be?" jc continues.
wwx sits up, serious, but jc isn't looking at him anymore.
"well, i'm sure that's not true!"
"Oh, haven't i proved it enough to you, tho? isnt that why you're here? i've heard you talk, you know. i know what words you use to describe me."
now it's wwx's turn to blush. "oh, ah-cheng..."
"don't call me--!"
wwx rushes to his side and +
grabs his arm, trying to get him to look his way. "i know i'm a lousy mouth sometimes and that i over-speak, but i genuinely just want to know you! you confuse me, that's why! as a concubine myself, i do not understand your reasoning!"
jc turns further away.
"whatever it is you heard, it wasn't meant with malice. not against you, at least! i just like to tease the emperor sometimes. i will prove it if you need me to!"
jc clicks his tongue, shrugs wwx's hand off himself. "whatever."
"i will make it up to you."
"ugh. pls dont."
"i promise that, i, wei wuxian," he starts, holding three fingers up in promise, "will take care of you from now on!"
"just let me go to sleep, for goodness sake!!!!!"
wwx isnt faced by jc's sudden roar, although he does have to close his eyes. "um... we can go to sleep, yes."
they do go to bed, although wwx doesnt let silence lull them into slumber. he keeps chatting with jc, although jc doesn't give back many words to keep up the conversation. mostly, wwx just rambles about things. stories, anecdotes from the brothel, varied opinions...
after a long while, jc is so exhausted that he dozes off, and wwx doesnt notice until a while later. he comes up to jc's bed to stare at him, at the sleeping beauty lwj has the misfortune of not being able to touch, and reaches a hand out.
careful not to awaken him, wwx cups the side of jc's face, admiring it. he would look so pretty between the emperor's legs, his mouth occupied and chin wet from the work. he moves the loose, skimpy clothes over jc's chest to see his torso. he could pinch his tummy if he wanted, +
his baby fat growing instead of disappearing, from how well fed he is in the palace. his nipples are small and brown. the still thickening hair travelling down into his underwear is very, very tempting. one day he'll have a v line to kill for, to dive in and die on.
wwx kind of wants to see more. in his brothel, there wasnt a body he hadnt seen from up close and personal, or touched with hands and lips. his instinct is to devour, to satiate his hunger, but he stops himself. he is not here to assault an unwilling, barely of age boy. he is +
here to help him, to befriend him. which doesnt mean he wont admire him from a respectful distance, of course! when jc allows him to, he will sculpt him into the sexiest, most appealing man, but for now that'll have to wait.
he smiles, sweetly. here, sleeping and soft, jc may +
as well be an angel. wwx kind of admires the way in which he's protecting his own innocence with such fervor, even if he doesnt understand why or what he's protecting it from, exactly. he wishes he could have stayed an untouched boy like jc, until he chose to be touched.
he wants that for jc, tho, so he will try to be more patient in the future. at least try, yes.
he bends forward and presses a soft kiss to jc's cheek, sealing his promise. at that moment, jc's eyes flutter open to encounter his face looking down at him, framed by moonlight.
jc's heart pounds loudly in his chest. he's felt this before, waking up under lwj's loving gaze: nervousness, excitement. /anticipation/.
"w-what are you doing?"
"sorry!" wwx's voice is lower, breathy. "you looked so lovely while sleeping. i had to take a look."
jc gulps, writhes a little. "um, can you..."
wwx tilts his head. gosh, he's so close to jc's face, the idiot! "yes?"
jc presses his thighs together, stares away. "you're too close."
"oh. oh, sorry! i'm just used to--sorry!"
wwx, surprisingly, does move away.
however, he lays down next to jc, although this time jc doesnt mind. everyone in the castle is asleep, so wwx's whispering is loud, ticklish where it grazes his ear.
"sorry i woke you. you seemed to be having a good sleep."
"it's... it's okay."
wwx chuckles.
jc, "what?"
"this is the first time you don't scold me. i feel very happy!"
jc blushes, closes his eyes. wwx is a true, honest beauty. he feels dirty looking at him the way the emperor does--with desire for him and his gifts, for his fascinating features. "dont get used to it."
"i won't!"
this is an intimacy jc wasnt expecting to recieve from wwx. laying on his bed at night, whispering to each other as if they had the biggest secrets, just generally being comfortable and cozy. he's even more surprised when he doesn't spring away the moment wwx's fingers start +
running up and down his arm, absentminded.
"hey, ah-cheng?"
"have you ever kissed someone?"
jc is sleepy, barriers down. he doesn't feel any malice in wwx, although he might regret talking to him about this in the morning. "no."
"not even the emperor?"
"not really."
"do you not want to?"
jc doesn't say anything to that. interesting.
"do you want to know what it is like?"
"what are you saying?"
"if you want to know what a kiss is, ah-cheng."
jc's skin is covered in goosebumps where wwx is touching him. he has his legs firmly pressed +
together, ignoring a feeling he knows he has to refuse himself, or else he could slip and fall. "i don't know."
wwx leans up onto an elbow, caressing his skin. "i don't mind showing you, if you wanted to try."
jc looks at him, embarrassed as one could be. this beautiful boy, +
expensive as no concubine has ever been since the emperor chose him over all else, is offering himself for jc's sake. is there a way to refuse him?
like this, jc can almost forget just how annoying wwx is through the day.
"why would you do that?"
"well, because i'm a very good kisser, of course! i like to show off my skill!"
jc makes a grimace.
"but don't worry, i'm not just doing it for your sake. i will also receive something in return, you know."
jc's mouth is dry. he licks his lips. "what is that?"
wwx's eyes have been fixed on his for a while now. he catches his bottom lip with his teeth, no sign of a smile on his face. "i get to steal your first kiss."
jc throws a hand over his eyes. "you're so shameless..!"
jc's heart pounds even faster as wwx leans closer and he feels +
his soft lips and warm breath against the palm of his hand, then tempting his fingertips. "please, ah-cheng? i will make it good."
jc is sure about that. but /that's not the damn problem/.
"i wont take more than you want to give me. promise."
fingers sneak over his tummy +
underneath his clothes. a palm spreads against his bare stomach. jc sucks in a breath, his arm is moved out of the way, allowing wwx to see him.
"i will teach you how to kiss him, so when you do, the emperor will find himself down on his knees for you, defenseless."
"wei wuxian--"
his pinky finds his happy trail, his other fingers follow after. he has leaned closer to jc's face so their breaths mix together, so the haze grows in their brains.
"may i? please."
if only wwx bent further in... if he touched a little bit lower, he-- he would--
jc closes his eyes, lets it happen. wwx only gives him a long, pressing kiss, but his breathing alters and his back arches slightly, as if he was crawling out of his skin.
the second kiss isn't as careful.
wwx dives in with quite some hunger, after making sure with a quick +
glance that jc is okay.
wwx's mouth is... heavenly, yes. there's no other way to describe it. all those urges and desires jc was prohibiting himself? they were being captive right here, on the tip of wwx's tongue, that so tenderly parts his lips so he can slip inside.
jc knew sin was in his path, but if sin feels the way wwx's kiss does? maybe all those saints haven't really met heaven before.
he starts to pant soon, overwhelmed by the heavy, heated kiss wwx is taking from him.
he doesn't complain once. not when his bottom lip is sucked +
between wwx's lips, or when he bites it, or when wwx pushes his tongue strong and confident against his so they can play together. he doesn't complain about the wandering hand touching his stomach, his hip, the interior of his thighs or the small of his back. he thought lips +
were all the parts playing in a kiss, and he was so damn wrong. when he hears wwx moan against his mouth, he nearly damn loses his mind. and it's suddenly all too much and he shivers in a bad way, in a contradicting way. even then, he can't move his mouth away from wwx's, +
not even when he asks. "why? why are you kissing me?"
wwx doesn't stop. he licks over jc's reddening mouth, obsessed. moans like the slut they made of him.
"i am--i am a boy, so why... why?"
wwx pushes away from him. he takes his hands, presses them hard against the bed.
"yes. /exactly/ because you're a boy. shit- ah-cheng, i..." he breathes into his neck, bites the flesh there. "i'm supposed to only be giving you a kiss, and yet..."
jc hasn't known sensations like these until today. he didn't know his body could react this way, that it +
could /work/ for him. "yes?"
"i want to touch you, so badly." wwx pecks his lips, twice, thrice. "if this is only a portion of what the emperor feels for you, then gosh, i have no idea how he can control himself."
"you--you're exaggerating."
"i wish i were..."
"i don't understand--"
"you don't have to." somehow, amid the haze, wwx manages to look at him with seriousness. "you don't have to question what you feel, or why i am attracted to you. why the emperor desires you so badly. why /you/ desire him back. it's okay."
jc presses his ass back onto the bed when wwx reaches down to his thighs again. "what if--what if--"
"if someone ever dared cross you, the emperor would kill them. be sure of that."
jc knows. it is as terrifying as it is pleasing, knowing that the emperor would kill for his sake.
jc loses all sense of self when wwx dares climb over him, passing a leg betewen his so his crotch is receiving the pressure he has been denying himself for so long. he is distracted by the lingering, demanding kisses wwx gives him, lost in the pleasure of the flesh he had +
sworn he didn't need for himself. he starts humping wwx's leg without even noticing, nor does he realize wwx is doing the same against his hip, both so needy and hot they cannot contain their urges anymore.
jc is happy wwx hasnt directly touched him down there, though, cause +
that would have been a bit too much for him rn. instead, he gets to lose himself in the moment, even dares to grab at wwx and bring him close, kissing back with fervour.
he comes with a contained moan, eyes rolling back and mind going blank for a short while, although wwx +
doesn't seem to notice, as he is too busy sucking on jc's earlobe and letting his hand wander over his pectorals.
jc breathes heavily after he comes down from his high, legs spasming under wwx from such unspent, contained pleasure finally being released.
wwx smiles, satisfied, +
gives one gentle kiss to jc's cheek. "i'm so happy you had fun, ah-cheng."
jc blushes. "how... how do you--"
"i can smell it from up here. it's a very tempting smell, too."
"everything tempts you, apparently."
"oh, you have no idea..."
wwx licks his lip, presses +
his hips against jc. "do you mind if i...?"
jc shakes his head before he can think his answer through.
wwx nods, bites his lips, and pushes his underwear down so he can grab hold of himself. jc tries to face away, but wwx begs him, "no, look at me. i want you to look at me."
so jc does, to his mortification. wwx jerks his cock fast on his hand, but jc can feel him against his naked hip. all that wetness, that burning heat... he has it right there, it's happening at the moment, and he /cant do anything about it/.
he watches in awe, dumbfounded +
how wwx closes his eyes, opens his mouth and comes with a sweet, sweet moan, his sperm hitting the side of his body in long, thick stripes. he's so close to getting hard again, so close to asking wwx for a hand between his legs, but he stops himself at the last second.
wwx falls down next to him, satisfied, and chuckles. "i swear i just wanted to give you a kiss!"
"you did give me a kiss, tho..."
"i also made myself come against you..."
jc cover his face again, ashamed. "yeah, you did."
wwx kisses his shoulder, holds him close.
"was it good? did it feel good?"
jc doesn't want to say yes, even if it is the truth. so he nods instead.
wwx closes his eyes and lays down, tired. "i'm glad, ah-cheng."
"it's jiang cheng. just... call me jiang cheng."
wwx looks at him fondly. "yes. yes, of course."
jc wakes up with a hand rubbing his back and hair, and wwx's pretty face mere centimeters from his.
"good morning, beautiful," wwx singsongs, his usual, honest smile on his lips. "slept well?"
"what... what are you still doing here?"
"why, you thought i'd just leave in the +
middle of the night?" wwx grins, mischevious. "so you can pretend it didn't happen?"
jc blushes, tilts his head down to hide himself. "shut up."
one of wwx's legs is between jc's, one of his arms being used as pillow by the youngest boy. jc doesnt know how he ended up tangled +
with wwx's body, but even if it's a nice sensation, he's also deeply ashamed of the state they're in.
"we should go take a bath," instrucgts wwx, although he doesnt let jc go, nor stops touching him. "before we go have breakfast."
jc nods, unable to say a word.
wwx presses a kiss against his nose, right under his eye. jc wishes he had aimed for his lips instead.
in the bathtub the servants prepare for them, wwx immediatelly snuggles close to him, asks him to sit between his legs.
it is weird, going from not being able to see him to +
be pampered by wwx in no less than a night, and all bc wwx is a shameless individual as jc hasnt met before. and bc he is a great kisser, too. jc doesnt want to let his guard down, he really doesnt, but as wwx soaps his hair and washes his body, it is difficult not to do so.
at some point, wwx presses his lips to the back of his neck, to his shoulder, over there, he mumbles, "jiang cheng, turn towards me."
with a bit of exciting fear, jc does. as he was expecting, wwx plants a kiss to his mouth. they kiss for a while, tenderly, nothing like +
the heated kisses they shared last night, until jc turns away from wwx once more, lost in his thoughts.
"do you think he'll be angry?" jc asks. "that you stole my first kiss, i mean."
wwx stays silent for a while. which is a first between them, apparently. "maybe? i don't know."
that doesn't make jc any bit happy, tbh.
"he is very possessive of you, so... if i appear dead somewhere, you know who did it."
jc smacks him. "don't say those things!"
"i mean it! he might either kill me, or be turned on by it, and i'm not very sure which one it's going to be."
after a short while, wwx adds, "i'm sure if we put on a show for him, he'll forgive us."
jc frowns at him.
wwx blinks, not understanding the harsh look. "you know, like... making out around his dick or something."
"why do you have to be so nasty?!"
"i'm just saying...!"
it seems to go back to normal. wwx and jc have very different personalities, and just bc wwx has taken jc's first kiss from him doesnt mean jc's boundaries have lifted completely. there's still work to do, and wwx is very well aware.
they have bigger problems on their hands atm.
he hadnt realized that maybe lwj would have wanted to keep all of jc's firsts to himself, and the fact that he has stolen the most innocent and pure of them scares him.
so he does the only thing he has learnt lwj respects more than anything: being honest about what happened.
The emperor....
"hanguang-jun, i have something to tell you."
wwx is used to hang around the emperor as a pretty piece of clothing, nothing more than decoration. he's watching him get some paperwork done before their usual night of sex, bored out of his mind, when guilt snaps back into him, and+
he has to speak. he sits up and waits for lwj to look at him, but lwj merely cants his head his way.
"it's something regarding jiang cheng. something... we did."
that gets the emperor's interest. he stops writing, raises his eyebrows at him in interest.
"i... um, well, i don't exactly know how to-"
"wei ying," lwj's voice is peaceful, understanding. that might not last long. "what's the matter?"
"i kissed jiang cheng the other day."
everything seems to still. hgj has his eyes on him, unmoving, as unmoving as his whole being.
the static of the emperor starts to make wwx panic, so he does what he does best when nervous: talk.
"i went into his room bc i wanted to get to know him and maybe help him be a better concubine and, you know, all those things, it's not like it was planned or anything! we +
just lay there and he looked really pretty and i had to ask him if he wanted to practice kissing! you know, so he knows what he's doing when he-- when you-- you know what i mean, right?"
"you kissed ah-cheng?" lwj asks softly, perplexed. there's a trembling on his voice that +
wwx can't decipher, and he fears it might be a glimpse to lwj's anger.
"i... i did, yes. i'm--"
"on the mouth?"
wwx lowers his head. "yes."
"he allowed it to happen?"
"um... yes."
lwj looks down for the first time in three whole minutes, then up at him again. "bring him to me."
wwx's face pales. "hanguang-jun?"
hgj looks down at his paper, his face in shadows. "do as i ordered."
wwx goes with trembling limbs. he's scared for both of their lives, if not worse. he wishes he'd've been brave enough to stay and talk to hgj, but he doesn't want to face him +
by himself! what if by asking hgj about his... opinion, regarding that kiss, he angers him and gets himself killed? that would be horrible!
wwx cannot tell jc about the reason why he's being called to hgj's chamber, either, or else jc wouldn't come! he knows he's being sneaky +
and selfish but he can't help it, he needs someone by his side right now!
when they go into hgj's room, hgj has put the paperwork away and is sitting in the middle of the room, waiting for them.
wwx gulps, taking jc's hand in his and dragging them both towards the emperor.
jc kneels next to wwx with wide, unexpecting eyes, not knowing what he's being called for. the seriousness between wwx and lwj is something he wasn't expecting, and makes his own heart race a little. he clings to wwx's arm, pressing close to his side. wwx gives him a cautios +
glance, shifts awkwardly where he's kneeling.
the emperor's eyes are unwavering, cold, even, as he stares at them. even as imperturbable, there's something burning behind those pupils that jc cannot decipher yet.
"wei ying told me what happened."
wwx freezes by jc's side.
jc gives him a look, without understanding.
lwj holds his hands together over his thighs. "about the kiss."
oh. oh, no.
jc looks at wwx again, who's cheeks are red and eyes on the floor. he has no idea if wwx has been or will be punished, if they are both going to be +
reprimanded, if this is their last time seeing each other... suddenly, jc feels cold, like he can't even swallow another breath. he threads their fingers together, gets ready to defend them both from whatever fury lwj may have inside him.
"i though ah-cheng had no desire to experiment such things."
"i-- it's not like that..."
hgj breathes in long and hard. "do you desire wei ying?"
jc and wwx look at each other quickly, guiltily. "that's not it--!"
"then why would you gift him your first kiss?"
jc hates being scolded. he hated it when he was a kid and his mother would throw a tantrum over something silly jc couldn't do, and he hates it now, with the emperor, who owns him and all of his choices, who jc is infantuated with and never would have wanted to disappoint like +
this, even if he hates more than anything that he has to explain why he would kiss a boy of his liking. he wishes he had the free choice of kissing whomever he wanted whenever he needed, but it's not the case, and he knows he has to be reprimanded it for forgetting his place.
jc bends down, presses his forehead to the floor. "i apologize, hanguang-jun, we didn't mean to--"
"do not apologize, jiang cheng."
the emperor's voice is low, contained. jc peeks up in fear, tears welling up at the corners of his eyes.
"i promise we didn't mean to--"
both boys hold their heads down in shame. hgj is breathing profoundly, slowly. whatever beast he's going to unleash against them, they just want to meet it already. it's not fair that hgj would hold them at gunpoint like this, without deciding their fate. the fear they share +
could make them both pass out!
hgj, however, is pitiless today. he knows what both boy's must be thinking: that he's going to expel them, hit them, kill them, even. he knows they are afraid of his unjust mercy, and although it hurts him that they would think so low of him, his +
own selfishness prevents him of releasing them from their suffering. he wants them to experience the kind of emotional wounding he felt when he learned his dear ah-cheng had given his first kiss to someone else.
he wants to make them pay, just not in the way they think they will.
"come closer, both of you."
the three are basically sitting on the same ground level, but that doesn't help both concubines from feeling small and inferior.
they approach with caution, still holding hands as if that could save them from whatever the emperor had prepared for them.
it hurts to see, really, how these two went from not crossing a word to holding onto each other as if they couldn't let go, and it all happened behind lwj's back. he should have been allowed to at least watch!
when they sit again, they are within hand reach. lwj goes to touch +
jc's cheek, and the boy recoils as if he was going to get hit. everything hurts lwj, truly. he wishes these boys would see him the way he sees and cherishes them.
he makes jc look up at him, thumbs at his bottom lip. jc parts his mouth slightly, confused.
"i haven't given you permission to speak."
jc closes his mouth, his eyes. he is as sweet as he is tempting. his lips should only be for him.
"was wei ying a good kisser? was he gentle with you?"
jc slowly opens his eyes again. he seems less scared now, a but more coy. maybe the +
fact that lwj's voice isn't cutting anymore has helped. maybe he should have started /here/.
jc nods, blushes.
lwj licks his lips. "was jiang cheng sweet, wei ying? did he reciprocate correctly?"
lwj doesn't take his eyes off jc, but he can see wwx nod by his side.
"i know he is," he says to himself, thumb caressing jc's ear. he holds the boy by the back of the neck, hold strong, and pushes him closer. "i know my ah-cheng wouldn't disappoint. he is too perfect."
jc tries to shy away from hgj, but hgj won't allow him.
"don't be shy, now."
jc covers his face with his hands, so ashamed he could start boiling. lwj kisses the top of his head, his temple, over his ear... places he has never kissed but are now, somehow, free for him to claim.
lwj trails his free hand down jc's back, over his hip, and whispers, "if you +
do not desire me, you must say so now."
jc grabs at his clothes, head canted away from his view. "it's not like that. it's not--"
"you desire wei ying?"
"i don't know!"
"if you kissed him, you must have."
jc doesn't want to be having this conversation, to be facing these demons.
he wants to go back to his room and hide in his bed until wwx and lwj have made up in his behalf, so he never has to speak about this to a single soul in the world.
"why are you afraid of admitting so, ah-cheng?"
"i don't know!"
next to his ear, hgj says:
"my desire for you is uncontrollable, ah-cheng. i tried to contain it, to save you from it for you are to choose when i can release it, but i cannot hold it anymore."
lwj parts from him, takes his face in his hands. jc's heart is pounding heavily, excited and scared for things +
he doesn't understand yet. he grabs at hgj's wrists, doesn't know how to stay and run away at the same time.
"i must know, ah-cheng, i must. if you do not desire me, i..."
lwj looks down, pressing their foreheads together. that's not it! it's not! jc just--!
"i will let you go."
jc shakes his head before he can really think about it. no, he doesn't want to go anywhere. he wants to be here, to live with hgj, to be by his side forever!
"don't let go of me, please...!"
lwj startles, pulls back.
"that kiss, we just-- i'm sorry!"
wwx shrinks a little by +
jc's side. he kind of wishes he didn't have to hear the emperor confessing his undying lust (love) for the first concubine right in front of his damn face, or jc implying that their kiss was unwanted. if this is a fraction of what jc feels when lwj and him are together, then no +
wonder he resented him so much from the beggining.
"you didn't answer my question," lwj insists, "do you want /me/?"
jc flushes red. "i-- i d-do! it's just--! i'm...!"
"it's okay," lwj soothes him. "i know you need time, my sweet thing. stop worrying."
jc wants to cry, honestly.
the emperor is the meanest man he has ever encountered! so shameless, so cruel! he doesn't want to be saying these things in front of him!
"but," lwj adds, his hold tightening. "you are not allowed to give any more firsts to anyone else. understood? you are no one's but mine."
jc's heart skips a bit. how can it be that lwj's possessiveness makes him /happy/?
he nods, and lwj releases him. hgj reaches out towards wwx this time, holding his chin up. wwx looks wary, disheartened.
"now, your punishment."
wwx's eyes widen. he though he had gotten away!
"w-wait, hanguang-jun--" jc tries to interfere, but lwj won't allow it.
"you, too. punishment."
jc closes his mouth, blushes even more.
lwj turns towards wwx, examining his face from up close. "if wei ying stole ah-cheng's first kiss, i must witness how it happened."
( ☕️ --> ko-fi.com/wenqueen )
the boys look at each other, perplexed. surely hgj must be implying... something else, right?
"wei ying," lwj turns towards the oldest, eyebrows slightly rised. "show me what you did."
wwx sighs, spins towards jc. "if i must..."
jc's heart kicks and turns in his chest, his hand +
rises and holds wwx away from him.
"are you joking?" his voice is a little high pitched, the way it used to be years ago. "th-there's no way--"
"ah-cheng," wy soothes, coming closer. he puts one of his hands on the small of jc's back, the other reciprocates jc's grip. +
"it's okay, it's just me"
jc looks directly at him, but the emperor's presence is too strong.
"just look at me," wwx whispers. he cups jc's face, presses their foreheads together. "don't think about anything else. you're okay, yes?"
hesitantly, jc nods, making wwx smile.
"go ahead," comes lwj's command, making jc's skin go cold again, even when he manages not to look away from wy.
jc didn't want to think wwx was right when he said the emperor would want them to put on a show for him, maybe for more reasons than his own embarrassment, but to +
have to experience this when it hasn't even been a week since he missed another boy for the first time, it is, to put it simply, too much.
he knows he's not allowed to complain any longer, to stir the emperor's ire any further, therefore he accepts his penance.
he gives a tiny nod towards wwx, just to let him know he's ready (sort of) and wwx immediately leans closer to him.
they share a few timid pecks, even smaller than the first kiss wwx ever gave him, as if the emperor's eyes on them could erase the heat they feel for the other.
wwx's hands, however, hold jc closer to him. he looks into jc's eyes when he parts, tries to see if he is okay, and gets lost in jc's sweet innocence every time he has to face it.
he brings jc's face closer, presses their mouths flush together for it doesn't matter to him who's +
watching and who isn't: when he wants someone, he will show it, above all because it's a /command/, and although he was scared moments ago, this scenario also turns him on.
jc tries to speak as the kisses grow longer, more meaningful, as wwx's hands travel down to his ass and +
to the back of his neck, impeding him of moving away.
wwx breathes out slowly, profoundly, without hearing him once.
"wei ying," lwj says instead, "this is not how you usually kiss. do better."
wwx whines pitifully, but wastes no time in taking jc for himself the way he likes to.
the kisses turn wet, demanding. soon enough, jc is gasping for air and his mouth is sensitive from all the kissing and biting. wwx climbs him so their hips can be against each other, so jc can feel the hardness starting to grow there. it is overwhelming, there's too many things +
happening at once and he seems the only one who doesn't know where this is going, or what to do with it!
at some point, lwj must think they've had enough, that they're turned on enough to have to call it quits, and pulls wwx off jc.
it is so sudden they both groan, hands still +
tangled up and eyes hard to open.
jc barely sees through the haze how wwx is pulled to his feet by hgj's side, and pushed towards the emperor's bed.
"go lie down," hgj commands, and both boys can hear just how affected they've got him, too.
jc's face can't be any redder...
when lwj looks at him, he thinks his brain might shut off.
"you are to stay where you're sitting."
"my lord--" tries to interfere wwx, but lwj is already making his way back, untying his belts and letting his robes fall from his body.
before he's completely naked, with his head +
down, jc dares ask: "do i have to watch?"
lwj throws him a calculating look. for a moment, jc fears hgj will say /yes/.
"you don't have to."
jc breathes out, relieved, but not for long. soon enough, wwx has started verbally responding to what hgj is doing to him, even if +
jc cannot see it happen. it is a nightmare, a joyous dream, the worst reprimand he's had to experience, too. he wishes he dared watch as much as he wants to delete the memories from his brain.
it all goes downhill from there. jc has to endure every whine and moan, every damn word that leaves the emperor's mouth, and boy, isn't lwj filthy and cruel! from the very first "wei ying, kneel before me", to the way he gagged wwx silent, or to the "don't move, you can take it"
all the way to the end, to those "this is how you intend to make up for your mistakes? move faster", "wei ying is but a slut, everyone can hear the person that you truly are", "that's it, you feel really good, i will come inside you", to the terrible, terrible end, the+
feared "wei ying, you are not allowed to come". wwx cries out at that, painfully.
hgj leaves wwx after he's done orgasming, without a second glance to spare him, and walks to jc's front with a semi transparent sheet barely hiding his lower half, just to say, "you can leave, now."
jc isn't intimidated by hgj's presence, no. he is also not mortified by how damp his eyes are, or how much damper his barely clothed crotch is. he doesn't feel anything as he rushes back to his room and, for the first time since he realized he likes boys, makes himself come.
he does NOT think about lwj's naked glory appearing before his eyes for the very first time, how he could tell the outline of his dick behind the white sheets... or about wwx's dirty, painful to hear voice and how it broke each time hgj thrust into him.
he doesn't think about the wet, terrible sounds wwx's throat made as hgj was choking him silent, or the few harsh slaps that he heard throghout it all that he wishes landed on wwx's perky ass.
jc doesn't think about anything as he touches himself, nor do his dreams fill with +
all the imagery he refused himself while he had it in front of him, as if there was nothing else in the world he'd rather see.
the author deserves a...
jc (but in purple) + wwx quick clothing ideas for this au ImageImage
it takes jc a few days to be able to look any of them in the eyes again. he knows he is being spoiled by the emperor, since there's no way hgj would have allowed him to stay in his room and have his meals there, if... all that hadn't happened.
during these days, there's only one thing jc can think about: hanguang-jun, lan wangji, the stoic emperor, those strong hands that hold him however the man wants to, his beloved caretaker, his owner...
he can't stop thinking about everything hgj said about him, about his +
confession, or the way he fucked wwx right after watching them kiss. something grows inside him like a virus, infecting him from head to toes.
at some point this virus is so strong inside him that it pulls him to his feet, and he finds himself making his way to hgj's chamber.
it startles him, really, to find himself walking up to the emperor with sweaty hands and a very loud heart, only to stand by hgj's side and wait for the emperor to notice exactly what the hell he /needs/.
"ah-cheng..." hgj turns towards him, examining him. "are you okay?"
jc doesn't want to answer. he takes a step closer, grabs pitifully at hgj's clothes, unable to look up at him yet.
hgj might sense what is going on, because he puts his hands around jc, bringing him close to his body.
"ah-cheng, look at me."
jc has trouble doing so.
it is with a gentle hand at the back of his head that jc finally looks up, his eyes so, so big, his mouth dry. he knows hgj /knows/ what is happening, even if he still has trouble accepting it, that's why he lets lwj take the lead. he pushes himself on his tiptoes, lets his +
eyelids fall closed. he is trembling all over when hgj's mouth finally finds his, after months and months of yearning, of lusting after each other, of a desire so strong it scared him still.
he whimpers against lwj's lips, but reciprocates the kiss as best as he can.
the emperor has a fire of his own inside him. after that careful yet lustful first touch. he takes jc by the hips and lifts him up, closing the boy's legs around his waist, and brings his face close for another, deeper kiss.
these kisses have nothing to do with wwx's. jc is completely overtaken by lwj's wants, by whichever rhythm he sets, giving and giving and giving, and taking way much more than he knows how to. he moans sweetly when the emperor kisses down his neck, a hand gripping at his +
buttocks. he has to cover his mouth to stop himself from making any other improper sounds when hgj's lips close around his nipple, over his very thin clothes.
"hanguang-jun, i--"
lwj knows, he /knows/. he has to calm down, has to take /less/ if he doesn't want to scare jc away, +
but it's so fucking hard to! jc is so fucking pretty, so desirable, as he looks down at him with a shame bigger than him, with his cheeks as red as his pouting mouth... hgj can feel a certain hardness against his stomach, but he will not comment on it. not now. he /won't/.
"i wanted to kiss you, for so long," jc interrupts him, to everyone's surprise. "i was embarrassed."
"you don't have to be," lwj rushes to say. "you don't have to hide from me anyhing you ever desire. i will give you everything."
jc puts a hand on hgj's cheek.
"anything ah-cheng wants will be his."
there's something jc wants, something even more hidden than his lust for lwj, that one day will come out of his mouth. for now, he only nods, presses his face against hgj's.
"let me take you to your bed."
jc blushes, but doesn't refuse lwj's wants any more. he is taken to his room, still propped up on hgj's waist like the fanciest accessory. somehow, hgj's eyes barely leave his, or pull away from the sight of his body.
lwj licks his lips as he lowers jc onto his mattress +
imagining the thousand things he would do to him if jc were ready to. jc grips his arms when he starts to pull away.
"hanguang-jun... stay?"
hgj kisses jc's forehead, right before slipping under the bedsheets with him. he lets jc get comfortable atop him, pressing sweet pecks +
wherever he might reach--jc's head, his shoulder, the palm of his hand...
"my ah-cheng..."
jc sighs, nuzzling into the emperor's neck. it's the first time jc has felt this at home, this right. he belongs here, between hgj's arms, forever. he wishes he never had to leave.
and then...

• • •

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Feb 10, 2022
thinking about bodyguard!lwj topping 18yso jc when he gets horny-cursed yet again... lwj would definitely distance himself from jc after it happens bc he'd feel so much shame and regret and sorrow and he doesn't want jc to be near the guy who "forced" themselves on him
above all bc he's supposed to protect jc, not hurt him!!! he remembers that he fucked the jiang boy but he doesn't remember that jc wanted him to do it, actually, even if at first it startled him that The Hanguang-Jun would ever lay his eyes on him. and yes, it hurt to -
know that hgj only wanted him bc he was cursed with a horny spell but, well, at least he got to enjoy lwj's lust for a night!

so everything goes wrong after that night. literally everything. lwj distances himself from jc, asks some other guard to replace his position (since -
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