2/n Mendel’s laws - actually first formulated in the way now taught by Robert Heath Lock in 1906: biodiversitylibrary.org/item/68277#pag… are a useful heuristic, relating to processes that are likely essential for complex life to exist
3/n The random process underlying segregation of alleles to gametes and then zygotes (at conception) (1st Law) and the independent assortment of genetic variants (outside close physical proximity) (2nd law) is what keeps cheating selfish genetic elements under control /cont
4/n Without this, complex life could probably not evolve wellcomecollection.org/works/dqc6abej
So what is the approach to teaching genetics without teaching Mendel going to do? Change their name?
There is considerable subtlety in Mendel’s paper, and a “myth exposing” approach /cont
5/n to teaching could help illustrate the complex nature of scientific practice. There is much written about the mythical status of Mendel’s story, and how incorrect it is, but heroic myth-busters fail to acknowledge how Mendel made it clear that the traits he selected / cont
6/n was a subgroup of the traits in peas he examined. There were others which did not follow the pattern. He was decidedly not presenting a totalising theory he said underlay all cross-generational phenotypic coherence / cont
7/n eg his 1870 paper on hawkweed was clear on this - as, indeed, was his 1866 paper. The suggestion that teaching Mendel ignores development is ironic, given that one of the most thoughtful and detailed by far of these spent 68 pages suggesting development and the passing /cont
8/n on of traits was inseparable to Mendel jstor.org/stable/23328361 Whilst Olby’s beautifully titled “Mendel – no Mendelian?” is always cited, this equally scholarly and perhaps more subtle contribution to the history of the sciences of development and inheritance is / cont
often notable by its absence. If you don’t fancy the 68 pages, here’s a shorter summary by the surviving author academic.oup.com/genetics/artic… This is just one nuance in Mendel’s writing, there are many more that would feed beautifully into an introduction to the complexity of genetics
10/n I have no experience in (nor have I done any research on) school teaching at all, and defer to those who do, but I can’t see a progressive and useful genetics without Mendel’s laws (and equally the occasional violations) being understood /cont
11/12 ’ll finish with white tiger illustrations, for an alternative to peas (for those who don't want to give peas a chance). Full White Tiger story here: ieureka.blogs.bristol.ac.uk/2022/07/15/the…
12/12 An alternative view given by @KampourakisK following his excellent talk at the #Mendel200 meeting yesterday
Can cognitive and other non-financial biases count as conflicts of interest (COIs)? COIs seem to be thought of as only absolutely direct financial conflicts – e.g. you receive tobacco industry money (££ to you or grants) whilst studying the health effects of smoking. A thread/
2/n There are many cognitive biases – ranging from strong commitment to a particular theory through to membership of groups benefitting in ways that are not directly financial – that could influence what policy initiative or apparent scientific advance one puts forward / cont
Covid cases are lowest in places that at the peak had the fewest or the most covid deaths. @dannydorling Tony Brookes and I considered reasons for this
1/n The pattern could be a chance quirk, or could reflect testing regimens being related to previous severity of the epidemic, or safer behavioural patterns in areas badly affected, or more homeworking being possible in such places (or a mix of the above)
2/n 2/n It could be that enough people in such areas have already come into contact with the virus that the population is now less susceptible to the disease. Overall, this would imply that the levels of some forms of immunity in those particular neighbourhoods are higher
1/n As usual several emails offering “acceptance within a week” for my submitted papers. I want the 24 hr European Journal of Clinical Investigation (Editor: John Ioannidis) service for a 27 page paper, senior author: John Ioannidis onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.11…
2/n The paper was a method for identifying "highly influential biomedical researchers". This approach suggested John Ioannidis was amongst the very most influential
3/n John Ioannidis published a Nature paper on suspiciously prolific authors (COI: I was one of the octopuses) which used an index which (just) excluded John Ioannidis from this group nature.com/articles/d4158…
1/n “lives vs economy” is unhelpful, it is not primarily the economy and jobs that are diminished by full or partial lockdowns, rather the almost unimaginable richness of life in all its domains suffers. We are social beings, and a major part of that sociality is stripped from us
2/n Thus we must not think of lives vs the economy, we should frame this as lives vs lives, as Ramesh Thakur wrote with respect to covid in India in April johnmenadue.com/ramesh-thakur-…
Great to see @klarawanelik@Zen_of_Science paper on how ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and social background create barriers to academic career progression has now been published. Social origins under-represented in research and policies (.. cont/) onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.10…
2/n perhaps partly due to social position obviously being influenced by educational trajectory. A possible measure would be whether parents left education at the minimum legal age of school leaving prevalent when and where they grew up. This would be calculable for many ...
3/n (but not all) people, is stable for most, and could be added to the IDE monitoring data routinely collected. Some agencies are (finally) beginning to collect at least some data on this. In the US "first generation" college students is used, but there is enormous ..
Below is the start of a thread by a geneticist on discovering that the most extreme single genetic variant he can find in @GWASCatalog actually tells you about the huge importance of the environment in causing disease
ALDH2 variation strongly influences alcohol consumption, and can be used in Mendelian Randomization (MR) studies to demonstrate that alcohol drinking has a large unfavourable effect on blood pressure journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/a…
In East Asian populations where traditionally women drink very little, the effect of the allele on blood pressure is only seen in men (among whom many drink). The lack of an effect in women and the (statistically extremely) interaction with sex provides a "negative control"..