1. Es lint :
ESLint statically analyzes your code to quickly find problems.
2 Bracket pair colorizer :
This extension allows matching brackets to be identified with colours.
3. Es7 react snippets :
This extension provides you JavaScript and React/Redux snippets in ES7 with Babel plugin features
4. Live server :
Launch a local development server with live reload feature for static & dynamic pages.
5. Beautify :
Beautify javascript, JSON, CSS, Sass, and HTML.
6. Better comments :
The Better Comments extension will help you create more human-friendly comments in your code.
7. Browser lite :
Embedded browser in vs code.
8. SVG viewer :
In case you want to see SVG preview by default instead of the source code.
9. Material icon items :
Get the Material Design icons into your VS Code.
10. Coins :
Check cryptocurrency prices with ease on your Vs code.
11. Prettier :
Prettier is an opinionated code formatter. It enforces a consistent style by parsing your code and re-printing it with its own rules.
12. Gitlens - git supercharged :
GitLens supercharges Git inside VS Code and unlocks untapped knowledge within each repository.
13. Javascript Es6 code snippet :
This extension contains code snippets for JavaScript in ES6 syntax.
14. Intellisense for css class names in HTML :
This extension provides CSS class name completion for the HTML class attribute based on the definitions found in your workspace.
15. Peacock :
Subtly change the color of your Visual Studio Code workspace.
16. Auto rename tag :
Automatically rename paired HTML/XML tag, same as Visual Studio IDE does.
17. Google fonts :
This extension allows you to browse the Google Fonts list and insert into your code either a HTML or a CSS @import url(...) !
18. Quokka js :
Quokka.js is a developer productivity tool for rapid JavaScript / TypeScript prototyping.
19. Rest client :
REST Client allows you to send HTTP request and view the response in Visual Studio Code directly.
20. Tabout :
Tab out of quotes, brackets.
21. Vibrancy :
Enable Acrylic/Glass effect for your VS Code.
Mark lines and jump to them.
23. Winddown :
Be reminded to get off the screen without being interrupted.
24. Grok js :
GrokJS helps you learn Javascript by reading code! Highlight the code segment you need help with and you'll be guided to relevant documentation.
25. Footsteps :
Keep your place when jumping between a different parts of your code.
26. CSS peek :
Allow peeking to css ID and class strings as definitions from html files to respective CSS.
27. Relative path :
Now you can get the relative path to any file in the workspace.
28. Import cost :
This extension will display inline in the editor the size of the imported package.
29. Synchronize Settings, Snippets, Themes, File Icons, Launch, Keybindings, Workspaces and Extensions Across Multiple Machines Using GitHub Gist.
30. Markdown all in one :
All you need for Markdown (keyboard shortcuts, table of contents, auto preview and more).
I hope you see one or two extensions to grab from here😊
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