I've been reading through the original 1960s Fantastic Four comics and I'm shocked at how often Ben Grimm changes back and forth into The Thing. #manytransformationsofbengrimm
Reading modern comics it's treated like for ages it was this impossible task, the one scientific feat Reed couldn't accomplish. In FF #2 Ben changes human and back because they happen to fly through the same place the did in issue 1.
In FF #4 he changes for NO REASON AT ALL and changes back ON THE SAME PAGE. There are no rules and literally anything can happen at any time.
Here's Reed's first scientific attempt in #8. It lasts to the next page. This thread is just getting started.
In FF #9 a lightning bolt turns Ben human during a battle with Namor. No explanation given for how he's rocky again next time we see him in two pages.
FF #10 has a promised future transformation by Dr Doom. I'll thrown in two flashbacks from other issues. Even when he's not transforming you still get replays of the sequence.
In FF #11 Reed's next potion works "for a longer time than ever before" which translates to 5 whole pages.
Five issues later Reed remembers he's supposed to be trying to cure his friend so he surprises him again with a new potion. Within 2 pages he's rocky again with no explanation.
Reed's been taking my criticism to heart so he stays up late making a new permanent potion in #17. The very next page captioned "minutes later" it fails.
Placed in servitude 5000 years in the past by Rama Tut, the rays of the Egyptian sun transform Ben human. Once he's in a tent he transforms back.
Dr Doom has a goon fire a "Cosmic Beam" gun at Thing in issue 23. Next time we see him he's chained to a wall as his usual orange self.
In FF #30 Alchemist scam artist Diablo gives The Thing a half dose of of a potion that turns Ben half human. Too bad Diablo betrays him with a potion that, instead of finishing the job, turns him rocky all over again.
In FF #32 Reed uses a massive machine to turn Ben human instead of his usual potion. Unfortunately, even though the effect is permanent, it also erases Ben’s memories. Thankfully, another blast returns his memory and his familiar form.
In FF #38-40 the Frightful Four the trigger the Q-Bomb & remove the powers of the entire FF. Reed frantically assembles power simulators. Daredevil assists in the classic story "A Blind Man Shall Lead Them" in a raid on the Dr Doom controlled FF headquarters.
In "The Battle of the Baxter Building" Ben is ready to stay powerless forever but Reed knows they’re all dead if he doesn’t turn his friend back into the Thing. Enraged by his rocky return, The Thing viciously attacks Doom and crushes his hands in his metal gauntlets.
Fully 11 issues later in the classic "This Man This Monster" a stranger uses his “Duplication Apparatus” to steal the identity of The Thing. 14 pages later, not knowing the tragic story of the would be hero, Ben transforms back into The Thing once again.
I'm sure these continue forever, but I'm stopping here. I started cataloguing these as I went along because I love them. Stan and Jack put together something amazing and it great seeing them make it up as they go along.
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It's got a nice easy open-with-a-quarter back plate but once you get inside all the interesting stuff is locked away behind bolts that I couldn't wrench.
So why let you get inside at all? This is how you change the RF channel and disable the sound! Wild right?
oh hey both of my favorite movies from this year have flashbacks to excited husbands showing their wives' their future struggling businesses
I just got the Bob's Burgers blu-ray and I'm noticing so much stuff going on I missed like this guy but dancing in the background.
Sign gags all over the place. My favorite is "Ask us about money!" at the bank and the framed photo implying that the carousel horse from the Warf Horse episode is based on a guy with the same goiter.
Updating from macOS 10.14 Mojave to macOS 12 Monterey today so I can update my Adobe apps. Excited to see which older apps I use stop working entirely.
I have to update Adobe because I need to open Premiere projects from another editor and he's on a newer version. Otherwise, I'm a big proponent of not updating anything in a production environment.
Picassa is the first to fall at the compatibility wall. I'm gonna miss it's ability to lazily Ken Burns a bunch of photos together into a video.