Rev. Camille Henderson-Edwards opens with prayer: “God, it is in this moment that we invoke your Spirit, that you would hear our fervent cries for justice, for equity, and for action.” #ReconcileNow#CloseTheCoverageGap
“We live in the poorest states in the nation, states with the highest rates of maternal deaths and chronic illnesses, where more hospitals close each year. We know it’s no coincidence that the majority of Southerners in the Medicaid coverage gap are Black & Latino” -Cindy Ji
“The solution is simple. Congress already designed a fix to the Medicaid coverage gap. If they fail to act now, that means abandoning the health of women and people of color in our communities for the foreseeable future.” -Cindy Ji of @CDFTexas#CloseTheCoverageGap
“I lament that we don’t seem to have a future this year for climate policy but I stand in solidarity and demand that Congress close the Medicaid coverage gap” -Ryan Roberts #CloseTheCoverageGap
The incoming Biden administration can provide "positive and unifying hope for religious communities," according to @MaggieM_S
Over the last 4 years, "faith got unhooked from behavior," says @sr_simone. The Biden administration will face the challenge of "helping people come together in an authentic way."