A small thread with screenshots from each site on how the news outlets are representing the outcome of @BluskyeAllison tribunal.
Despite what Stonewall, Prick News et Al are telling you, about their ‘victory’ it’s not looking good for them, is it?
First up, the Times.
Second, the BBC.
Third, the Telegraph.
Next, the Law Society Gazette. All the best legal news here…
Now, the Independent.
And next, the Spectator
Finally (for now), GB News. You might not agree with any or all of these outlets on any number of issues, or political output, but the message certainly is consistent…
N. B. Couldn’t find a Grauniad article, as yet. I suspect Talcum X is staging a sit in protest against reporting of it at this very moment 😉
Popping back to add the Daily Mail. I would have expected this one to go this way.
Channel 4 have now joined the chat… guess what angle they are leading on?
And finally the Grauniad have sneaked this past Owen Jones using the self same headline as all the rest.
As a footnote, it’s definitely worth adding that this is from one of the leading HR advice sites in the U.K.
This is what HR consultants and business partners will be taking note of. Not the facile Stonewall statement.
They will see the association here and they should act.