Tin⁷ || BTS daaaay! 💜 Profile picture
Jul 28, 2022 153 tweets 35 min read Read on X
A yoonmin au—

Wherein Yoongi decides to stalk his ex-boyfriend, for 1 year, Jimin. But to his surprise, when he read Jimin’s bio that will kind of change his life… maybe forever.

[ #ymfest22_d19 #yoonminfest ] ImageImageImageImage

- ex to lovers au
- short au
- written in english
- fluff, crack and a tinie tiny bit of angst
- chaotic tannies
- typographical and grammatical errors ahead
- likes and qrts are appreciated !!
- enjoy reading, lovelies! 🌈
characters’ profile !!
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📱 start !
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A/N: please ignore the minor changes of the layouts of the tweets! I had to change phones, I'm sorry! ☺
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To Jimin's surprise, the next day came up quickly, and the next thing he knew he was nervous. He has to meet his ex for one year. He never thought that he has to meet up with him again.
While he was getting ready, heard a call, and it's from Yoongi. "Hey, hyung, have you arrived already?" Jimin asked. "Oh yeah, I-I was just about to tell the location and t-time." Yoongi stutters. "Why didn't you just text me?" He chuckles. "I was too nervous to text." +
+ Yoongi said. That made Jimin laugh. "Oh my god, hyung. You still haven't change." Jimin giggles. "Yeah, I still get nervous when I talk to you." Yoongi replied which made Jimin smile.
"So where are we gonna meet up?" Jimin asks. "To the café we uh... first met." Yoongi said. The rush of emotions is coming to the both of them, memories were coming back. "Yeah? Sure, thanks hyung. See you." Jimin said in the softest voice, which made Yoongi smile.
"See you." Yoongi said. "I love you." He added while looking at his phone screen with the words "call ended".

It's funny how emotions can come back even after a year, and it still feels the same. He still feels the warmth with the same person he fell in love with.
While parking, Jimin felt his stomach turning. “Shit. I’m not ready for this!” He exclaimed to himself. He really never thought of seeing Yoongi again after a year. “Fuck!” He shouted, he was surprised of the sudden phone call.
“Hello?” He said. “Jim! Let’s hang? Hoseok hyung is trying to call you.” Taehyung said. Jimin checks his phone and there were tons of messages and missed calls from Hobi, Jungkook and Taehyung.
“Sorry guys, I can’t today.” Jimin said, almost whispering. “What why? You never say no to hang outs!” Taehyung exclaimed. Jimin sighs, “I’m meeting up with Yoongi hyung.” He said. Taehyung started to laugh.
“That bio thingy went that far?!” His best friend asked. “Shut up! I’m nervous here, can’t you just help me out?!” Jimin replied. He still hears his friend laugh. “The fuck? Is that Jungkook laughing?” He asked again.
“Yeah, he’s here…” Taehyung sighed. “Anyway, I thought bros before hoes?” He added while fake crying. “Yoongi hyung is not a hoe… Bye bitch!” He hung up when he heard Taehyung and Jungkook laughing hysterically.
He didn’t waste anymore time and he got out of his car and he started walking towards the cafe.

When he got inside he saw a very familiar back. A back that he used to give back hugs every time he had a chance.
As he gets closer, he feels his knees weaken, his heart beating fast.

On the other hand, Yoongi feels quiet. He reminisces the moments that him and Jimin shared together. He doesn’t know Jimin was already standing behind him.
He felt a hand on his left shoulder, he flinched a little. “H-hi!” Yoongi stands up. “H-how long were you standing there?” He asked again. “Not long hahaha” Jimin chuckles. “Shit. Uhm, sit down. Do you want something?” Yoongi pulls a chair for Jimin.
“No, thanks. Uhm, maybe later?” He smiles.

An awkward silence occurred between them but Yoongi decides to break the ice.
“So, Hi.” Yoongi smiles. “I don’t want to waste anymore time.. I missed you.” Yoongi straightforwardly said. “H-hyung…” Jimin stutters. “Sorry haha. That kind of felt nice. I’ve been really wanting to tell you that.” He added.
Jimin continues to listen. “I also wanted to explain my side to you. I never wanted to leave you, love.” Yoongi starts shaking, but then, Jimin starts to hold his hand, he smiles.
“I, uhm, don’t know where to start. But maybe I’ll start from the beginning.” They both chuckle.

“I’m really sorry for that day, Jimin.”
“Do you mind explaining? It’s fine if you don’t–” Jimin was cut off by Yoongi. “Hey, I asked to talk so, this is fine. I’m fine.” Yoongi softly said. The younger, then, nods as a response. “So uhm…” Yoongi feels hesitant, a lot of thoughts were running in his head, +
and Jimin is seeing that now. He feels sorry for him, he never and will never want this to be such a burden to him. He held his hand tighter, making the older calm down, and it helped him to collect his thoughts.
“It started when I started feeling my chest hurts a lot. This was like a month before we broke up,” Yoongi started trembling, waking up the monsters inside him, which made him hold Jimin’s hand tighter. “It was honestly hard. So hard.” Yoongi’s eyes starts to water.
Jimin started to circle his thumb on his hand to help him relax.

“Calm down, we aren’t going anywhere. We are not rushing things.” Jimin smiled. Yoongi gave him back a small smile. “Yeah, so as I was saying, My chest started to feel tightness on my chest area but I always, +
always thought that it was because of you. Like my feelings for you, and I am always a little, well not a little, maybe I am overwhelmed by you.” Yoongi said.
“But then, my mom said I need to go see a doctor. She was worried, I get that, but it didn’t think that it would be that serious…” Yoongi starts to loosen around Jimin. “Until I fainted.” he added. The sudden change of expression was obvious on Jimin’s face.
It was suddenly laced with nervousness, and he looked at him worriedly.

“W-what happened?” Jimin asked worriedly. “Yeah, uhm, so I was rushed to the emergency that night and after, I was diagnosed…” Yoongi took a deep breath.
“Hyung? What?” Jimin was the one whose shaking, and Yoongi held his hand with the both of his.
“I was diagnosed with a rare heart disease. And they said it was gonna be the end of me.” Yoongi said tears streaming, once again all the emotions are coming back. Jimin, too, was also crying.
“But they, uhm, asked me to go to the US, they said that they have some advanced procedure that can help me to be cured, but it was a 20-80 chance.” he said.
“Thirty being cured and eighty being not.” Yoongi starts to wipe off his tears. “So my mother gave me a me weeks to think about it. That’s why I became distant with you. And the day I broke up with you–” Yoongi was cut off with a chuckle.
“Yeah with a ‘We need to break up, I don’t love you anymore.’ then blocked me right after.” Jimin laughs.
“It’s because I was already flying to the US. It’ll be hard for me and for you if I didn’t, love.” Yoongi was really sorry for what he did. Jimin intertwined their fingers. “How are you now? Are you okay?” Jimin asked. “I am… I am fine now.” Yoongi coughed.
“When I got there, they started the procedure, which by the way lasted for 6 months. But yeah. I am cured now.” Yoongi smiles. Jimin really felt relieved of what he heard. “So, me and my parents are flying back to the US again, for my follow up check ups.” Yoongi blurted out.
“Huh?” Jimin was shocked. “Oh. yeah. That’s why I really wanted to fix things with you. I might also stay there for good.” Yoongi said, almost whispering. “Oh, cool. Cool. So? Friends?” Jimin offers his hand for a handshake. “Friends.” Yoongi shakes his hand.
Both of them catched up with each other, you can even say that they really enjoyed each other’s comfort and presence. Not long enough, they both decide to go home. They part their ways with a smile on their faces.
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(This was the text, in case you can't read it :]) Image
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In just a short span of time, the one week has passed by very quickly. Yoongi and Jimin really did spend their time together. Went on picnics, went to amusement parks. Had sleepovers with each other’s places.
They had so much fun in the past week, but now it’s their last day together. After this, they’ll go back to being exes and strangers.
Both of them are cuddling on Jimin’s bed. Jimin using the older’s arm as a pillow while hugging him. A deafening silence occurred to the both of them, Yoongi decides to break the ice.
“I had fun in this past week. Thank you, Jimin.” He said while playing with his hair. “Me too, Hyung. I’m glad you had fun.” JImin replies. And then another silence occurs, but this time JImin was the one who broke it.
“What time is your flight tomorrow?” He asks. “Oh, 7 in the morning.” Yoongi said. That’s too early, but who is he to stop him, right? He wants to, he does, but he’s worried that Yoongi might reject him.
“Do you want me to take you to the airport?” Jimin offers. He felt yoongi smile. “No, but thank you. Namjoon and Jin hyung are taking me.” Yoongi said. Jimin nods. The temptation to kiss him good night is really strong, but he is resisting.
“Let’s sleep, you need to be early tomorrow.” Jimin said, fixing their position, still hugging the latter. “Hmm. Good night.” Yoongi plays with is hair until Jimin falls asleep. When he’s sure that the younger is asleep, he slowly lowers his head +
And gave a kiss on his forehead. “Sleep tight, love. I love you.” He said before drifting to dreamland.
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; meanwhile yoongi: Image
On the ride to the airport, Yoongi was quiet. “You’re extra quiet today?” Seokjin looks at him through the rear mirror. “No, I’m not.” Yoongi simply said. “You are. And you also sighed five times in the last 10 minutes.” Seokjin replies.
“Hyung, are you having second thoughts?” This time, Namjoon was the one to ask him. Was he that obvious? “No. I’m just thinking about something.” Yoongi said, looking outside his window. He never thought that +
Driving at this hour would be bittersweet. “Something? Or someone?” Seokjin smiles, he feels like he figured out Yoongi. “Okay fine. I’m thinking about Jimin. I don’t think I could just leave him.” he said. He sounded really sad, so Seokjin looked back.
“Yoongi, may I remind you, you’re just going to be gone for three days.” Seokjin said softly. “Hyung, three days or for good, I really don’t like the thought of leaving Jimin.” Yoongi explained.
“But you’re going to be back. Just trust the process, okay? After this, I’ll help you with him. Okay?” Seokjin reached back to hold his hand. “Really?” Yoongi’s eyes sparkle. His mood suddenly lit up.
“Yes. So calm down, okay? Everything will be okay.” Seokjin assured him. Yoongi nods and smiles. Seokjin fixes his position, and he glances at Namjoon who was smirking.

What yoongi doesn’t know, everything will change today.
Meanwhile, Jimin was panicking quietly inside the car. “Jimin calm down!” Hoseok said to him while gently caressing his back. “I can’t! What if I’m too late or what if–” Jimin was cut off by Taehyung. “Park Jimin, I swear to god, calm down!” +
Taehyung exclaimed, Jungkook then bursts out laughing. “Hyung, you need to calm down as well!” Jungkook said while driving. “Chim, nothing can go wrong, okay? And we’re almost at the airport!” Taehyung explained.
“I know, but please drive faster, I will literally make this car fly.” Jimin said while fidgeting with his fingers. “Okay, okay, we’re here!” once jungkook parked, Jimin goes out of the car and started running. He quickly reached the entrance.
Not because of his friends, he would’ve fought the security guard who was in charge. “We’re sorry for that, he’s just chasing someone.” Taehyung said while getting Jimin’s luggage without taking his eyes off his friend.
While Taeahyung was following the latter, Jungkook calls his attention. “Hyung, Seokjin hyung and Namjoon hyung is there!” Jungkook points out the benches where the two were seated.
Seokjin waves his hand. “Hyung!” Taehyung said while running to them. “Where’s Yoongi hyung?” Hoseok asked. “He boarded early. Where’s Jimin? Let’s tell him that Yoongi’s gone.” Jungkook laughed because of the plan, “He won’t like this.” Jungkook said.
“I know, he’s gonna kill us… JIMIN!” Taehyung called him, thankfully he wasn’t that far, and he heard it immediately. “What? Have you seen Yoongi?” Jimin was running towards them, their facial expression changed.
He didn’t notice Seokjin and Namjoon. “Hi Jimin. I’m sorry but, Yoongi boarded already.” Seokjin said with the saddest voice possible. Jimin suddenly felt his knees weakenand was about to fall, but Taehyung was there to catch him.
“I’m late. I’m fucking late.” Jimin starts crying. He started bawling his eyes out. “Hey, hey…” Taehyung starts laughing, so Jimin looked at him, angrily. “Why the fuck are you laughing? Is my suffering that funny to you?” he asked.
And then, all of them were laughing. “Calm down, come here, we’ll explain something to you.” Seokjin giggles and taps the space beside him. Jimin scurries and sat beside Seokjin. The older looked at Taehyung, signaling him to give something to Jimin.
Taehyung hands him an envelope, “What is this?” Jimin asked. “Well, we kinda rolled up our sleeves, and we did something.” Seokjin starts to narrate the story.
“Hello!” Taehyung greets his friends as he enters the restaurant. “Why are we here again?” Jungkook asked while munching on his fries. “‘Cause I gotta tell you guys something.” Seokjin smiles. He shows them an envelope.
“Is that the ticket?” Hoseok exclaimed. Seokjin and Namjoon nodded eagerly. They decided to buy Jimin and plane ticket to California! They thought this we’ll make the both of them speak their true feelings for each other.
*end of flashback*
Jimin couldn’t believe it. He never thought he’ll follow Yoongi to the US! “My flight is today?!” Jimin suddenly stood up from his seat. “Yeah! Isn’t it exciting?” Jungkook excitedly said while clapping his hands.
“But I don’t have my luggage! I don’t have any clothes!” Jimin starts to panic again. “What would you do without me?” Taehyung said, and he shows him the luggage he prepared two days ago. “H-how did you…?” he was clueless.
“You were busy spending the week with Yoongi hyung, so I took the chance. All of the things you need are in there.” Taehyung smiles at him. Jimin suddenly hugged him, crying again. “Thank you, Taehyung. I owe you two.” Jimin whispered.
Taehyung hugged back, “You’re welcome, babe. Go get your man back!” Taehyung broke the hug and pushed him slightly. “Thank you guys, I’ll make it up to you guys, I promise.” Jimin grabs his luggage and starts running.
He gets his bags checked in. After checking in, he waves back to his friends and starts running to the gate to board. While running, he suddenly hears the intercom speakers, “Last call for Park Jimin. Last call for Park Jimin.”
Jimin didn’t know that he could run that fast. He almost flew towards his assigned boarding gate. “Sorry for causing such delay.” He said to the stewardess that was in the gate. “No problem. Enjoy your flight, Sir Jimin!” The stewardess said.
Jimin walked quickly towards the airplane. He accidentally ignored the flight attendant who was greeting him. “Excuse me, where is this seat?” He shows his plane ticket to the FA on the plane. The flight attendant guides him to his seat and +
It was on business class. Damn, his friends really went rock hard on this one. Once they reached the seat, Jimin immediately notices the man beside him. He was wearing his earphones, looking outside.
“Thank you.” Jimin softly said to the flight attendant. He sat down quietly on his seat and grabbed the person beside him his attention.
“Fuck, Jimin?!” Yoongi exclaimed. “Hyung?!” Jimin quietly shouted. “What are you doing here?!” Yoongi asked. Jimin, then, hugged the latter. “They bought me tickets, Seokjin hyung and the gang. So I could follow you to california,” Jimin explained still hugging Yoongi.
Yoongi hugged back, “Damn, I thought I was gonna lose you forever.” Jimin sobs. “Forever? Love, I’ll just be gone for three days. They didn’t tell you, did they?” Yoongi broke the hug and looked at him. “No? Those brats! Wait, you also didn't tell me!” Jimin exclaimed.
Yoongi then explains the joke gone wrong of him. “I’m sorry, baby.” Yoongi smiles. “What’s important is I’m with you now.” He added. “Let’s make things better again?” Jimin said while looking at his eyes.
Yoongi gently caressed his face, fingers tracing the delicate features of Jimin’s face. “I love you.” Then he closed the gap between them.
They shared a kiss, a soft and gentle one. They honestly missed the presence of each other, this will definitely change their lives forever, because they will never let each other go for the second time around.
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- The end ! -
Finally! Sorry this took long to finish! I tried to finish this before my classes start tomorrow and I succeeded. Thank you for reading this one! Ily all! I hoped you enjoyed it!

This was my last entry for yoonmin fest! Leave your thoughts!

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