EPA Administrator Michael Regan (@EPAMichaelRegan) said on Friday “We want to present the [coal fired plants] industry with a suite of regulations,” Regan told Reuters, adding that the EPA was undeterred by the court’s ruling and is “still in the game.”
This is tyranny plain and simple. Maybe it’s time for the people to lock his ass his up in the people’s jail and to hell with the corrupt @thejusticedept
Just to be clear - Michael Regan supports the Nazi genocidal cult of the @wef led by the Master of Murder @ProfKlausSchwab .
What Regan doesn’t get is that he will never be accepted into the Nazi white Supremacist cult because a) he isn’t the right color b) he doesn’t come close
to having the wealth to enter the coveted door c) he represents a useless eater d) he is nothing more than their useful idiot e) doesn’t see that he will be six feet under with a whole bunch of us when the WEF depopulation goal is achieved.
.@MSNBC contributor @DonnyDeutsch Deutsch said Friday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that to win the majorities in November, Democrats have to “scare the hell out of people” by saying Republicans are “crazy fascists.”
Donny Deutsch is reportedly worth $220m. This should be enough to
earn him entry through the coveted door of the elite Supremacists of the world. In other words, we can count on him being in bed with genocidal Nazi supremacist @ProfKlausSchwab and his merry band of of Nazis belonging to @wef . But how many reporters will WEF need when the
depopulation goal 500m for the world is reached? Does Deutsch rank high enough as a reporter that he can be counted on to spew the Nazi rhetoric?Is he capable of influencing the public? Honestly, I have never read anything he has written or watched any news show he has been on or
Prices for hay, which is widely used to feed cattle, were 56% higher in April than in 2021, according to a June report from the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Cattle producers are estimated to have lost money the past two months, according to a cost-and-return analysis from
Iowa State University. So now even if you can find hay for sale it is usually so expensive that it is simply not economical. Without any other options that make sense, some cattle ranchers in Texas have actually decided to go ahead and sell their entire herds.
By the end of the year and early 2023 we will paying for
Chicken $17.00/lb
Bacon $25.00/lb
Beef $30.00+ $ /lb because the cost of hay and grain has doubled. Fall is when slaughtering begins for the market/\.
.@WEF Nazi boy @JustinTrudeau is doing his part to support Nazi genocidal @ProfKlausSchwab to starve (murder) billions of people so he can be the Nazi supremacist leader of the world.
Here is something I don’t get America. It appears we are submitting to it. Right now we are in
a war of words-a spiritual war. When we are financially broke by this maniac, starving, desperate and in despair the rule of law will go out the door and it will turn into a physical war. Here’s the part I don’t get -
Why would intelligent human beings wait to the point we are
both physically, mentally and financially broken to stand up?As intelligent human beings why are we not standing up now and taking out these evil players while we financially, mentally and physically are able?Surely, America is not populated by a majority of stupid people. Surely
Twitter has imposed a blockade on all content from The Epoch Times without explanation, raising further concerns about freedom of speech on the platform.
Beginning on the evening of July 28, the platform put up a warning on all
links from The Epoch Times. A click on a link would direct users to a page titled “Warning: this link may be unsafe” which prompts users to return to the previous page.
“The link you are trying to access has been identified by Twitter or our partners as being potentially spammy
or unsafe,” read the warning, which cited the platform’s URL policy.
The notice said that the link could fall into any of four categories: “malicious links that could steal personal information or harm electronic devices”; “spammy links that mislead people or disrupt their
We have people who have deceived us,insulted us, and those that are working with @wef and @ProfklausSchwab. We should never forget these people and ensure their rightful place in history. Please feel free to add to this list in comments.
These are the people against working class Americans:
This is an article from the Epoch Times about the elite supremacist genocidal cult @wef partnering with the equally corrupt and supremacist @UN . How much plainer can it be? They are telling us every step of the way what they are going to do to us.
This is precisely why we have the Constitution and why we have 2A. At what point will Americans start standing up and revolting? We know who the players are. Why are we allowing them to push us around this way? Why are we allowing them to bankrupt us? Why are we allowing our
elected officials to erode our rights bill by bill. What is it going to take to make you understand that our Congress is in on it? They aren’t incompetent. They are DELIBERATELY DESTROYING AMERICA FOR POWER, CONTROL, and GREED.