Spoke to a really kind woman at the DC Bar.
They received my State Bar complaints about Ben Stein & Jim Clemente.
Gave her a brief summary of what happened, Steve Davis, Ben Stein, Jim Clemente, #CriminalMinds
LAPD reports I filed.
Apparently to my understanding, if a lawyer(s) commits a repugnant act(s) in one state,
they can still be held accountable in the state where they are licensed.
Reporting Ben Stein's accomplice wife, Alexandra Denman, who was home when her husband was taking photographs of me when I was twelve, to the California State Bar.
1986 Article Ben Stein wrote about my family. This is when he started to sexually stalk me and take photographs of me at his home. I met his wife at their home. Ben Stein paid me $50 with a check, out of their checking account.
Candor towards the Tribunal law went into effect November 1st, 2018. A few days before my RO hearing against Ben Stein.
Ben Stein Declaration submitted under oath. His lawyer was Blair Berk.
Judge Fridaus Dordi was the Judge presiding. I showed Blair Berk, under oath, a copy of the LAPD Ben Stein / Steve Davis child sex crime police report I filed in June 2016 when ex FBI agent Jim Clemente was giving me legal advice.
Allison Hope Weiner tweet to me about Jim Clemente March 2017. Will give to the State Bars as evidence.
She is the one who told me to file the police report in 2016.
Roger Stone Tweet to me
Will give to State Bars as evidence.
My violent child sex crimes cases were open at the FBI at this point. Not sure what Roger Stone knew about me or my cases & any communications he made about me to anyone.
I'm not a lawyer so I'm not sure if the tweets about me from Allison Hope Weiner & Roger Stone would open up discovery or communications in any legal proceedings or investigations.
Or the Ben Stein public statements to the Blast about me.
I filed a Washington D.C State Bar complaint against Ben Stein today.
I believe he practiced law in Washington D.C.
His accomplice wife, Alexandra Denman, is also a lawyer who is licensed to practice law in California.
I am going to file a complaint about her.
The Ben Stein child sex stalking and attempted rape of me from 1986-1988 might be on file at the Department of Justice, since I reported it to my school in 1988.
Not sure what's in my FBI file & what year/date FBI started surveillance on my criminal mother & father.
It's been 5 years since 2017 hang up phone calls, when Erika Hutchcraft gave me a case number.
I filed an LAPD police report in 2010 when a man was calling me w/death & rape threats.
Both cases no detective will give me an update or tell me who it was.
Same w/2018 email hack
I will include this case number & her emails & the police reports I filed in my privacy act request any case file they have on me, which I am requesting from the FBI.
I want to know if this 2017 phone caller
( filed 2017 LAPD rpt)
was the same man
who was calling me in 2010 W/ death & rape threats
( I filed an LAPD police report in 2010)
who was the 2018 email hacker.
Same person or different people.
I want their names so I can sue them.
I can ask the NLRB to check with LAPD & FBI about my open cases & the open police misconduct cases & verify my story.
Again, I don't expect anything to happen.
The bad guys already won in my story.
And everyone stayed silent & let it happen.
NLRB can check with SAG &
ask them if Criminal Minds / Jim Clemente/ FBI or LAPD knew about my child sex crime cases when I was recruited to work on the show in 2007 &
if anyone who worked at SAG knew
about those cases.
or if anyone at SAG knew about Ben Stein, et al