INASL 2022!
I'll be summarising a few talks!
Who better than Prof SK Sarin to deliberate on new drug targets in Portal Hypertension!
New concepts in Portal Hypertension
Key takeaways!
✓Even steatosis can lead to PHTN without fibrosis
✓Lower cut off of HVPG >8
✓Endotoxins incr PHTN
✓Paneth Cell may drive LPS driven PHTN
Today is World NASH day!
A day to learn, educate and spread awareness about a disease that is assuming epidemic proportions.
A small tutorial 🧵on NAFLD/NASH for general public and primary care colleagues.
Simply put, it is excessive accumulation of fat in ones liver. Over time, the fat causes and inflammation and liver cell death leading to NASH and ultimately liver heals by scarring and stiffening, leading to cirrhosis and liver cancer
What causes fatty liver disease?
There are multiple reasons including genetics, lifestyle, other associated metabolic diseases, unhealthy diet etc