Home loan interest rates are now ~8% from 6.5% just 3 months back
Here are 4 things you can do to reduce your #EMIs:👇
1. Shift the fresh allocation from Debt portfolio to repaying loans
PPF pays 7.1%, FDs pay ~6% (post tax ~4-5%), Annuity plans have also got similar IRR. But your Home loan is at 8%
So if you planning to make any fresh allocation to such instruments, rather pay your loan first
2. Use your bonus to repay the debt
Many corporate employees will receive bonus in September
If your allocation to equity is already very high, then rather repay your home loans first
If not, then thoughtfully allocate the same between repaying debts and allocating to equity
3. Check with your banker if they can reduce the interest rate spread
Banks generally issue loans at Repo Rate + 2.5-2.7% of spread, i.e., until 3 months ago when Repo Rate was 4%, your HL rate would have been 6.5-6.7% (4% + 2.5-2.7% spread)
If your spread is higher, it may have been due to lower credit score or many other reasons (while availing loan) which could've changed now
4. Increase your tenure
You can ask your banker to increase your Home Loan Tenure so that despite the increase in interest rate, your outflow is same
However, this is the least preferred option as this will increase your interest outgo and reduce your principal repayment
Placed this at the last because this should be the last resort
Will be explaining these and even more points in a detailed video on our FREE 'Learn Personal Finance Community' platform - learnpersonalfinance.in/s/store/course…
RBI hikes repo rate by 0.5%. Markets are still going a up
A friend liquidated his positions a few days back. This is what I told him:
Since, 1980 India has had the following major problems:
1. Two Prime Ministers Assassinated 2. Unstable governments for close to 10 years 3. Once been on the verge of bankruptcy 4. Two big stock market scams 5. Kargil War 6. Sanctions by world due to Nuclear testing
7. Outflows due to Housing Bubble Burst 8. Various scams got disclosed during UPA 2 9. Various stand-off with China 10. Dollar has strengthened from INR 7.86 to INR 78+