What I'm doing is postive framing. Not rosy tinted glasses. We need stories about TRUE good things happening and positive things to motivate us to do those positive things ourselves, at least most people do. debunkingdoomsday.quora.com/How-to-motivat…
If you ignore all the good things that are happening and focus only on what's going wrong then most people will just get depressed, even some get suicidal, and they don't do anything even when there are many thing sthey can do. So it's counterproductive.
The biosphere isn't gone. This video may help give another perspective and give heart that we can do this!
The video is about regeneration / reforestation in China and Ethiopia.
Streams flowing again, forests growing in places that had turned to deserts.
Nature is in cities too. Peregrine falcons, barn owls, pigeons, swifts - those are in the UK where I live, they are all cliff dwellers that now live in our cities on houses, skyscrapers, steeples.
There are things you can do in a city to help with nature, e.g. flowers to attract and help insect pollinators and bee houses.
On how humans can be beneficial as well as harmful, Chris Thomas's book may be helpful.
How Nature is thriving in an age of extinction.
And my blog post: We aren’t in the middle of the sixth mass extinction - we are at the start of what would be a mass extinction if it continued at this rate for 1000 years- but already doing a lot to end and reverse biodiversity loss - we can stop this! debunkingdoomsday.quora.com/We-aren-t-in-t…
In the UK humans with agriculture and our buildings cut down most of the forests long ago. See this animation.
But those habitats ancient humans created by felling the forests often have rare fauna and flora that aren't found in the forests. data.jncc.gov.uk/data/2728792c-…
People in Australia who care and put a lot of work into helping preserve and restore Australian ecosystems.
Tweet on climate change and you are EXPECTED to say. 1. It's a disaster, we need DISRUPTIVE change, give up nearly everything we value.
OR 2. EVERYTHING FINE, no need to do anything.
BUT 3. IPCC, FAO, IPBES etc mainstream, focus on TRANSFORMATIVE CHANGE. debunkingdoomsday.quora.com/Fact-Check-IPC…
So, if you tweet mainstream climate science you tend to get attacked by both sides in this polarized debate.
By focusing on helping scared people I keep out of this debate as far as possible.
I believe I also help build bridges and foundations for +ve action by helping them.
Net zero plans typically:
- nearly all emissions to zero first.
- Carbon capture for e.g. steel, cement, at source.
- land use change (not just reafforestation) does most of the rest
- with IPCC AR6 / WG3, some level of -ve emissions likely needed in 2nd half of century.
-ve emissions do NOT require carbon capture from the atmosphere.
Models use direct carbon capture just because it is easy to model.
IPCC AR6 / WG2 / Ch 7 covers a dozen or so methods.
Main issue: some reafforestation etc sources could saturate by mid century.
Need more 2050+
I wrote this before AR6 / WG3 but have a quote from them at the end, it covers many ideas they mention debunkingdoomsday.quora.com/Dare-to-Hope-C…
We may need to do these things after 2050.
But we know exactly what to do through to 2050 lots of time to work on the plans for 2050 onwards.
What I'm tweeting here is mainstream, thousands of scientists.
Basis for plans by all the governments.
Many eyes have checked and rechecked it and peer reviewed it and done meta reviews and the big systematic IPCC reviews.
Sadly, many IPCC critics haven't read their reports.
IPCC AR6 / WG3 chapter 7 covers what we do after 2050.
See their graphical summary:
More about some of them here debunkingdoomsday.quora.com/Dare-to-Hope-C…
(I added text: "Many ways to do carbon dioxide removal - might need these in 2nd half of century to stay at zero emissions once we get there")
Land use change, agriculture and forestry may become less effective after 2050 (not yet proven).
BECCS can be part of the solution but mustn't impact on biodiversity or agriculture.
The aim is to reduce emissions to as close to zero as possible then negative emissions cover the few remaining %
Our focus right now is to stop and reverse forest and biodiversity loss.
Makes a huge difference for zero emissions by 2050.
Need this whatever our plans for 2050+.
We have to rapidly reduce emissions. We can't do this with just -ve emissions.
But there are residual emissions even with 100% renewables, e.g. for steel, cement (even with carbon capture), plastic, long distance flights (even with synth / biofuels) etc.
FAO in State of the Forests find a cost effective potential of
- 3.6 gigatons a year avoided deforestation
- 0.9 gigatons a year reforestation / aforestation
- 0.9 gigatons a year from improved forest management. fao.org/3/cb9360en/onl…
(current emissions ~40 gigatons a year)
There are many positive things happening in the world. Remember to motivate yourself and others to action you need at least three positive framings to each -ve framing. Some positive stories to encourage you here:
And there is much we can all do in our personal lives. We don't need to wait for governments to act. The transformative change needs all of us, governments, local communities, individuals together.
This is what the scientists really say about a transformative change, an empowering message, by our choices we can play our part in the transitions the world has to go through, not about ending consumerism. debunkingdoomsday.quora.com/Simple-lifesty…
Director-general of UNESCO Audrey Azoulay:
"We have not lost the battle, and if given a chance nature will reconquer its rights and will prevail, and so we really want everyone to feel that they can contribute, that they are part of the solution"
All five permanent security council members signed a statement saying that a nuclear war can never be won and must never be fought. Not as an agreement. As something they all recognize as true.
SHORT DEBUNK: Why NATO would hardly change if Trump is elected president and ignores all the US commitment to NATO
- and Europe is already well on its way to taking over funding to Ukraine
SHORT DEBUNK: Why Supreme Court was unanimous in decision that Trump's name had to stay on the ballot - also did not say he is immune for everything
- Judge Chutkan's preliminary ruling shortly after election day expected to say an 06 trial can go ahead doomsdaydebunked.miraheze.org/wiki/Why_the_S…
BLOG: Dare to Hope
- Climate Restoration
- Three ways to get CO2 levels back to pre-industrial 300 ppm by 2050
- potentially pay for themselves
- many more ways to remove CO2 in IPCC AR6 chapters 7 and 12
See: robertinventor.substack.com/p/dare-to-hope…
I wrote this blog post on Quora originally. Updated it and shared on my substack because so many seem completely unaware of AR6 / WG3 / Chapter 7 and Chapter 12 - even sometimes write articles on the topic of carbon sequestration that show they never so much as saw this figure.
The first part of the blog post is about several ways to get back to 300 ppm if we wanted to that even pay for themselves. The second part is a short summary of the IPCC sections on ways to remain at net zero through the second half of this century summarized in that graphic.
BLOG: Far right Republican Project 2025 is mostly an illegal fantasy - most of it can’t be done at all - “Schedule F” would face legal challenges and likely be struck down
2/ This is impossible. I 'll do a new post when I get time. Most things require new laws and they can't get a far right majority in either house. Schedule F is the main executive decision option. If he tries again it is likely shot down as illegal. Meanwhile short thread.
3/ for LGBT things remember that the vast majority in both houses supported the respect for marriage act. So it is not possible for Congress to pass laws that remove the right for marriage for gay people never mind harsher restrictions.
1/n Yes we ARE headed for 1.7°C if countries keep to announced pledges
- most make realistic pledges and achieve or overachieve
- 77% of IPCC authors CAN be wrong if it is the remaining 23% who study how countries translate pledges into action
2/ About why climate scientists often are so pessimistic about action on climate change.
- hardly any study the economic models
- IPCC / AR6 had a cut off date just before the COP26 net zero pledges
- so couldn't evaluate the feasibility of India / China's net zero plans.
3/ The big IPBES report in 2019 was the only recent major study with a large element of social scientists and it was the most optimistic, saying we can achieve this transformative change, not just scientifically - that it is economically and socially feasible.
@GerogeBush6@mikestabile 1/ This is an inaccurate summary. It is about exceptions to the law not overturning it. There are many exceptions already itif.org/publications/2…
This case is specifically about how YouTube recommends videos to users (continues)
@GerogeBush6@mikestabile 2/n The case is about whether Google is liable if its algorithm recommends illegal content to users. It is NOT liable for hosting user generated illegal content - that's established. Video summary. c-span.org/video/?c503199…