You hear a lot about typing when it comes to computer programming. I'm not talking about using your keyboard ⌨️
I'm talking about:
💪 Strong typing
🚀 Dynamic typing
🚨 Static typing
What kind of typing does #Python 🐍 have? Let's talk about that!
Let's start with strong 💪 typing!
Strong typing means that variables have a type (int, str, dict, etc) and that that type matters when you perform an operation on the variable.
An example of an operation is addition or subtraction
Because of strong typing, variables need to be compatible when doing an operation on them. In #Python, you can add integers and floats together because they are compatible types.
But you can't add integers and strings together! 🐍🤯
Let's get started learning about these methods by looking at ` isalnum()`, which returns True if all characters in the string are alphanumeric and there is at least one character,
The `isalpha()` string method will return True if all characters in the string are alphabetic and there is at least one character