// #sakuatsu AU #skts #miyatwins , overprotective osamu, a/b/o, non sexual heat/rut sharing,

The Miya family is one that is full of betas. They haven't had any alpha nor omegas in generations, so it was an absolute shock when Osamu, at the age of 13, presented as an alpha.
Everyone held their breath the day he presented; relatives coming over to see the first presentor in the history of Miyas.

Their mother spent all week hovering over her son, their father almost came back from the ashes in his urn, and Atsumu stayed by his brother's side,
making sure that he isn't alone in enduring the pain of his rut.

They were told in school that ruts and heat are painful, and arousal can only happen when spending it with a partner, but even then, pain is inevitable until both partners are deep in arousal.
Atsumu, being a beta, didn't really listened. He just registered that estrus' are painful, and thanked the heavens that he's a beta.

Now, as he cuddles his brother, he wishes he had atleast listen to the care instructions taught to them.
That week felt like eternity, but like all things, it passed. The whole Miya clan celebrated the moment he stepped out of his room, and they had a delicious meal.

Osamu learned a lot during his heat, mainly that the media lied about ruts, and that Atsumu could be a decent person
when needed.

Some years passed, and the memory of his first rut gets burried, along with other memories of his other estrus that followed.

They were all mostly the same, their mom would stock up some food and care packages in their room, and Atsumu stays by his
side, providing the comfort of someone familiar. Unfortunately though, the delicious meals stopped at his first rut.

Both twins went to the same high school, and eventually, the same college, though their courses and classes differed this time, putting an end to the days of
doing each other's homework.

Along all the experience of life, Osamu also got a boyfriend.

Him and this pretty omega from the english department started courting just early of their 3rd year of college.
Osamu quitted volleyball afte high school, while Atsumu went on to join their college varsity team.

Life is good, everything is normal, and nothing could ever disturb it. Osamu thinks to himself, as he walks down the campus hallway with his boyfriend, Keiji, besides him.
"Hey dude, isn't that Akaashi? Y'know, that pretty omega from english lit."

"Oh yeah, heard he got a partner recently."

"You mean that guy beside him?"

"I guess?? Looks like it."

"Damn, lucky guy."

"Well, if you can't have his omega, go get his twin. The guy's hot too."

"Miya from volleyball. The setter."

"Ohh, but isn't he a beta?"

"He is. But with that body? Bet it's just a matter of time. Omega's can present until 25, just wait for him"

The two guys talking on the hallway laughs, but was quickly cut off by the looming presence
behind them.

"Ya know, if yer gonna talk shit, do it somewhere private." Osamu glares at them.

One guy grimaced at having been caught, but the other guy quickly apologized, not wanting to start trouble.

"Sorry, we'll just go." He bows a little, then walks away with his friend
"Fucking assholes." Osamu mutters as he slings his arms back on his boyfriend's shoulder. Keiji only giggles at Osamu's antics, continuing their walk to the cafeteria.

"Are they so deprived of omegas, they're going after betas now?" Osamu glares at the direction the two men went
"Hmm? You meant the thing they said about Atsumu?" Keiji asked.

"Yeah. Those idiots can't differentiate between sexes anymore."

"I think they're right though. It's only a matter of time until Atsumu presents."

"What? No, that's impossible."

Keiji raised an eyebrow
and was about to retort, but the bustle of the cafeteria as they enter interrupted him.

The two of them went and ordered their food, before continuing their conversation at their table.

"You really don't think Atsumu's gonna present?" Keiji asked.
"No? Our family's all betas. I'm just the odd one out." Osamu shrugs and Keiji stares at him incredulously as they eat.

"Ah! Samu, Kaashi!" A voice calls out to the couple. "Mind if I sit here?" Atsumu asks, as he sits without waiting for an answer.
"I didn't say ya could." Osamu tell him.

"Doesn't matter. Don't worry, I'll be quick." He talks through his mouth already stuffed with food, not even a minute after sitting.

"God, yer a pig."

"Huh, says ya." Atsumu talks back, still eating.

Osamu gets the urge to whack his
brother's head, but refrains out of respect to their food.

True to his words, Atsumu didn't take long. It was only a few minutes of eating in silence, and he's packing up again.

"Yo, gotta go now, we're squeezin' some extra training today." Atsumu claps his brother's back,
and nods his goodbye to Keiji, then walks away before either could say anything.

Osamu only stares after him, still thinking of his earlier conversation with his partner.

He's only looking, but can't help to notice some things he hadn't before.

"Shit. I think yer right."

It was well past ten p.m, the twins are both doing homework in their shared dorm, when Osamu brought it up.

"Hey Tsumu."


"When's the last time y'all got health check? In varsity, I mean."

Atsumu stops typing to think for a moment. "I think two weeks ago? Whyd'ya ask?"
"Can I see it?"

"Yeah, whatever, it's in my bag." Atsumu waves him off, too busy with his essay.

Osamu takes it from his brother's school bag. Taking a while to rummage through Atsumu's disorganized items.

He found it, finally, and proceed to look at the measurement section.
He takes a deep breath at what he sees, and calls his brother again.


"Hmm?" Atsumu humms, not taking his eyes away from his laptop.

"I think yer presenting."

This time, Atsumu stops typing, whipping his head around to look at his brother,
unbelieving of what he's heard.


"I think yer gonna present as an omega. Yer body's changin' and some alphas are tryna safeguard ya already. I think ya should—"

"No no no, that's not gonna happen. What made ya even say that?" Atsumu snatched the paper from Osamu,
then went to rummage through some folders in his desk, before whipping out another piece of paper.

He takes his time looking at it. Comparing the contents of the two.

"Fuck." He tossed the papers aside, and ran to their bathroom.

"Tsumu?" Osamu follows him, worried
for his brother.

Atsumu takes out a weighing scale from a cabinet, and a measuring tape from another.

He steps on the scale, and wrals the tape around his waist while it computes.

"Oh fuck." He curse after reading the results of both measurements.
"Hey Tsumu, ya alright?" Osamu, who was watching the whole thing, asks.

"Nononono. This can't be happening."

Atsumu walks past him and back to their room, picking up the paper he tossed earlier.

He groans loudly when he reads his health check results again.

"I'm losin' mass. My waist is over an inch smaller, and I lost some weight too. All in less than three weeks."

"Okay, maybe we should calm down. Think about this properly, yeah?"

"This can't be happening." He says once again as he sits on Osamu's bed.
"Yer probably gonna present soon if yer body's changin that fast, maybe in a week oe smth, but we still have time to prep. Maybe we should email yer profs as early as possible." Osamu's trying to think of all the things they should do, while Atsumu slumps on his bed.
"What about volleyball?" He asks weakly.

"Yer tournament ended last month didn't it?"

"No, I'm not talkin' about that. I meant \volleyball\. The V League, Samu. I've already received some offers, I talked to some scouts. What if they take it all back?? What's gonna happen?"
"Hey, c'mon, it's not as if there's no omegas in the pro leagues. There's even some in the national team! Yer real good at what 'ya do Tsumu, they're not gonna turn ya away."

"Yeah but what if they do? Also, ya know how those omegas get treated.
It's real horrible out there for 'em"

Atsumu was crying at this point. Voice cracking, and small sobs escaping his lips.

Osamu sighs at the sight, feeling his own heart clench as he looks at his crying brother.
He takes a sit just beside Atsumu, and wrapped his arms aroung him.

"I'll go fight everyone for ya then. Ya go play yer volleyball, and I'll mince anyone who tries to get in yer way. Maybe I'll put 'em in my onigiri. Heard Mcronald got rich from doing that."
Atsumu snorts at what his brother said.

"'S not gonna be that easy."

"Yeah, but I'll be here with ya."

True to what Osamu predicted, Atsumu did present around a week later.

They were waiting for it to haooen, and yet, it still blindsided them when Osamu woke up one day, with the pungent smell of rotten cherries filling the whole dorm.

He rushes ove to the window and opened it,
before opening the curtains diving their room.

"Tsumu? Hey, wake up ya idiot, yer stinkin up the whole building." Osamu tries shakes his beither awake.

Few seconds later and Atsumu finally opens his eyes.

"Samu? Wha's that smell?" He asks, scrunching his nose.
"It's yer smell idiot. Ya stink. Yer in heat already."

"Oh." Atsumu tries to sit up, but a sudden stabbing pain in his lower belly stopled him. "Fuck!" He cursed as the pain courses through his body.

"Hey, ya okay?" Osamu helps him up, propping his back to the headboard.
"It hurts." Is the only thing Atsumu could say as the pain overtakes his senses.

"Alright, stay still. I'll get yer meds, okay?" Atsumu nods at him, before he rushes out of their room and into the kitchen.

He grabs the box that ther prepared just few weeks ago,
containg all the food and medicine they bought, all of it enough to last a whole week.

"Here ya go Tsumu, sit up just a bit more."

He takes out some pain pills and a bottled water, then helps his brother take it.

"Wait for it to work, then go eat smth."
"Yeah.. okay."

The next five days proceeded just like that. Atsumu wakes up in pain, Osamu gets him some meds and food, and they cuddle until they fall asleep.

Keiji would also drop buy, sometimes with extra food and notes from their classes.
All of these changes feels weird to Atsumu, but what's weirdest for him was being able to \smell\

He never rlly get it when others would talk about pheromones, but now he knows why jt's such a big thing.

He can smell Osamu's musky pine wood and fresh linen scent,
Akaashi's strawberry and flowers with a hint of powder, and his own cherry and sandalwood scent.

He tells Osamu about how his scent smells stronger than his and Keiji's, and learned that scents are naturally stronger when someone is newly presented.
Atsumu laughs at him for still not knowing something that's been taught in multiple sex ed classes over the years.

"Shut up, I didn't listen, okay?" He retorts defensively.

Osamu just rolled his eyes.
The heat gets easier on his body as days passes, until he felt all pain finally subsides, leaving him exhausted but sort of refreshed.

Like an angel took his soul and gave it a spin in a washing machine filled with holy water.

Osamu said it's your body realeasing
unwanted tocins through your pheromones and sweat. Atsumu says the angel theory is more interesting.

Now though after the hell one calls "heat", he now faces a different one.

If heat was filled with bedsheets and clothes used as nesting materials, and food, and cuddles,
this other hell if filled with a bunch of sweaty betas and alphas in shorts, passing some balls around.

Atsumu takes a deep breath, ignoring his swaty palms and loud heartbeats as he enters the volleyball gym.

"Mornin'" he forces himself to greet his teammates, before he
beelined it to the locker room, not bothering to look back at them.

As he locks the door, he was relieved to see that it's mostly empty, except from one person.

He can handle that. Atsumu thinks.l, before going to his locker.

"Hey, Omi. How's practice been last week?"
He asks in an attempt to a small talk.

"It's fine. Just a few drills and three on three's. The usual." The other man answers.

Atsumu tries not to look at him, hinding his face with his locker's door, bet he can feel his team mate eyeing him. Probably looking at his neck,
where a scent patch he previously has no need to use, is now in place.

"Oh that's grea–" He was saying, but was interrupted with someone opening the door.

"Hey, hurry up. Coach got something to say." One of their teammates said before closing the door again.
Neither man attempted to talk anymore. They dressed up and put their gears in silence, the other avoiding any eyecontact, while the other stares at him.
Tbc. I need sleep 😴😴
Training proceeded as usual that day. The coach anounced some scheduled practice game, told them he want some improvement on certain aspects of their game, and let them go.

It's their usual routine, and Atsumu would very much like to pretend everything is okay,
but the burning stares behind his back makes it hard to do so.

The coach anounced a water break, and they all went to get their water bottles all sitting on one bench.

Atsumu was waiting behind some of his teammates to grab his water, when a hand reached out to him,
holding out his tumblr.

"Here." Sakusa hands it to him.

"Oh.. thanks." Atsumu takes the tumblr and drinks his fill, pretending that the unusual display of chivalry from his usually aloof teammate means nothing.

If they think you're too dumb to notice them,
they'll stop eventually. Atsumu thinks, opting to act dumb and oblivious around his alpha teammates.

It was around an hour or two after their water break when the training ends. Ending the painful hours of playing dumb and ignoring creepy stares.
"Miya." Someone calls out to him as he was about to leave the gym.

"Omi? Wha's up?" He asked his teammate.

"Are you going home?"

"I guess?" He awkwardly replies. Wary of the Alpha.

"Your dorm's on the way to the station, right? Do you want to walk together?"
Atsumu was taken aback by the guy's straightforward approach. He was thinking up for an excuse to say no, without sonding rude, when someone calls him again.


He looks back, and there Osamu is, standing just outside the gym.

"Samu!" His eyes shine as he sees a savior.
"Thought you went home with 'kaashi?"

"Yeah, but I came back. Was he bothering you?" Osamu asks, glaring at the man behind Atsumu.

"Uhh, no, not really—"

"I was asking if I can walk him home, Miya-san." Sakusa cuts him off.

Osamu didn't answer immediately,
still staring down at the man.

"He's walking hime with me." He finally answers.

"Actually, your dorm's on my way, so I think I'll walk with the two of you." Is Sakusa's immediate answer.

Osamu squints his eyes at him. He was going to say no, but decided it's not worth it.
"Fine." He tells Sakusa, then went to grab Atsumu's arm.

The three of them walked together, Osamu standing between them, while Sakusa walks on the outer edge of the sidewalk.

Osamu contemplates pushing him onto the the oncoming traffic, but the camera attached to a streetlight
deterrs him.

Meanwhile, back in the gym, a few alphas sighs and whispers in disappointment. It's not worth trying to score on their newly presented teammate when his brother is barricading him. Fighting for a mate became outdated after the pre historic era afterall.
The walk to the twin's dorm was awkward. Osamu was contemplating murder the whole time, Sakusa acts indifferent, and Atsumu tries to pretend that he doesn't feel the tension between the two alphas.

The walk felt like hours, although it was actually 15 minutes, more or less,
but they finally reached their dorm.

Osamu walks inside the buildimg briskly, while Atsumu walks slower, still feeling the awkwardness.

"See you tomorrow, Miya." Sakusa speaks up before he can enter the door.

"Uh... yeah. Thanks for walkin' with us.. I guess."
He answers, unsure of what to say.

Sakusa just nods, giving him a small smile before pulling out a mask from his pocket and walking away.

Meanwhile, Atsumu stood still as a statue, the smile from his usually stone faced teammate giving his a whiplash.
"Oi scrub, let's go." Osamu calls out, already pushing their floor number on the elevator.

"Ya didn't have to do that, ya know?" Atsumu tells Osamu as they enter their room.

"Do what?" Osamu asks.

"Fetch me from practice and walk me home like an overprotective parent."

"I don't know what yey talking. I was just taking a walk."

"A walk? At 6:00 pm?"

Atsumu scoffs. "Liar."

"Yeah, whatever." Osamu adoesn't look at him as they talk. "He just went around, doing his business, and packing up some stuffs. "I'll go to Keiji's for a bit. I need help with a homework. Food's in the fridge. Just microwave it."
Osamu slings his bag on his shoulder, seemingly in a rush. "I'll be back later."

Atsumu raised a brow at his weird act, but didn't comment on it.

"Yeah, sure. Don't ever come back." He says before his brother could go back outside.
"Eat shit!" He heard Osamu yell before the door shuts.

Now left alone in their dorm, Osamu decides to heat up some food, and take out his computer to work on some homework.
Keiji's dorm was just a floor below them, and Osamu got there in no time.

"Hey, 'Ji." He greets his omega.

"Samu." Keiji greets back, giving Osamu a little kiss. "How's Atsumu?"

"Upstairs, probably eating or something."
"I see. Kenma's streaming in our room by the way, try to not make too much noise." He says as Osamu settles on the couch.

"Yeah. Got it."

"Did something happened when you fetched him?" He asked.

"Yeah. His teammates are oractically ogglin' him, and the weird dude with
curly hair insisted on walking home with us."

"The spiker with the moles?"

"Yeah. Think it's Sakura or something."

"Sakusa." Keiji corrected him. "I have one class with his cousin, I think."

Silence rings out as the two of them just sit on the couch.
Osamu hesitates wether to bring up his problem or not.

"I feel weird about this." He starts.

"Hmm?" Keiji humms, telling him to go on.

"Tsumu presenting. Makes me wanna punch some alphas. I feel like some mother hovering over a toddler." Osamu tries explaining how he feels to
his partner.

"Well, you're an alpha, it's normal to feel protective over omegas you're close to."

"Yeah, but this feels different from how I feel with ya... like, you wanna make me stay close to ya, but Tsumu makes me feel more aggressive."

"Well, I do hope it's different.
I'm your boyfriend, he's your brother." Keiji joked lightheartedly. "Also, it's Atsumu. It's just natural for him to invoke some feelings of violence. From you and other people.

Osamu snorts. "Yeah I guess. I'm the only one allowed to act on it though.
Anyone else does it and they go straight to a casket."

The pair laughs at this.
The following day passed by quickly. With the incoming exam week, volleyball practice became significantly shorter, the players being limited to morning practice, with afternoon practice being discouraged in the meantime.

This news sent some kind of relief to Osamu.
Knowing that his brother won't be surrounded by filthy knothead all the time makes him feel at ease.

Keiji said he's being paranoid, and that Atsumu can definitely still throw a mean punch if needed for defense, even if he's an omega now.
Osamu thinks knives would be better, and voiced it out to his partner.

"Giving Atsumu any kind of weapon is too dangerous and outright irresponsible." Keiji tells him. They agree.

The peaceful week that Osamu is looking forward to, however, was cut short,
when a certain alpha aproached him and Keiji during lunch.

"Miya-san. Do you have a minute?" The taller alpha asked.

Osamu looks up with his brows furrowed, not bothering to hide his displeasure. "Sakura isn't it? What do ya want?"

"It's Sakusa."

"Yeah, I don't care."
Sakusa sighs, wanting to fight the other alpha for his disrespect, but decided that what he came here for is more important.

"I want to talk about Atsumu. Privately. If you have time."

Osamu looks at Keiji, trying to communicate his unpleasant feelings for the guy,
but Keiji looks back at him and signals him that he can go.

Osamu cannot belive this betrayal from his beloved. He wanted to say no, but Keiji's gaze left him no room for disagreement.

With a dejected sigh, he stood up, look at Sakusa, and walked to the back of the building.
"What do ya want?" Osamu asks the other alpha, his arms crossed over his chest.

"I want to court Atsumu." Sakusa says without missing a beat.

Osamu stares at him. Surprised at the man's lack of tact.



Osamu sighs at this.

"Atsumu doesn't know shit about
being a good omega. If yer lookin' for a housewife, go look somewhere else."

"I'm not looking for a housewife. I'm looking to maybe have Atsumu as a partner."

A vein throbbed in Osamu's forehead.

"Also, I'm not asking for permission." Sakusa continues.
I just wanted to let you know."

"Then the fuck's this all for!? If ya don't want my permission, then go fuck yerself." He exclaims, exaspirated at the man in front of him.

Sakusa blinks. "I see. Then I'll be asking him out later." He bows before trying to walk away.
"Hah!? I didn't say ya could."

"Yeah, but I don't need yor permission. You can't stop me." Sakusa glares back this time, his patience running thin.

"No, I ain't lettin' ya! Go fu—"

"Samu? What ya doing here?" Osamu's cursing tirade was cut off.
"Oh, Omi! 'sup? Are ya two brawlin' here or something?" Atsumu asks them, stepping out of the building to join them outside.

"Yes." Osamu answered.

"No." Sakusa says at the same time.

Atsumu scrunched his nose. "Which is it? Ya two are actin' weird."
"He's being annoying." Osamu points at Sakusa.

"I'm letting your brother know that i'm goning to ask you out." Sakusa tells him.
"Huh? What?? Omi!??" Atsumu was surprised at what he said.

His face is red as he looks at Sakusa, then back to his brother, not knowing what to say.

Atsumu is as red as a tomato. He was aware when he presented, that courting is something that happens between an alpha and an omega. He's aware that he'll probably have to go throught it at some point.

He wasn't anticipating, however, that someone will propose courting to him
not even a month after he presented.

"I said no." Osamu says, still glaring at Sakusa as if willing the ground beneath him to open up and drag him to hell.

"Samu!??" Atsumu can only exclaim, bwing extremely weirded out by his brother.
"I don't think that's for you to decide, Miya-san." Sakusa tells him.

"Yeah, but it's for me to decide whether ya leave alive or not. Fuck off before I kill you." Osamu threatens the other Alpha.

"Wait no! Yer not leaving yet." Atsumu intervenes,
"Osamu, the hell is wrong with ya!?? Yer being a prick!"

"No I'm not. I'm just telling him off!"

"Ya don't have the right to do that! Why are ya even doin' this?"

"Those alphas are up to no good Tsumu, I'm just protectin' ya!"

"You don't have to! Omi's not gonna hurt me!"
At this point, their shouting match has reached the ears of those still in the cafeteria. Some head starts poking out to see what's happening.

"How'd 'ya know that?"

"'Cuz he's my teammate. We've been playin' together for almons three years. I trust Omi-kun, Samu,
he's not gonna do anything!"

"\How\ can you be so sure? He's just a teammate, he's not even yer friend."

"Yeah, but I \know\ him! Can ya please piss off? I'm talkin' to Omi."

Atsumu turns his back to his brother and was walkin towadds Sakusa, but Osamu wouldn't relent that
that easy.

"No, yer not goin' anywhere!" Osamu grabs Atsumu's wrist, his voice sounding more like a growl than actual human voice.

His nails dig into Atsumu's wrist, his body posturing for a fight. Not against Atsumu, but against the Alpha standing just a few feet over.
Sakusa was also on alert at this point. Not willing to back down. At this point, everyone was certain that a fight will commence, and poor Atsumu's trapped between two almost feral alphas.

"Osamu!" Someone from the crowd inside call out.
"Keiji." He looks at his partner, who just got out of the building.

"Come on. Leave them alone Samu." Keiji grabs his arm, trying to pull him back in.


"I'll go talk to Omi." Atsumu cuts off his brother before he could say anything.

He pulls his arm from Osamu's grip,
and went to Kiyoomi, pulling him away elsewhere.

Atsumu closes the gym's locker room door behind him, while Sakusa stands a good distance away, leaning on the metal lockers.

"Miya." Sakusa gets his attention.

"Yes, Omi?" Atsumu replies stiffly, feeling embarrassed and awkward due to earlier events.
"I'm sorry for putting you in that situation. I didn't mean to act aggressive towards your brother. Specially when you were there. You could've gotten hurt. I apologize." The alpha bows deeply to Atsumu.
"Oh– no, Omi it's fine. It was Samu was actin' like a feral. 't wasn't yer fault. Please stand up now." Atsumu talks frantically, his hands waving in the air.

"I'm sorry for walkin' right between ya two. Akaashi told me you were there so I came to see what ya wer doin'.
It was my fault Samu got even more mad at ya." He continues.

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault either." Sakusa says, now standing straight.

"Yeah, I guess." Atsumu laughs awkwardly. "Uh.. about what ya said earlier.." his voice gets weaker as he goes on,
not knowing how to continue.

"It's okay if you don't want me to court you." Sakusa answers, saving him the time of thinking what to say next. "I know everything is still new to you. I'm sorry if I came off too imposing."

"No! It's... I mean, I actually don't mind."
Atsumu glances up at Sakusa, and saw the other man's eye got a bit brighter. "But, I sorta wanna take things slow. Like, if ya really wanna court me, maybe we should go out for a bit first. Sort of like getting to know each other, I guess." Atsumu placed a hand on his nape,
his cheeks heating up, as he avoids eye contact.

"I'd like that, actually." Sakusa replies.

"Really??" Atsumu sounded excited, looking at the other man for confirmation.

Sakusa nods, giving Atsumu a smile. The same smile he had when he said goodbye after walking home with him
the other day. "I'll text you later." He adds.

"Okay, that's great." Atsumu couldn't contain his smile anymore. "I'll be goin' now, I guess. I'll wait for yer text. Bye Omi!" He says his goodbye as he slips out the door.

Sakusa listens to Atsumu's footstep after he left,
smiling like a fool, he waited until he made sure that Atsumu's completely out of the gym, then he takes out his phone and dials a number.

It took a few rings before the other line picked up, by then Sakusa was sitting on the floor, his phone pressed to his ear.
"Hello?" The other line answered.

"Oh my god, Toya, he said we can go out."

Meanwhile, just after Atsumu drags Kiyoomi to the gym, Akaashi hauls his boyfriend towards an empty corridor, avoiding any eye contact as they pass through the crowd.

"Just so you know, that was extremely embarrassing." Keiji tells Osamu, his face completey blank.
Osamu could only look away. Already regretting making a scene.

"I know you just want the best for Atsumu, but just because he presented as an omega, doesn't mean he lost his thinking skills. Sakusa's right, you don't have the right to decide anything for him."
"I already know that." Osamu looks down, looking like a child being scolded by his mom.

"If you know, you shouldn't have done that." Keiji still looks completely calm, but Osamu knows he got some stuffs to make up for.

Keiji still got more things to say, but his phone's alarm
rings before he could continue.

Keiji takes it out from his pocket, and turned it off.

"I got one more class for today." He sighs. "Go talk to Atsumu. I'll text you when I got home." He didn't wait for Osamu to reply before he walks away, still feeling a little mad
about today's event.

Osamu was shaping onigiris in the kitchen when Atsumu gets home.

"Welcome back." Osamu greets him just as he finished plating the food.

Astumu nods at him, not saying anything, before he went to their room.

Osamu sighed, expecting the cold shoulder already.
He washed his hands in the sink, before carrying the plate to their room.

"Here." He says as he placed it down on Atsumu's desk, where he was setting up his laptop.

"Thanks." Atsumu replied quietly.

Silence went on for a few seconds, none of the twin looking at each other.
"Did ya talked to him?" Osamu finally asked.


"How was it?"

"We agreed to go out." Atsumu tells him, finally looking at his brother. "He ain't courting me yet though."

"Cool." It was not cool.

Osamu clenched his fist, protective alpha instincts going haywire again.
"Was he good?" Osamu asks again. Wanting to avoid the topic, but couldn't help but pry for more.

"Yeah. He's real respectful about it."

Well, that's one positive. Osamu thinks to himself.

Silence stretched out awkawardly once more, when Atsumu spoke up again.
"Yer near yer rut!" He exclaims.

"What??" Osamu was surprised by the sudden loudness.

Atsumu points at the calendar on the wall. "Ya got less tham a month before yer next rut. That's why yer so weird!"

Osamu blinks owlishly at the calendar, then he laughs.
"Oi, what'ya laughin' at?" Atsumu pouts.

"Nothing." He said. Still laughing, and shaking his head.

He's been so occupied with Atsumu presenting, he totally forgot about his cycle.

He was still laughing, when Atsumu's phone rings with a notification.
"Oh, it's Omi."

Osamu's face immediately soured at the mention of the name.

"What does he want now?" He asks, trying to take a peek at Atsumu's phone, but his brother pushed his head away.

"Said we're going out next weekend, after exams. Also, he wanna eat lunch together."
Osamu scrunched his nose.

"Tell him yer sitting with us. If he wanna be with ya, he's gotta endure my presence too."

"Oh? Yer approving of him now?" Atsumu teases.

"No, I'll turn him into onigiri filling the first chance I get."

"Alright, hormone boy." He rolls his eyes.
Atsumu texts Sakusa about sitting with Osamu.

"He said he's fine with it." He reads the reply, which came in less than a minute after his last text.

"He better be." Osamu finally succeeds in trying to peek at Atsumu's phone. He snorts at the contact name.
"Burnt ramen?" He reads it out.

"Shut up, we exchanges contacts in first year." Atsumu immediately clicks on the contact info, changing the name.

Osamu just laughs again. "I gotta go, Keiji's probably home now. I'll be downstairs until night."

"Yeah sure. Use protection."
"Fuck ya." Osamu curses, before going out and locking the door..
Osamu grabs a tuooerware of Onigiri from the kitchen counter, checking out the seal, before putting it in a bag.

He tries to think of ways to apologize to his boyfriend, but his mind remains blank as he approaches Keiji's dorm.
With a sigh, he decides to just wing it, before raising his fist to knock.

He had to wait for a bit for the door to open, and when it does, Keiji stands on the other side.

"Hey. Can we talk?" He asks, raising the bag of onigiris to show them.

Gotta sleep again. Be back in a few hours. 😶😶
The next day came quickly, and just when Atsumu thought his teammates got over with their awkawardness around him, a weird atmosphere greets him again during morning practice, this time though, they weren't trying to make an advance to him. Quite the opposite, actually,
they were all trying to avoid him, or atleast minimize contact.

It wasn't until he caught Kiyoomi glaring at some poor underclassman just asking for a set, that he realized that cause of the weird behaviour.
"Omi, ya gotta quit doin' that!" He tells him once their short morning practice ended.

"Sorry, couldn't help it." Sakusa shrugs, not looking sorry at all.

"Yer gonna make practice weird. It's already weird enough after I presented."
Sakusa did looked guilty after that.

"I'm sorry. I won't do it again." Ha says again, this time more genuine.

"Ya better not."
"Let me walk you to your classes." Sakusa sleaks after a short lull.

"Huh? Sure. Is it okay for ya tho? Yer bulding's kinda far from mine."

"It's fine. I wouldn't ask it it's not." Sakusa smiles at him, something he seems to be doing a lot lately.
Atsumu's face reddened at the little show of affection. He tries to look at the other side to hide his face.

Sakusa thinks the sight of this Atsumu is endearing.

He puts his arm across his back, his hands on Atsumu's shoulder, causing Atsumu's head to whip around,
looking at him in surprise.

"Is this okay?" Sakusa asks.

"Yeah!" Atsumu answers, his voice cracking, making him blush even more. "I mean, yeah, it's okay." He tries again after clearing his throat.
The walk tiwards Atsumu's class was, to say the least, very awkward. Though it seems like he's the only one feeling it.

Sakusa seems perfectly composed, walking alsongside him, arms still on his back.
"My lecture's here, Omi." He says meekly.

"Yeah." Sakusa finally puts his arm down. "See you at lunch" He says, ruffling Atsumu's hair, before finally walking away.

Atsumu didn't get the chance to say his goodbye back, too flustered to speak before Sakusa was gone.
"Hey, how come that guy has the same lunch sched as us?" Osamu asks, munching on his fruit sandwich.

"Oh, I actually talked to Komori. His cousin. Said he's been talking about seeing the three of us at lunch sice the satrt of sem. Mostly on his Thursday and Friday sched."
Akaashi answered, also eating an identical sandwich. "Here they are." He tells Osamu when he spotted Atsumu's blond hair amongst the crowd, with Sakusa trailing after him like a puppy.

"Sakusa looks like he's Atsumu's dog." Osamu remarks, looking at the two.
"Try not to say anything like that to him." Keiji chides, despite laughing at the joke himself.

"Samu! Kaashi!" Atsumu shouts, despite being only a few steps from them.

"God, you might as well use a megaphone." Osamu greets his brother, who ignored him in favor of the food
he was carrying.

Sakusa nods his greeting at them while Atsumu sits himself besides his brother. Sakusa himself sat besides Akaashi, and opposite of Atsumu.

"Samu, Omi got me this kimchi rice. D'ya want some? Ya gotta gimme a bit of that though." Atsumu proposes trade.
Sakusa stares at Atsumu's food. The proposal is tempting, really, but the prospect of eating something from Sakusa makes him want to barf.

"Nah. Go buy yerself sandwich if you want." Is his answer.

"Hah!?? Why not???" Atsumu wails, like a kid whose candy just got stolen.
"Because I don't wanna. Go away!" Osamu pushes his brother's face when he tried to reach for his sandwich.

"No!!! Gimme some!" He wails like a newborn.

"I'll buy you a sandwich later if you want, Atsumu." The table went quiet when Sakusa spoke up.
"Really??" Atsumu asked, stars shining in his eyes.

"Yeah. You can get as many as you want." Sakusa assures him.

Osamu mad a little "Tch." sound at this, his mood going down again.

"Samu bahave yer ass." Atsumu scolds him when he heard it.
Osamu didn't answer, and only glared at Sakusa.

True to his words, Sakusa did bought some fruit sandwich for Atsumu.

Atsumu only asked for one, but Sakusa insisted on buying three.

"Omi-kun, thank ya, but this is too much." Atsumu holds the three sandwiches,
unsure of what to do. "Ya sure I can have all these?"

"You can keep the others for later if you can't eat it." Sakusa assures him.

"If you say so, then." Atsumu's still reluctant, but kept the sandwiches anyways.
"I have to go now, Atsumu, will you be fine?"

"Yeah. I'll just go bug Samu. See ya Omi. Thanks for these again."

"Alright then, see you." Sakusa walks away, and Atsumu waves at him until he vanished from sight.
Meanwhile, Osamu and Keiji, who was supposed to be gone, watches from a hidden corner, near the stairs.

"You really have to stop this Osamu. I already told you, you don't have to be barricading around Atsumu just because he's an omega now."
"I just wanna make sure the bastard's not gonna hurt him, Ji." Osamu whispers at him.

"I got classes in a few, I don't have time for this." Keiji goes out of their hiding spot, about to walk away.

"I'll go walk with ya." He immediately answers, stumbling on his feet to follow
his boyfriend.
"Damn, the brother really hates you huh?" Motoya says, walking besides his cousin, watching Osamu and Keji walk away from where they were previously hiding. "What are you gonna do aboit that?"

"He wasn't aggressive to me earlier, so that's something." Sakusa answers.
"I don't really have any plan though."

"Well that sucks. Anyways, my class' this way, gotta go now. Goodbye loverboy."

"Sakusa rolls his eyes at the nickname, but waves goodbye anyways.

• • •

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Feb 4, 2023
Childhood #sakuatsu #skts where the Sakusa's company lost a lot of money when Omi was a kid. They didn't lost that much, just had to sell some of their resthouses and such, but they get to keep the main house and their maids, etc.
Regardless of this tho, it did a number on their reputation, so all of Omi's friends justs topped hanging around, mainly bacause their parents told them to. All of them, except the Miya twins.
Osamu, mostly because he loves the pastries Kiyoomi's sister would make whenever they come over, and Atsumu, because well, he's Atsumu.

So now their playtimes in the Sakusa estate consists of Atsumu and Omi actually hanging out,
Read 4 tweets
Jan 11, 2023
#sakuatsu, a/b/o, mature language, mentioned violence

Skts wherein omega Atsumu absolutely has to mary King Kiyoomi whether he likes it or not, lest Kiyoomi conquers their kingdom. Problem is, Atsumu likes it, A LOT. To the point that everyone in their kingdom is worried
Kiyoomi might get turned off and conquer them anyway.

And also because, "Jesus fucking christ, stop sqealing like a pig ya scrub." His brother throws a pillow at him, but Atsumu ignores him in favor of wrapping himself in the scented blanket Kiyoomi had sebt him.
Every conversation he has just ends up with him gushing over the king, and no one even has the heart to say that "no, he's not a mysterious, handsome, knight in shing type of king, Atsumu. He conquers kingdoms unprovoked, he's killed people, for christ's sake."
Read 12 tweets
Sep 30, 2022
// #skts #sakuatsu, a/b/o, spoiled brat Atsumu and enabler Kiyoomi, childhood sweethearts, highschool relationship, fluff but Atsumu is a literal bully in here and def not a nice person. SCENES OF PHYSICAL AND VERBAL BULLYING.
They were maybe six or seven when their parents introduced them.

The Sakusas just moved in Osaka, their house right in front of the Miya residence. Their mothers, being long time friends, greeted each other and made their children do the same.
Sakusa bowed curtly, while the twins waved with more energy.

The children gets along, despite the difference in personality. Although they couldn't really be considered friends. Kiyoomi just seems to be a tad bit introverted to actually form that deep of a bond with the twins.
Read 28 tweets

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