Hey folks! Are you upset about the recent attacks on trans folk and want to do something to help?
I’ve got good news! There’s something relatively easy you can do that would help a lot right now, and it doesn’t require you to put your phone down!
Earlier this month, the Department of Health and Human Services released new draft nondiscrimination rules under Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).
These rules would prohibit healthcare providers and health insurers from discriminating against trans people.
They also include a lot of other great stuff, including protections for people with disabilities, increased language access, and prohibitions against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, intersex status, or pregnancy.
So, overall, a lot of really great stuff.
The rules haven’t gone into effect, though. Right now, HHS is accepting public comment on the draft rules, which they have to take into consideration before issuing the final rules sometime next year.
The thing is, opponents of trans rights are really united against these protections. They want to be able to continue to discriminate. They want to discriminate more.
And they’re coming out in force with comments opposed to the new draft rules.
So here’s my ask for you:
The National Center for Trans Equality and partner orgs have put together a portal where you can speak up in support of transgender folks and our access to healthcare.
If you have a few minutes, please visit our portal and share your story of why you think it’s critical to #ProtectTransHealth.
Every story is incredibly helpful, as it helps to build a record for HHS that our community needs access to healthcare just as much as everyone else.
And while we’re very interested in trans stories—both the stories of discrimination you’ve faced and stories of how access to gender-affirming care has helped you—we also would love to hear from our cisgender allies, especially parents, family members, partners, and friends.
So, please, take ten minutes out of your life tonight to #ProtectTransHealth.
And whether you have a story or not, please share this thread, as the more stories we get, the more likely we are to get strong protections in place.
I’m quoted twice in the piece, but really happy about this closing quote:
One thing I’ve brought up in a few interviews about the Boston Children’s Hospital situation, but which media hasn’t latched onto yet, is how there’s a real risk transition-related services can be attacked in the same way as abortion care.
I’m finishing up the first season of Sandman and got damn did they find someone who is simultaneously terrifying and charismatic as hell to play Corinthian.
Theory for future seasons: the place Hal buys in New York will turn out to be the brownstone in A Game of You, with Hal possibly replacing Wanda.
2018 me probably would have turned this tweet into a 1200 word feature that I would write in two hours and get paid $35 for.