What you're looking at is a region where the militia movement is organized, unusually ideologically united (even if the ideology is incoherent), and both right as hell and bugf**k crazy.
At risk of sounding like a Pompous Old White Dude Holding Forth On His Subjective Opinion As If It's Fact, we *can* run a few simple counter-factuals against this kind of situation.
Like, for starters, I don't care what legislation Democrats pass, they're not winning this state.
The most active groups involved in hate speech attacks on libraries are biker gangs. An activist in Idaho twigged me to them last year when they started attacking libraries.
A lot of counterfactuals about appealing to propriety or morality fall short when you look at this basic fact.
ID is avowedly religious state (81% of Idahoans believe: pewresearch.org/religion/relig…) where people are OK with BIKER GANGS HARASSING LIBRARIANS.
The idea that moderates in Idaho can make a difference is also, unfortunately, not realistic.
The more you look at how Idaho is, the more that '22, and by extension '24, look like pure voter turnout contests with the fate of our democracy at stake.
It's interesting to revisit citizen activism strategy in view of increasing certainty about Russian collusion in 2016 and compromise of the Trump presidency generally.
Baldly put, there's not a lot of ambiguity left anymore, not if you do the reading.
That changes things.
In passing, it's notable that @MuellerSheWrote (<-- follow) has a better summary (here:
But I'm showing this not to demonstrate that so much as to establish that the release of the Barr memo on Mueller is a thing.
As much as people like me have argued that we need to act as if the Presidency is compromised since '17 or so, there's also been a countervailing, and I think necessary argument, that we don't know for certain and can't act as if we do.
There's something called a "rep grind" in MMOs that I think about lately in relationship to work.
Like, you see this thing, the sparkly tiger?
That took about a week of doing "reputation" quests for one in-game faction in WoW; not a week of evenings, I mean like 168 hours.
A rep grind in real life means that sometimes you're doing things not for immediate payout, but rather as inbound marketing to raise your reputation with a particular faction.
It is completely wild, given, like... you know, THE ENTIRE THING THAT THEY ARE... but even Fox News is (somewhat offhandedly) admitting how much Trump is utterly ruining their midterms prospects.
This points to a flawed assumption that I made; I'm probably not alone in doing so: patreon.com/posts/project-…
In January, before Dobbs, Ukraine, and the MAL raid, based on Cook Political, I assessed that the Senate was our last bastion against a Republican insurgency.
Russia is engaged in massive resource extraction out of Ukraine focusing on wheat, corn, and agricultural commodities.
From '18-22, it's smuggling; in '22, it turns into something different & high-intensity. This is what it looks like on a calendar. patreon.com/posts/69766256
From open-source reporting corroborated by expert military analysis, we can guess pretty well that the Russian occupation in general is ad hoc, chaotic, and not very organized.
Step back from the circus, pull the disparate reports and incidents of shipments of smuggled or extracted resources into a single data set, look up each shipment, each ship, each company and each owner, and this is what it looks like (left to right).
This specific smuggling/laundering strategy - mixing raw resources together to disguise origin - is a proven, profitable, relatively low-risk kleptocratic strategy.
This is what Russia does with coal in the so-called Luhansk & Donetsk People's Republics.