Following a complaint, in 2012 the EU Commission took the UK Gov to the European Court Justice over allowing water companies to dump sewage into rivers.
Court ruled it was illegal and that sewage overflows should only ever be used in "exceptional situations"
Last year @Ofwat wrote to WCs reminding them of their statutory obligations under section 94 WIA 1991. See below, that water companies must build and operate sewage systems capable of dealing with the contents of sewers, no matter what's in there or indeed how it got there.
@Ofwat then wrote to WCs a 2nd time telling them that in Ofwat's opinion for 30 years WCs had been given all of the funding needed to meet their legal obligations under s94.
So WCs had the funding, clearly it's not been spent on the sewage system.
Q: What happened the money?
Q: Why have government / @ofwat not being enforcing the law, they clearly know and understand that it's being broken?
One law dictionary I've seen defines exceptional circumstances as:
"Circumstances that could not be reasonably foreseen and for which there was insufficient time to take the necessary action to resolve the situation arising from those circumstances."
This is a short tale about 2 environment regulators, yes we do have 2, but don't panic it's also a tale about how someone, somewhere appears to have a lot of questions to answer.
Yes we have 2 environment regulators but each has their own separate, responsibilities with just a small occasion overlap. For example take rivers.
The EA has a clear straightforward obligation, to "Maintain, improve and develop fisheries", our rivers..........
NE on the other hand, according to their Twitter profile, aim to secure a healthy, natural environment protected and safeguarded for future generations. All very worthy and amiable stuff.............
So as some of you know I made a rather eccentric decision at the beginning of the year to walk every river in north London before Christmas, well that means the next 3 weekends are going to be busy. :)
Today is number 17! Hurray!
But before we begin children I wanted to draw your attention to a speech given by @OfwatChiefExec CEO of @ofwat at a water industry earlier this week. I suspect it’s the first time Ofwat or anyone else spoke directly to the industry about the impact they have on our rivers. (1/2)
So a big round of applause for @OfwatChiefExec setting an example that others might do well to copy. Brilliant job.