2/7 Call it senicide—the mass killing of the elderly.
I exposed this plan in an August 2009 article ("Medical Murder," Whistleblower Magazine).
The plan is to kill off the aging baby boomers before we bankrupt Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. richardpoe.com/2009/09/20/med…
3/7 In 1994, George Soros got the plan rolling, by funding the so-called Project on Death in America, a massive retraining program for healthcare professionals, aimed at normalizing euthanasia, assisted suicide, withholding of treatment, and other forms of medical killing.
4/7 Canada is way ahead of us on the senicide curve.
More than 10,000 Canadians were euthanized in 2021 alone.
In 2019, 61-year-old Alan Nichols was euthanized in a Toronto hospital. His only symptoms were depression and hearing loss.
3/9 According to @DarrenJBeattie, a network of UK intel fronts, including Bellingcat, the Integrity Initiative, and the Institute for Statecraft, is investigating, defaming and harassing US patriots, while receiving US government funding.
1/4 Human rights defender @Josieamycashman accuses the British Royal Family of using aboriginal land claims as a front to perpetrate UN land grabs in Australia, in collusion with the Rio Tinto mining company.
2/4 Previously, Soros and Rio Tinto were accused of cooperating in a multibillion-dollar extortion scheme in Africa, allegedly involving Tony Blair, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, and other high-profile Brits.
The wargamers were Never-Trump Republicans and Obama-Biden officials.
The supposed goal of these "wargames" was to figure out ways to stop Trump from stealing the election.
However, independent journalist Whitney Webb says their real purpose was exactly the opposite.
A leftist who is no friend of Trump, @_whitneywebb found that the wargamers explored methods for seizing power through "provocative, unprecedented actions," even in the event of a "clear win" by Trump. unlimitedhangout.com/2020/09/invest…
On Monday, June 1, President Trump announced that he might use federal troops to quell the ANTIFA riots. No surprise there. Federal troops are routinely used to quell major riots in the U.S., last time in LA, 1992, many times during the Sixties. militarymuseum.org/HistoryKingMil…
Weirdly and unexpectedly, former President George W. Bush issued a statement on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, expressing solidarity with the protesters and saying that only "peaceful means" should be used to resolve the crisis. Really? bushcenter.org/about-the-cent…