@Notorious_TET Arc System Works (Creators and Developers of #GuiltyGearStrive) has officially confirmed that #Bridget is indeed a Boy. Not a girl. Not trans. A boy. THATS ALL FOLKS! (insert Looney Tunes Music here)
one more update. "BUT 4CHAN" the email originally originated on a Japanese twitter account that recently went private due to harassment. beforehand it was saved and was spread on both twitter and 4chan. i assume other places too but idk. Email is legit so that's all that matters
If I had a nickel for every death threat I received for tweeting the email and it’s 1:1 translation I’ll have…alot of nickels. It’s pretty funny in hindsight. The amount of hate,homophobia, and rage thrown at me all because #Bridget likely isn’t trans is nothing short of magical
And there are two things that make it funnier. One when they spam that one single image all I have to do is post this back and they go completely silent. Or become homophobic. Leading to my second point. Wtf is with the hate against actual gay people from the “progressives”
Like legit the amount of hate and contempt these people have for gay men is actually amazing. I’m not even gay and here they are absolutely losing their minds. They go “BUT YOU JUST WANT TO SUCK DICK GAY BOY” and I’m like “first off not gay. Second why do you hate gay people?”-
And it usually ends with them either blocking me or running away. They just don’t have anything other then hate and rage. All over a character that ain’t even real LOL. It’s kinda sad you need such validation over something that never existed
At the end of the day it’s somewhat clear that arc wanted to leave things vague and up to interpretation (just look at the symbol on his head. It’s both the male and female symbols overlapped).
But thanks to the more or less bad localization job the internet has literally caught fire. And the email released didn’t help and was a “breach of policy” (supposedly). Either way. it’s left vague and up for interpretation…or he’s still male. It’s either one according to arc.
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Since #GuiltyGearStrive and #Bridget is still a hot topic I’m gonna explain WHY Bridget is not trans like some are claiming. We’ll be going over the Japanese and English translation along with the context of it. Ready? Let’s go!
To start at the end of the video #Bridget says says “ushi wa otoko desu”, meaning “actually, I’m a guy”. Special thanks to @Notorious_TET on that translation. This is at the beginning of the arcade story however is still important and worth noting
Now before we go on there is one thing we need to address. The arcade mode. There are two endings in this mode. The first is the bad ending which you obtain by doing a “bad/non flawless run”. The good ending you obtain by doing the opposite. IE get gud or get fucked