Ton Aarts Profile picture
Aug 29, 2022 103 tweets 43 min read Read on X
Tesla fire victim no. 41

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 41

And counting.

Reminder why we're doing this thread. Comparing Tesla fire victims to the Ford Pinto. Ended after 3.2 million & 27 fire victims in ten years

Tesla after 3 million in 10 years: "safest cars in the world" (Elon Musk)

(PS: and zero financial interest here)

Tesla fire victim no. 42, in Denmark

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 42

(And counting)

Tesla fire victim no. 43

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 43

(And, we keep on counting .. )…
Tesla fire victim no. 44

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 44

(And, we keep counting .. )
"Safest cars in the world" (Elon Musk)

* Except when you side swipe something, or scrape the bottom. Setting Teslas on fire faster than you blink an eye

And miraculously lots of those Tesla door locks somehow are blocked more often than in a Ford Pinto..
Tesla fire victim no. 45

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 45

(And, just counting .. )

Tesla veers into oncoming traffic. Side swipes a tree an bursts into flames immediately. Driver burns alive, unable to get out of his Tesla. Sounds familiar?

Continuing with our 'Tesla vs Ford Pinto' thread.
Tesla fire victim no. 46

Burned alive in your $120k "safest car in the world". On your 19th birthday, also her last one.

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 46

(And counting .. )

Tesla: we categorically deny that a Tesla side swiping anything is blazing with fire immediately! That is absolutely NOT true!

As you can see on this video it takes at least 0.1 of a second ..

Tesla fire victim no. 47

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 47

Though technically we're not sure if the fire killed him, or the tree did. Anyway: zero chance, in your "safest car in the world"

Notice we're nearing twice the fire victims those ~3.2 million Ford Pinto had in ten years .. ImageImageImage
Tesla fire victim no. 48

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 48 ImageImageImage
Please, please. ScienTeslagy fanboys/stockowners ..

I know you're not the brightest Twitter minds but you might want to stop foaming on the mouth telling me what I "missed on Axa"

And read what I tweeted on Monday (It's now Friday, dear Elon fanboys .. )
And the reason this thread is here counting examples of Tesla fire fatalities:

Almost twice the fire victims in 3 million Teslas/10 years than a Ford Pinto was cancelled for in the '70s after 3.2 million/10 yrs. As 'worst fire hazard car ever in history'

Now, personally I don't know if you're too stupid to understand or too greedy, as a $TSLA stockowner.

I have ZERO financial interest in Tesla, or in any competitor. Or in ANY stock.

And I don't give a sh*t about buttheart people foaming from the mouth.
Another Friday. So onwards and upwards, with our Tesla vs Ford Pinto comparison:

Tesla fire victim no. 49

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 49

Tesla fire victim no .. 50

Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 50

(Two out of three "critically injured" died, one of them was in the Tesla on fire)… ImageImageImage
It's Friday, so ..
After 50 deadly Tesla fire victims, vs 27 in a Ford Pinto

Tesla example 346 (again, since previous 346 turned out staged)

"Stamford officials are blaming a battery for a stubborn fire that destroyed a luxury electric car"

I wonder which brand electric car ..
Well, I guess we'll never know ..…
Onwards, busy day today ..

#TeslaFireIssues example 347: Image
Well, what do you know

Inside a petrol station. Tesla-on-fire example 347: parked, only to find out you don't have a car anymore when returning

Remember: don't ask Dear Leader Elon why this happens 20 to 30 times more often than with a Nissan Leaf. Per car, per mile .. whatever Image
No time to wait for the answer, since here's Tesla on fire example 348:

Jan 17, 2022, Tiverton:

Now you see it, now you don't .. Image
349 ..

Tesla on fire example .. 350

"A Mendener's Tesla Model 3 bursts into flames. As a protest to customer service, he puts the wreck in the yard at Tesla in Dortmund"…
351 (yup)

"Almost happened to me. Selling my Model S and never buying any Tesla product again".. Image
Tesla on fire, example 352

Please don't ask. We don't know either.

"Tesla vehicle fires are exceptionally rare events, and in some cases, there have been zero Tesla vehicle fires in a quarter"

Wonder which quarter that could have been ..

Tesla on fire (which hardly happens, not more than maybe ~30 times more often than a Nissan Leaf)

Example 356:
(or maybe just a little more)

Tesla on fire, example 357:
To be continued by .. Tesla on fire, example 358

(You wouldn't have guessed) ImageImage
Good pace today ..

Tesla on fire, example 359: Image
On the bright side: the headlights worked, on this Tesla.
Tesla on fire, example 360:

(another bright side: not much left, afterwards .. ) Image
Tesla: you survived?!

So, which color do you want now? Image
Some more footage on a previous crash and Tesla fire: this was no. 302

"It didn’t take long for the car to catch fire after the crowd rescued the driver. The fire started from the front of the car and spread rapidly to the back of the body"

So, if he hadn't been rescued? .. ImageImageImage

So, your Tesla went on fire? Well, I find it hard to believe.

That hardly never happens .. Image

'Hardly ever' Image
Less than two months ago

Remember what I've been saying for years and years now on Tesla: you hit something with your Tesla side, and .. kaboom. Fully on fire ..

20 or 30x more often than a Nissan Leaf

(Also Tesla-on-fire-before-you-can-say-"safest car" example number .. 363)
Tesla fire victims 51 and 52
(And #TeslaFireIssues no. 364 .. )

Tesla: 52 people burned alive
Ford Pinto: 27 ..

"Both the driver and front seat passenger were pronounced dead of blunt force trauma and thermal injuries at the scene"…
So, @elonmusk ..

Why are 52 Tesla drivers burned alive, and none in over half a million Nissan Leafs?

While the entire Ford Pinto was halted over 27 people burned alive? (After ten years and 3,2 million produced)…
No answer from Dear Leader Elon, on why Teslas burned twice as much people to death as the infamous Ford Pinto did, in the same ten years, with the same 3.3 million cars.

(While hardly any in a Nissan Leaf)

So here's #TeslaFireIssues incident no. 365:

I wonder why. Twice as much Tesla fire deaths: 52

Than a Ford Pinto: 27…
Tesla on fire, no. 367:…
And a Tesla starting to burn, no. 369:

(a little variety) Image
Some older ones.
Like 'Tesla burned to a crisp in your garage' example 370:

(Don't park your Tesla near your house. And never, ever in your garage)…
Tesla on fire, example 371 .. ImageImageImage
No pictures.

But Tesla on fire example 372: Image
373 .. Image

Lesson learned. Don't shoot inside your Tesla. Image
375 (nice pace .. ) Image
376: Image
377: Image

(From UK 2020, no pictures, sorry .. ) Image
Not even counting this one, since it's probably arson.

(I've left out some ~two dozen Teslas on fire from this thread, because of suspected or proven arson .. ) ImageImage
Tesla on fire example 379

Florida Highway Patrol: "The Tesla south-bound on I-75, swerved onto the shoulder and into a ditch, struck a tree and caught fire. The driver could not escape from the vehicle"

Tesla: 53 burned to dead, alive
Ford Pinto: 27…
Tesla on fire example 380

"A Tesla caught fire early Monday morning. The Tesla was left completely charred"

"Rescue officials said there was only one occupant in the vehicle at the time and did not survive"

Tesla: 54
Ford Pinto: 27…
Onwards, Tesla example 381:

Don't let 'm touch water, folks ..
(The sociopath won't pay for it)


Remember: if your Tesla hits something with the sides, you're on fire. Instantly ..

Watch the video:

And I mean REALLY on fire ..

PS: noticed the driver being ejected (!) from his Tesla?


What a coincidence, your Tesla touches water and .. ignites. And you can't get the fire out.

What do yo do? Simply ditch it, in a pond ..

Tesla on fire 384:

Well, what do you know?
Your Tesla touches water and .. kaboom! On fire ..

Tesla burned to the ground no. 385:

'So, you're saying it touched water? And then it started to burn suddenly? And the Mercedes parked next to it did not?'

'No, can't believe that! Than Elon would have lied. Surely not .. '

Tesla with slight overheating problems, no. 386:

'Well, it looks pretty normal to me sir.
Oh, it's looking like the bottom picture now?!' Image

'Yeah, they do that sometimes. But nothing to worry, which color would you like now?'


So, a car ran into you. On the side. And now your Tesla battery is starting to smoke? That's .. bad.…

'You need to calm down, sir. Okay, you saw smoke.
How bad is it, can you drive it here?' Image
Tesla, burned to the ground 391, 392, 393 and 394:

(Just to speed things up a little. Don't want this to take all day .. ) ImageImageImageImage
Tesla, slightly heat damaged, no. 395, 396, 397 and 398: ImageImageImageImage
Tesla, moderately damaged from thermal events numbers 399, 400, 401 and 402: ImageImageImageImage
Tesla, some with minor exotherm-reaction damage, numbers 403, 404, 405 and 406: ImageImageImageImage
Some more Teslas, slight usage traces from exposure to unidentified heat sources. No. 407, 408, 409 and 410:

(No warranty) ImageImageImageImage
New followers:

On Fridays I usually spend some time on one of my four ongoing Tesla threads. (Well, I try to. But so many Teslas on fire, and so little time .. )

#TeslaFireIssues example 411:…
"Tesla vehicle fires are exceptionally rare events, and in some cases, there have been zero Tesla vehicle fires in a quarter"

(Tesla 2019 'safety report' - which keeps 'forgetting' to say how many Teslas/yr burn to the ground. Or which quarter that was)


"According to the Florida Highway Patrol, the Tesla sedan slammed into the minivan, flipping over and bursting into flames"

(4 died, 2 burned to death in upside down Tesla)

Ford Pinto: 27 burned to death inside
Tesla: 54 burned to death inside…
"I was face to face. I tried to crawl up underneath the car to try and do something there but the fact it was exploding people were yelling, 'the car is going to explode, the car is going to explode.' I couldn't physically reach the kid that was in there" ImageImageImage
Example 413, and wow: another one burned to death in his Tesla, yesterday. On a ... parking lot

Of all stupid ways to die

So Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 55 people burned to death

Tesla burned out examples 414, 415 and 416:

"Drive units & battery are sealed"
(Elon Musk, June 19, 2016)

"Your Tesla can function as a boat for brief periods of time"
(Elon Musk, November 30, 2018)

This month, when your Tesla gets wet:
Teslas waiting to burn to the ground ..
(So they're parked apart, at large distance)

Funfact: the record today for a Tesla re-igniting within months is .. four times. Four different times ..

(Musk is a sociopathic narcissist. Dear Leader Elon lied, again, as usual .. )
It's Friday today. The day I normally do some work on one of my four Tesla ongoing threads.

Tesla on fire, example 417

A really bad one. A mother + 3 children died, crossing the road straight into an oncoming 18-wheeler.

So Ford Pinto: 27
Tesla: 59 people burned to death .. ImageImageImage
Yet another Friday, in this ongoing electric Pinto thread.

So .. you know what that means: Tesla on fire, example 418

Only the day before yesterday, November 16
You're driving the Interstate 80, and suddenly ..

It's gone ImageImageImage
Fire men:

'Normally we use 500 gallon (1900 liter) on a car fire. Now on this Tesla we had to use: 12,000 gallon (45.000 liter)'

"extinguishing this fire would require additional tankers as the vehicle would continue to reignite and burn fierce at times". ImageImageImage
"In total it took crews nearly two hours of continually applying water as the battery would begin to reignite and hold high temperatures"

"This (Tesla) burnt so hot and long that if it was not for the rims you might not even of know it was a vehicle"..…
Funfact: statistically serious (lethal) accidents happen up to 100 times less often on new expensive cars.
(Compared to average age older cars)

Except ..

Except one brand electric cars. Guess which brand

Pinto: 27 deaths by fire
Tesla: 60 burned alive…
Police officer: "The passenger door was able to be opened. Why didn't the driver not open his door?"

"He was awake and alert. But was unable to open the door .. he did not survive"

(Burned alive in his Tesla victim no. 60) ImageImageImage
Video (without close up images, no gory details)

Reminder: this was the 60th Tesla burned alive victim.

(The Ford Pinto production was stopped at 27 victims)
PS: I'm not going anywhere. Not leaving Twitter

So if my account with the 4 different Tesla threads (2000+ Tesla files) would suddenly 'disappear' you know what happened ..

Tesla on fire, example 420 + 421:

'Yeah, they do that sometimes'
'So, which colors would you like now?'
More Teslas on fire, example 422:

Do NOT park your Tesla at home in your garage, folks. Or even near your home.
To be followed by (who would've guessed) Tesla on fire example 423:

You're driving in your 8 months old Tesla taxi in Hamburg, Germany. Then suddenly ..

Tesla: 'Yes. They do that sometimes. But look on the bright side: now you can choose another color ;)' ImageImageImage

Your house burned down? Yeah, it's so annoying when they do that. So, which ..

Now. No need to hit me! ImageImage

Your Tesla was being towed, and it caught fire?

Yeah, lots of people make that mistake. No, you should always buy a new one. Now, which color would you like?


'So, same model again? Which color did you have, I can't see it anymore ..' Image

'Which color would you .. Oh, you don't want a Tesla anymore? Strange. Safest car in the world, we always say' Image

No? You don't want another one, are you sure? Image

'Safest car in the world, we always say' Image

'Sorry for your loss. Although it was the safest car in the world ..' Image

'Partially complete' Image

'Yeah. Well ..' Image

'Burned, some parts usable. Maybe' Image
434: Sorry, mijn fout.

Was ik deze toch haast vergeten.

• • •

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More from @ton_aarts

Dec 5, 2024
2/ "The deal is done!"

(Boris Johnson, december 24 2020)

3/ Reminder. Literally from just hours after the #Brexit referendum:

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Dec 4, 2024
1/ Dementerend sociopatisch narcistje wat dacht dat Schotland hetzelfde was als de UK

Belgie "een mooie stad" vond
En Turkije niet uit elkaar kon houden van Hongarije

Denkt nu dat wereldberoemde Zwitserse berg in Canada ligt

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2/ Dat kan maar één van drie dingen betekenen:

1. De man weet echt niets. Heeft de kennis & het intellect van een stoeptegel
2. Zijn omgeving kan er niets meer tegen doen
3. Hij doet al dat soort dingen gewoon, nul overleg

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Op een AI plaatje voor 3-jarigen, tegenover een berg van 4,5 km hoog die op 8000 km afstand staat.

Met hoogtevrees, en de conditie van een 119-jarige

Allemaal details, ik weet het. Maar toch ..

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Nov 28, 2024
1/ Draadje

Daarnet weer aardige jongeman aan de deur, collecteren voor Gaza, in z'n Artsen zonder Grenzen jas @AzG_nl

Heel nobel, alleen..

Deze kwam uit Groningen, aangevoerd van 83 km afstand in busjes met collega's

Voor onze wijk, deze avond
En .. hij werkt voor een bedrijf Image
2/ Hoe weet ik dat?

Is al de ~50e keer, zo iemand aan de deur op dit tijdstip, die een goed doel noemt

En het eindigt altijd hetzelfde: Of ik een bedrag per maand wil doneren

Wat die jongens & meisjes alleen niet zeggen: het eerste jaar gaan ALLE donaties naar .. het bedrijf
3/ Yep. Het 1e jaar gaan ALLE donaties naar dat bedrijf

Wat die busjes & studenten rondstuurt, soms van 150 km. En de bonus betaalt per student, voor elke donateur die dácht dat hij een goed doel sponsorde

Stop daarmee

Stop bedrijfseigenaren miljonair te maken met inzamelen
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Oct 27, 2024
1/ Wat Duitsland overboord gegooid heeft: alle kerncentrales

Want te gevaarlijk, te duur en .. niet nodig

NL politici: zeg, weet je wat wij moeten doen? Kerncentrales!
Als we nu beginnen, kunnen die 'al' na 23 jaar draaien

Kosten?? Haha, nee .. da's voor onze kleinkinderen
2/ Wat onze politici 'vergeten' te vertellen:

Al 3x méér duurzame stroom uit NL zon/wind nu, dan alle huishoudens samen gebruiken (!)

Kerncentrales bouwen we voor .. multinationals

Die de 4 tot 6x hogere eindkosten (!) per kWh all-in niet willen betalen
3/ Duitsland produceert nu al 61,5% van alle elektriciteit duurzaam. Met nul (!) kerncentrales

NL? 53%
Onthouden: 4x tot 6x duurder dan zon/wind: kerncentrales

En we bouwen ze voor .. multinationals
Die ze niet willen betalen

(Een 'detail', ik weet het)…
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Sep 13, 2024
1/ Een probleempje: er is alleen geen asielcrisis

(Faber is een racistische wacko, en kreeg opdracht van Geert af te leiden. Wegens inmiddels al 136 verbroken PVV verkiezingsbeloftes)

NL staat op een 14e plek in de EU, asielzoekers per inwoner…
2/ Onthouden: we sloten sinds 2017 .. ruim 50 opvanglocaties

Wegens "sterk teruggelopen asielaanvragen"

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3/ Ook onthouden:

De Turkse student die met z'n NL'se maat een biertje dronk op een terras. En uit het niets gestoken werd door een witte Groninger van 67 jaar ..

NSB racistje Marjolein Faber:
Read 9 tweets
Aug 23, 2024
1/ "500,000 trees, or the equivalent to about 13,000 tonnes of CO₂"

Yeah, only ..

This is Tesla, the only EV manufacturer who hides their number of tons CO₂ per Tesla production for 17 (!) years straight now ..

So, lets compare 13,000 tons of CO₂…
2/ Polestar:

Our CO₂ from production? ~24 tons per EV
Down from 26,2 ton CO₂ (2021) to 23,1 tons
Polestar: Yup, that's the way it is folks ..

23 tons, x 6.5 million Teslas is .. 150 million tons CO₂

(over 11.000 times more CO₂ than those trees)

3/ Number of concerned journalists who ever made that calculation?

A: same as the number of journalists who ever asked Dear Leader Elon why he is hiding the Tesla tons of CO₂ from production, for 17 years now

You know, the very reason we are building EVs

(Zero journo's asked) Image
Read 4 tweets

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