Workers joining together have infinitely more power than any worker alone. Tenants working together also have infinitely more power than any one tenant. If your landlord is screwing you over search up local tenants unions asap.
If you don’t find a tenants union you can join, start one. I’m in a panel right now with @LATenantsUnion, @KCTenants, and @CityLife_Clvu. Check them out as one way to get a glimpse of what strong tenants unions can look like.
Here’s a doc you can look at too. And I’ll thread a video in the next tweet.
A big chunk of Baltimore, and a section of Baltimore county is under a water boil advisory. E.coli was found in water samples, and people are being told to boil their water before they drink it, or interact with it in any way. That includes showers. This should be a bigger story.
Going to thread a few ways to support. First, check @OrganizingBlack
I'm not convinced Democrats want to learn this lesson, but this single clearest, loudest lesson of the last month for them is do stuff to help people, and people will like it. remarkably simple.
People often want to act like our country's failures are limited to the South, but it's not just Jackon, Mississippi. Right now there's ecoli in Baltimore's water. In NYC a major housing project was found to have arsenic in the water. Organized abandonment is everywhere. 🧵
I want to thread some orgs to support. In Baltimore, @OrganizingBlack is great.
Actually it’s a time to remember the long history of cops attacking workers trying to organize or going on strike, and remind ourselves that cops aren’t part of the labor movement.
If you want to think about getting cops out of the labor movement, and then do it, this podcast and Geo’s book “A world without police” seems like a good place to start.