"Thank you for participating in the Fannie Lou Project!
This campaign is specifically to follow up with your elections office after having completed the online interest form or application."
This thread from July describes how to create a #AlignAct campaign.
So back to the Fannie Lou Project - when you click "Take Action Now" - you're brought to an address form. Any address will work - keep this in mind.
Then you're brought to the contacts form. The email goes to 2x people - An elections clerk with The Fannie Lou Project CC'd.
The email sent to the clerk says -
Subject: Following Up
"I am emailing asking about my application to be an election inspector. Has my application been received and what is its status? Can I also be sent the training schedule? Appreciate your help!"
There are numerous campaigns - looks like there's probably one for every county (precinct?).
The campaign in the 1st screenshot on the top right corner is interesting - its called -
"Become a Poll Worker!
Take Action for a Stronger America!"
But unlike the campaign we looked at before - its run by a different group - "American Voters' Alliance"
Clicking the Twitter "share" button generates this message -
I just took action as part of this initiative - join me by clicking this link so we can all be heard! https://alignact(.)com/go/become-a-poll-worker
This campaign doesn't lobby anyone - but rather, after filling in their personal information, the user will sign be asked to sign a pledge saying -
"I want to be trained as a Poll Worker to help ensure the integrity of our elections!"
As a reminder - the first landing page we looked at referenced an "online interest form or application".
The numerous county campaigns are partnered with "The Fannie Lou Project", while the pledge for training is sponsored by "American Voters' Alliance".
Troubling signs about this campaign -
- Its on #AlignAct - the grassroots lobbying platform owned and utilized by Arizona State Rep Jake Hoffman, who previously ran a teen troll farm for TPUSA + was a fake elector in 2020.
Troubling signs about this campaign (con't.) -
While Arizona is surprisingly missing (at least for now), the campaign targets counties in the same state targeted by stolen election lies following the 2020 election.
Troubling signs about this campaign (con't.) -
- The group sponsoring had issues with spelling...
-- Fannie Lou Hamer was an American voting and women's rights activist, community organizer, and a leader in the civil rights movement.
Troubling signs about this campaign (con't.) -
- Reviewing the list of campaigns -
-- The one highlighted yellow is run by American Voters' Alliance, while the one with red brackets is the first from the "Fanny Lou Project", targeting Kenosha City Elections.
What's interesting here is - only the clerk is included, The Fannie Lou Project isn't CC'd.
It looks like whoever is running "The Fannie Lou Project" realized "Fanny Lou" was incorrect spelled + they wanted to be CC'd - this correct Kenosha Wisconsin campaign popped up shortly after the first one.
Things to consider -
- Is "The Fannie Lou Project" a front group? Specifically for the "American Voters' Alliance"?
Take a look at this view of campaigns with the sponsor included. Note the logo circled on the original Kenosha campaign + AVA campaigns.
See here for the video on the American Voters' Alliance page for their "Fannie Lou Project".
The unlisted video posted May 6, 2022 has just 23 views.
Jacqueline Timmer, the Founder & Director of American Voters' Alliance talks about the groups efforts coordinating election volunteers along with workshops in 'target areas'. In the video Timmer said the pipeline would launch May or June, it's unclear if they're behind schedule.
In this video dated 12/14/20, Jacqueline Timmer of the American Voters' Alliance (The Fannie Lou Project), was outside the Michigan capitol the day as fake electors + was working with OAN, who settled a defamation suit with dominion.
h/t @the_peetape
In Timmer's bio she mentions she currently lives in San Diego.
American Voters' Alliance has a PO Box address in San Diego as well ...
But a bit more interesting, Herring Networks, the company behind OAN, is also based in San Diego...
More recently, Jacqueline Timmer of the American Voters' Alliance, the group behind "The Fannie Lou Project", wrote an Op-Ed on 8/15/22 for The Washington Times titled -
"Donald Trump is not the target — we are
The heart of America hangs in the balance"
Not so different from what we saw here a little while back. Stewart Rhodes says he'd have an easier time delivering his message if it came from a "black leftist".
Fannie Lou Hamer was an American voting and women's rights activist, community organizer, and a leader in the civil rights movement. She was the co-founder and vice-chair of the Freedom Democratic Party.
Keep in mind, #AlignAct is a front for #FreeRoots, the platform that's gotten Ginni Thomas in hot water recently + was part of a massive astroturf campaign against HR-1, the For the People Act, dubbing it the 'Corrupt Politicians Act '.
Arizona State Rep Jake Hoffman owns #AlignAct according to a financial disclosure, he was also in attendance at a West Virginia rally against HR-1 with #FreeRoots founder Eric Berger.
Jacqueline Timmer of The American Voters' Alliance (Group behind Fannie Lou Project), says -
"Unless and until state legislatures reassert their constitutional authority over elections, our elections will continue to be plagued by confusion and mistrust"
Phill Kline, Spokesperson and Policy Director was subpoenaed by the @January6thCmte in response to promoting "false claims that the 2020 election was fraudulent and participated in various actions based on those false claims."
Phill Kline is a former state representative and Attorney General of Kansas who has twice argued successfully before the United States Supreme Court. He served as Chair of the Republican Attorneys General Association and President of the Midwest Association of Attorneys General.
How does American Voters' Alliance run this? Let's take a look.
Journalist @JSweetLI, despite being locked from @X, reports that 19-year-old @DOGE staffer ‘BigBalls’ Edward Coristine didn’t delete his account, he’s renamed from @edwardbigballer to @as400495 & went private.
No word on whether he’ll provide official updates from the account.
Rep Mike Johnson - "you & I are recording this just on the eve of the [2022 midterm] election, so we're not exactly sure how large our majority will be - we anticipate a sizeable majority in the house & a majority of some sort in the senate."
An investor detailing Treasure Investments Corp's efforts to gift (then) President Trump a statue of an eagle.
Said if all went according to plan, this would be their 5th item in the permanent @WhiteHouse collection, and would be "great" for their investors & the country...
The media contact listed for this November 2019 Metals.com press release is Adam Weiss.
The phone number shared is the same phone number used by AMWPR, of which Weiss is President/CEO.
A little under a year later the CFTC and a number of states filed a joint civil enforcement action against Metals.com & associated companies for allegedly perpetrating an $185M+ precious metals fraud scheme. texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/…
In July 2019, Metals.com produced a press release claiming the company had resolved "all" issues with the Texas State Securities Board.
The listed phone number is also the same for AMW PR. prnewswire.com/news-releases/…
Last night fired Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe attended a Bergen County, NJ board of ed meeting - O'Keefe shouted out his new media venture multiple times, and said he would be providing parents & students w/ cameras, ostensibly to create content for the new site.
Substack/super-PAC "The New Jersey Project" promoted O'Keefe's appearance, saing "GET YOUR CAMERA AND MAKE NEWS NJ".
Looking for grassroots coordinators in swing states.
11/5/20 - Mercedes Sparks (cont.) -
"This is a planned globalist takeover"
"America as we know it - we will lose - unless you decide to get up & show up and go form your own protest rally"
11/5/20 - Mercedes Sparks (cont) -
"If you start planning, I'll start posting them - because what I have is access to get it out there - I have the ability to send people there. With the type of network I have and Lance [Wallnau] has, we can do that."