I’m so tired of “diversity,” I just want to call it “scope” from now on, because if your scope is intentionally broad then it’ll usually be diverse, but diversity does not necessarily indicate a broad scope, and “scope” can specifically address systemic exclusion
you can add “diversity” all fucking day but if your scope is “we want to hear from rich first-world anglophones” then it’s not true diversity
and people will be so busy diversifying broken institutions that they never stop to think, “what is the actual scope of this institution, how have we defined constituents and audience, and how does this definition exclude people and/or increase barriers; how can we broaden scope”
build something for those in the margins, and the centered can generally participate
build something for those in the center, and the marginalized are typically excluded
👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 this, more to consume does not inherently mean progress and can often mean anti-progress
if you make plus-size clothes first, you (1) design something intended for those proportions that’ll fit better than scaling up small things (which does not work), and (2) ensure that you can go down to the small end of your range by just tailoring down larger garments
I mean, I’m not someone in the fashion industry, but I *am* unable to shop at stores that only go up to size 14, and it’s such a painfully obvious artificial boundary that relies on people’s assumptions of bodies and clothing being For Thin People, when clothing is for EVERYONE
so often, even if you very innocuously ask people to try a thought experiment of reversing the marked and unmarked states—“what if we designed for this instead of for this first?”—they’ll often get *angry* with you! because it challenges such core values and also the status quo
but like the null hypothesis, one has to understand what’s considered marked and unmarked, and any attempt to “diversify” by adding more marked states and never questioning the unmarked one is going to repeat the status quo and fail
the easiest way to exercise this muscle?
the “bold of you to assume…” meme format
I call it “shitposting” for short, but actually what I’m doing is intellectual play—people tend to give themselves more permission to experiment and to rely less on “should”s and norms when it comes to humor, especially absurdist humor, which makes new connections bountiful
if you think to yourself and give yourself permission to be a smartass “bold of you to assume…” and make yourself come up with an answer, even if nonsensical, you end up stumbling on an unexpected realization or introspection half the time
you don’t have to *post* any of this, it’s just a mental game to play as you go about through the world to make you aware of what you do and don’t assume, and like, understanding your assumptions is bias training 101
we all assume things and assumption is not inherently bad, what’s crucial is knowing that EVERYTHING in the world is *designed* based on assumptions, and it’s a *skill* that’s consciously developed to identify those assumptions
if you ever picked up a tool and it felt as if you intuitively knew how to use it and it suited your needs? that’s because someone else out there assumed that someone would have that need and be in certain situations and designed to accommodate for that
the key is understanding that just bc it suits your needs, does not mean it suits others’, or that it’s the right tool for a different job; only by broadening scope, expanding your theory of mind, understanding others’ experiences, and *imagining*, can you begin to solve this
anyway *sighs in I should probably eat during the last 10 min of my lunch break* that’s really what I’m getting at with #InTheWatchfulCity, it’s about storytelling and conversation creating a dialectic that makes clear marked and unmarked states, I wrote a model
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this is exactly why I keep insisting that white people (1) have ethnic identities, (2) have heritages, and (3) have cultural contexts, because acting like white people are a default unmarked state with “no culture” actively enables cultural appropriation and coloniality
in fact this is a very big part of why I wrote #InTheWatchfulCity, because after a lifetime of white peoples (stet autocorrect, thank you) telling me they have “no culture” while I simultaneously have to learn white sociocultural and discourse norms to survive,
was pissed but then google maps took me through a residential route and I rubbernecked this marigold-yellow house like “goddamn, that’s some fresh paint, a yellow like that doesn’t stay yellow long out under this sun”
about 8 months ago I was amazed when I was doing a color match and a color tech visiting from another store looked at it when I asked for a second opinion and with one glance correctly said “which colorants are in it, 4, 8, and 13?”, but now I can do that looking at any building
technically I wouldn’t be able to verify my hunch without shooting it into a can of paint base, but I like to play the “which colorants would go into making this color” when I’m anywhere now, inside or outside
just very angry today because of a multitude of things, someone tell me there’s a gif of keegan-michael key blissfully putting on headphones and blasting metal with a serene expression on his face as the world continues chaotically around him
I just feel like no one (across multiple settings) has been taking me and my complaints seriously about anything recently, and if I’m upset about it, I’m the bitch; half the reason why a ton of people in genre blackball me feels like they just don’t like it when I’m angry, tbh
I’m apparently “rude” and “volatile” when I’m no more rude and volatile than any BNF fav, I’ll just say shit plainly instead of politely whispering, but if I deviate even a bit from docile & demure as an asian femme, I’m ~*Dangerous*~
liu cixin is considered a Father Of Chinese SFF, asimov-level god-tier, and his story THE WANDERING EARTH was adapted into one of the biggest sf films in china, where writers, translators, and teachers (subject of LCX’s THE VILLAGE TEACHER) are held in extremely high regard
so it’s utterly embarrassing that I haven’t told my mom, who proofreads many of my translations, that I’ve been longlisted yet, bc officially she can’t proudly send the long list to friends & relatives since my name isn’t on there, we’d have to put together a whole damn collage
bragging about your overachieving child is a highly competitive sport in my culture, it’s a special type of humiliating to have to make a book report of my accomplishment to present for people to understand, because they left my name off the byline
so wild to me how we keep trying and failing to have awards for translations in the anglophone genre world, when the rest of the world simply integrates translations into awards
monolingual anglophones truly have no idea the extent to which their work takes up a significant portion of non-inner circle countries’ (cf. Braj B. Kachru for terminology) genre literature, in translation
in some places, the only genre fiction available is translated work from the US and UK; the domestic market struggles to find a foothold, community, and publishing power, and will often simply learn english than try to get work translated into the anglophone market