Chair Tom Mercer opens meeting, reviews usual protocol statement and announcements, etc. #tc0907
No citizen comments. Motion to approve mins for prior meeting, moved, second, passes 9-0 #tc0907
Moving to presentations and discussions
a. Dean College President Kenneth Elmore J.D. and Chancellor Edward M. Augustus, Jr. #tc0907
Intro session for both gentlemen as they enter their freshman year in this role. #tc0907 acknowledge receipt of feedback that Dean had a moat around it, and they are here to make a bridge ...
Talking to the symbiotic relationship between the college and the Town, how they can best work together. The charm of a movie set on some level is attractive to students and families. #tc0907 talking of prior experiences to help build relationships and solve things before
Dean is here but Franklin is not known as a college town per Councilor Jones, and that has bothered him. An opportunity to address, looking to the beginning of a great relationship #tc0907
b. Discussion: Drought Conditions - Brutus Cantoreggi, DPW Director & Doug Martin, Water/Sewer Superintendent #tc0907 timing is everything talking about drought after a 2 day deluge, takes time for the water 2 refill aquifer, state met today haven't heard if they chgd status
The new wells along Grove St have been a game changer for the Town this year, that has helped a whole lot with maintaining water levels while in the drought as we have better access to our supply #tc0907 state does not regulate private wells, hence we don't / can't
It is still a straw drinking from the same aquifer #tc0907 private wells should have a sign posted. There are parts of the permit that help us, i.e. the trash day as the one day to water allows later start and earlier end to conservation period. Also our wells are mostly...
Registered and thereby we're in a better status than some of our neighboring communitues. #tc0907
The link to the Town page with the water system podcast as mentioned…
Legislation pending to fund the state seal commission for some graphic design work for possible improvements to the current image #tc0907 Discussion: Massachusetts State Seal & Motto ->…
This is just a discussion for future consideration, the resolution could get considered but isn't for vote tonight #tc0907
Citizen comments for the seal work to progress, it will take time, 52 communities have approved this resolution.
Falvey speaking for the existing flag and seal #tc0907 "no way should we be changing this flag"
Pellegri also agrees with Falvey that the flag shouldn't be changed. #tc0907 "if this comes forward again, I will have more comments on it."
Moving on to legislation for action
Bylaw Amendment 22-883: Amendment to Water System Map, 2nd Reading (Motion to
Approve Bylaw Amendment 22-883 - Majority Roll Call Vote)…#tc0907 moved, second, passes 9-0 via roll call
b. Resolution 22-59: Cable Funds in Support of PEG Service and Programming per MGL Ch. 44, §53F3/4 (Motion to Approve Resolution 22-59 - Majority Vote)…#tc0907 motion to approve, second, passes 9-0
c. Resolution 22-60: Gift Acceptance - Veterans’ Services Dept. ($3,289), Senior Center ($250), Franklin Historical Museum ($200) (Motion to Approve Resolution 22-60 - Majority Vote)… motion to approve, second, passes 9-0
5000 plus voters, 21% of the voters cast ballots; don't have break out on mail, vs early or in person. #tc0907 RFP for South Meeting house being worked, Red Brick school work to start Sep 19; signs in abundance, wants a discussion, possible enforcement issue...
AgCom has a forester scheduled for a special meeting on Monday. Thanks to voters and those who worked at the polls Tuesday. Thanks to the Elks but not sure they get enough. Drone helped save a little boy this week before anyone else did. #tc0907
Cultural Festival reminders on Saturday lots of things happening on the Town Common #tc0907 thanks to the Town Clerk and the entire team for a job well done, it is more than a one day event and well done.
Happy anniversary to Debbie and Ronnie
Motion to adjourn, passes 9-0
That is all for tonight Catch you next time #tc0907
Board of Health reporting underway #boh0907 meeting mins of Apr 4 for approval, motion to accept, moved, accepted by roll call vote 3-0.
Melissa and Ginny not present for this session, John Robinson, regional health inspector, provides updates on inspections... Joined July 19, Cathy impressed with his detail on inspection reports. #boh0907
Nurse update, 174 in Aug, vs 182 in July... COVID cases reported to portal, booster clinic held Aug 10, flu season upon us, 81 flu cases last season, clinic Oct 12 at Senior Center, high dose available... Heart disease bingo at central Park Terrace #boh0907
Citizen comment on the MA flag and seal needs to change #edc0720 recording of the presentation at the Library in June is available… there is commission underway, it took them more than a year to determine a change is needed
Live reporting for the Economic Development subcommittee meeting underway as meeting opens at 5:50pm. #edc0720 Chair and 3 members present along with Town staff
Nu-Style property and prior proposal major point of discussion; current land owners neighboring the site per the ULI report as opposed to do anything #edc0720
#Schcom0719 live reporting for the school committee meeting now underway (yes, starting late)
The workshop closed out and the committee shuttled downstairs to the Council chamber for the meeting and live broadcast. First with new superintendent Lucas Giguere who now provides his Supt report. #schcom0719
Updates on group work within district, superintendent orientation, consultant group work, July 12-14 conf for superintendents & assts; Unified BB team recognition at Town Council Weds, MIAA board of directors, new England Patriots recognition coming too #schcom0719
#schcomGoals0719 live reporting of the School Committee meeting to set their goals is underway. Assuming gremlins are kept at bay, the audio recording will be available in couple of days. @TracyNovick leading the session
All 7 members of the committee present for this session, due to break before the regular meeting coming up at 7 PM. #schcomGoals0719
Chap 71 outlines the School Committee role and responsibilities, hiring the superintendent, setting policy, monitor/approve budget, contract negotiation & setting overall goals for the district the key items #schcomGoals0719
Meeting opened by Chair Mercer, reads the normal opening protocol statement on access via live stream, cable or Zoom. Also available via YouTube #tc0622
Motion to approve minutes of Apr 13 meeting, moved, second, passes
Motion to approve minutes of May 25, motion for approval of May 26, separate motions, separate seconds, both passed as did the first with 9-0 votes #tc0622