Sexual violence is a serious public health and human rights concern in Kenya with adverse physical and psycho-social consequences. Kenya needs to implement interventions that will comprehensively address the needs of Survivors. #NothingForUsWithoutUs
Rights belong to individuals and are not granted by the state. Human rights are entitlements that human beings have. Our Bill of Rights is the framework for social, economic & cultural policies. #NothingForUsWithoutUs
The purpose of recognizing and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms is to preserve the dignity of the individual and communities and to promote social justice and the realization of potential of all human beings.
The State shall take legislative, policy and other measures including the setting of standard to achieve the progressive realization of the rights guaranteed under Article 43. These are the rights we want implemented for survivors of sexual violence.
Every person has the right to institute court proceedings when a fundamental right has been denied, violated, threatened or infringed. No fee may be charged for commencing the proceedings in court.
The Court, while observing the rules of natural justice, shall not be unreasonably restricted by procedural technicalities when dealing with matters around fundamental freedoms.
Some experience immediate psychological distress while others short/long-term psychological problems. The length of social support & counselling required varies enourmously. It depends on degree of trauma suffered and an individual's coping ability.
Trauma counselors must have professional training. They should be members of an accredited association e.g Kenya Counselling Association, and they must apply the principles of doing good and doing no harm in counseling a Survivor.
Main principles to adhere to while counselling Survivors;
Autonomy - informed consent & Survivor right to make decisions
Beneficence - best interests of survivor
Non- maleficience - avoid harm to Survivor
Justice/ Fairness - doing what is right by Survivor
Protocols for counselling differ for the different groups affected by sexual violence.
When handling male Survivors, one must be aware they have the same physical & psychological responses to SV as women. They also suffer rape trauma syndrome.
When counselling children, recognize children rarely disclose sexual abuse immediately after the event. Disclosure tends to be a process rather than a single episode and is often initiated following a physical complaint or a change in behavior.
For PWD’s, Counselors need to be aware that people with developmental disabilities who have been sexually violated have challenges to “work through” or talk about their traumatic experiences in a treatment or therapeutic setting.
There are core conditions essential for a productive counselling session with Survivors are; empathy, unconditional positive regard, a non-judgmental attitude and genuineness.
We must always focus on the Survivors best interest.
Survivors also need to always be treated with dignity and respect - support survivors with humanity, courtesy, appreciation, and recognize them as decision-makers that can make choices vis a vis their treatment and recovery.
Survivors have a RIGHT to be attended to in a safe space and be assured of confidentiality. The room should have privacy; unauthorized people should not be able to view or hear any aspects of the consultation.
Safety goes beyond physical integrity and expected risks and threats. It encompasses perceptions by Survivors and feeling secure in an environment that is respectful of their choices, autonomy and well-being.
The counselor should assess the safety of the environment to which the survivor is returning in case of domestic sexual violence and give recommendations.
Survivors should always be given sufficient time to tell their truth - recommended minimum period of trauma counselling is five sessions. The first should include stabilization, psycho-education and information on the nature and symptoms of (PTSD).
Survivors also have a RIGHT to receive psychological and social support when giving testimonies - Explore survivor’s issues, concerns, fears and empower the survivor with information on coping mechanisms.
To always act with the best interests of the survivor, one must analyze group dynamics around survivors, such as power structures, competition for resources, politicization of justice, intermediary motivations, gatekeepers.
Be cognizant of influences and drivers which silence, pressurize or harm survivors and their families. Making access to justice and social & psychological support for Survivors difficult, if not impossible.
Prioritizing survivors voices when developing interventions & their participation in decision-making are critical to ensuring the measures adopted and initiatives promoted will be respectful of their wishes and concerns and will ultimately do no harm.
To always have meaningful survivor centered engagement, we must recognize the important role of community-based groups; they build trusted relationships & act as support systems for Survivors.
They also empower survivors and tackling negative attitudes in the community towards survivors. Such groups can include survivor networks, organizations for women, LGBTQI+, children and PWD's.
On November 23rd 1952, eight months after Queen Elizabeth ascended to the throne, several hundred Kikuyu gathered in a small market place in Kiruara.
Kiruara was located in the heart of what was then Fort Hall, now Muranga. They had gathered to listen to the prophecies of a young man. Who had claimed to have a vision of the end of colonial rule. This would obviously attract crowds. Who wouldn't want an end to persecution?
Well, several Johnnie's quickly arrived at the scene. Hii maneno ya gathering may have led to organising you see, so they had to disperse them. They did not come along. They had local loyalists in tow.
In addition to conducting thorough and comprehensive investigations in cases of sexual violence we expect the @InteriorKE to adopt a zero-tolerance policy against sexual violence committed by police, other public servants and citizens.
@InteriorKE Should instruct all police officials to uphold the rights of all survivors of SV who seek their services, & adhere to GOK guidelines on management of sexual violence.
Survivors have a RIGHT to willingly press a charge of rape with the police.
Police officers play a critical role in tackling sexual violence. Under the law, they have a duty to assist victims to access justice and receive immediate medical attention.
A police officer to whom a report of commission of a sexual offence has been made shall notify a nurse, clinical officer or medical practitioner at any health
facility and refer the survivor accordingly for medical treatment. Sexual Offenses Act, 2012
At the police station, a report is entered into the OB and the survivor is issued with a P3 form free of charge. An OB number is availed to the survivor. If the survivor has not been to the hospital, s/he goes there immediately after reporting.
@MOH_Kenya this is what Survivors of Sexual violence want from you.
1. A transparent and participatory process in accordance with international standards. A comprehensive plan that is implemented to respond to sexual violence in Kenya.
@MOH_Kenya provide quality free, comprehensive, survivor centered and trauma informed interventions to all survivors of sexual violence & ensure full implementation.
@MOH_Kenya develop interventions to address mental health needs of survivors. These include mobile outreach, individual counseling & support groups. #SGBVSurvivorsHealth
I will not lie. There are many times that my solace is found here. In these streets. I have found so much love here. So much support here. So much beauty here. I hold these streets in very high regard. To all that have held me & others up when we wanna give up. I give you thanks.
This has been a tough year. Losing Maitu has been shattering. There are many times I do not even know if I will wake up. But we are here. It is not without support. It has never been without support. I would have crumbled. Nothing prepares you for grief.
I have a suppprt system here that I thank Mwene Nyaga for. Some are family, some I have never met but they hold me up. I want to say asante today. You have no idea how you have helped and many times elevated me.
Hon Ken Okoth served Kibra Constituency as a member of the National Assembly from 2013 to the 26th of July 2019. He contributed greatly towards constitutionalism, good governance & the rule of law in Kenya.
Hon Ken Okoth contributed to a broad range of policy and legislative interventions that have and continue to positively impact on the lives of many Kenyans.
A quick glance over the personality and the leadership of Hon Ken Okoth reveals a man who deliberately lived his life and served his constituents and the public with diligence. Yeye alikuwa wa kusema na kutenda!