I made another weird little comic thing, hopeful and a little bittersweet, about conservation after the apocalypse. A topic near and dear to my heart, Lord knows. (Technical notes in another thread, linked at the end.)
And a thread on the making and why it was not terribly straightforward here:
So I was fooling with MJ back in July, and came up with this story because it was a story I wanted to write, but also I will walk through fire not to have to draw buildings. Once I saw what the program was capable of, the question was ‘Could the computer handle that for me?”
And in July, the answer was…badly. I made the whole thing, did all the retouching to each image, stared at the final result, and went “Wow, this looks like total ass.”
That bleak moment in research when you are reduced to chasing down books from the 1880s looking for tidbits about vampire folklore that aren’t hopeless tainted by Dracula.
Whhhhyyyyy did they name that monster the Alp? Do you know how hard it is to research an already obscure bit of folklore that shares a name with an ENTIRE MOUNTAIN RANGE?
What I really want are “mares,” aka the sleep paralysis hag that sits on your chest. Which were kinda tied up with vampires and Alps, before vampires got a makeover.
Also, Jacob Grimm’s “Teutonic Mythology” is a fuckin’ SLOG.
I am watching RRR. I have absolutely no grounding in Indian cinema at all, and cannot begin to speak to its place in any kind of canon, but a guy just hit a tiger with a wolf.
Also the bad guy—probably? anyway he works for the British—can leap barbed wire fences and has a mustache so intense that it deserves its own listing in the credits.
Two men are running at each other underwater to clasp hands in a manly fashion, and that is only the third most over-the-top thing in this scene.
Gonna make a new thread for the #TarotInsecta, a project which will probably never be finished, is not currently available for sale, but which I am having fun with.
Suits are Wasps, Moths, Beetles & Waterbugs, with some others showing up in the Major Arcana. Wasps correspond to Swords, Moths to Staves, Beetles to Pentacles and Waterbugs to Cups.
The Eight of Wasps seems like a hopeless situation—the victim bound in silk, and a spider lurking below. But on closer inspection, the spider is dead and this wasp species may have a trick up its sleeve… (Flagging this one as sensitive for a dead spider for my arachnophobes.)