I have sent a letter to the councillors for Weavers Ward, @CllrKabirAhmed and @THLP_ASMA, in support of Liveable Streets. The letter can be found below. I summarise the main points in a🧵1/9
The two key ideas:
1⃣ Car pollution is a known health hazard; @TowerHamletsNow's priority should be to minimise exposure to it.
2⃣ Every objection to Liveable Streets can be effectively addressed by drastically reducing car traffic across the board. 2/9
Evidence about the negative effects of car pollution grows every day: it affects cognitive function and leads to asthma, cancer and cardiovascular disease, among others. It also favours unhealthy, sedentary lifestyles. 3/9
The priority of any Inner London borough should be to protect its neighbours' health by minimising exposure to car pollution. 4/9
Liveable Streets should be a stepping stone towards a more ambitious plan: the drastic reduction of car traffic in @TowerHamletsNow. I invite elected representatives to make the most of their statutory powers to reduce through-traffic and reduce pollution. 5/9
Every objection to Liveable Streets (traffic diversion to main roads, emergency services) can be addressed by drastically reducing car traffic. 6/9
Many examples from continental Europe show that some economic activities can be adjusted so that they are compatible with a pollution-free environment. I would enthusiastically support @TowerHamletsNow's efforts in this sense. 7/9
The climate emergency makes the case against car dominance even stronger. The car-centric era is, and should be, a thing of the past. Turning back the clock would create even more problems and would not solve any. 8/9