To embarrass Northern liberals and humiliate Black people, southern White Citizens Councils started their so-called "Reverse Freedom Rides," giving Black people one-way tickets to northern cities with false promises of jobs, housing, and better lives.
The Kennedy White House received mail from leaders in the targeted states, asking the federal government to intervene in the “cruel merciless hoax” and “their traffic in human lives and misery.”
Ambassador Caroline Kennedy introduces President Biden: “On the 60th anniversary of President Kennedy’s moonshot speech, we’re honored to welcome President Biden as he announces his own Cancer Moonshot for the 21st century.”
“President Kennedy understood the power of the idea… the moonshot speech has become, perhaps, his best known legacy. The vision, the purpose, the courage it embodied has inspired each generation to take on hard challenges.”
If you missed any of the answers in @Jeopardy's JFK category last night, we're here to help!
A1: "On Sept. 12, 1962, JFK said, 'We choose to go' here; 'It will be done. & It will be done before' the end of the decade"
@Jeopardy A2: “JFK, in a speech in Germany on June 26, 1963: ‘In the world of freedom, the proudest boast is’ this 4-word phrase, in the native tongue”