🧵#ExpelSEL DON’T let incompetent or complicit people tell you “evidence based research” shows SEL is successful in ANYTHING. Its the exact opposite. @Casel claims SEL improves academic performance, produces improved social behaviors & lower levels of distress, improves
attitudes & creates fewer conduct problems. @CourageHabit points out the plummeting proficiency scores since SEL took over the Chicago School District. However, CPS is celebrating their massive increase in graduation rates. What does this mean? THEY ARE GRADUATING STUDENTS WHO
are ILLITERATE! So when someone gives you graduation rates as a measurement of SEL success, ask them if they have any idea what they are talking about! This is why we see this massive push for “Equitable Grading” because they need to hurry up and manipulate the data so it
Matches the graduation rates before anyone notices. Next, let’s look at the claim that SEL lowers stress and improves social behaviors. The SEL mouthpieces will claim these numbers are down because of COVID 🥴. So let’s look at 2019. What theconversation.com/amp/the-mental…
Will their excuse be to this? SEL spread across America starting in 2010 to reach 90% of public schools by 2016, yet from 2009 to 2017, major depression among 20- to 21-year-olds more than doubled. Depression surged 69 percent among 16- to 17-year-olds.
By 2017, one out of five 12- to 17-year-old girls had experienced major depression. SOCIAL EMOTIONAL LEARNING brought in trauma and mental health and replaced academics. 👇These “benefits” of SEL ARE A LIE!
CASEL also claimed the return on investment for SEL is a measurement of success stating for every dollar invested into SEL there is an $11 return.
The global social and emotional learning (SEL) market size to grow from USD 1.5 billion in 2020 to USD 3.9 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 18.6% during the forecast period. businesswire.com/news/home/2020…
Is anyone seeing this 11 to 1 return? Anyone? So the good news? SEL advocates are TERRIFIED because they know we know their scheme & we won’t stop exposing it. @caselorg is so worried they are launching a new coalition to stop us. BRING IT!! casel.org/new-national-c…
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🧵 It’ll take more than exposing it to stop it. You need legislative action.
Today there’s 40+ states with Obsenity Exemption Loopholes that allow schools to provide pornographic material to minors under the guise of education.
This is why schools will give parents a big 🖕
Why do we have Obscenity Exemption Loopholes? Alfred Kinsey, the child abusing, ped0, “father of the American sexual revolution” paved the path. More information here
Organizations like, Every Library & American Library Association, have launched massive campaigns to fight all efforts to remove harmful materials from schools.
SIECUS: Sex Ed for Social Change @SIECUS develops & advocates for the adoption of Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) & opposes abstinence education & parental oversight of sex ed in K-12 schools.
In 2023, SIECUS received $139.1 million in federal funding.
SIECUS has proposed $325 million in federal funding for 2025.
SIECUS believes children are sexual from birth and if you don’t support this viewpoint then you are judging & oppressing them.
The following SIECUS position statements support teaching gender ideology & sexuality to students beginning in Kindergarten.
🧵The Biden administration is reportedly considering declaring a “National Climate Emergency” which is a demand of the radicalized young activists from the Sunrise Movement & The Squad. We @CourageHabit have been warning about this, find more information below 👇
🧵💥Perfect timing @joerogan & @realchrisrufo ! I’ve been fighting the education system since 2019 & one consistent question I get is “What is the purpose/endgame of Social Emotional Learning (SEL)?” Today, we @CourageHabit will bring it full circle for everyone. @sunrisemvmt
The frustration @joerogan is conveying is exactly how SEL operates. It creates an environment that produces coddled, mindless, political pawns who have no real skills. The education system teaches them their feelings are more important than facts all while feeding them
Propaganda that brainwashes them on how to feel. They believe in whatever Marxist idea is presented to them. They are emotionally unhinged and radically activated.
🧵Social Emotional Learning uses “Community Circles” to “teach” (brainwash) children the way they should feel to be successful in the Communist society they are building. “Community Circles” from @caselorg are STRUGGLE SESSIONS. @XVanFleet explains to @TuckerCarlson the purpose
CASEL even includes a resource from @learnforjustice (the education arm of Southern Poverty Law Center @splcenter ) the same radical org who deemed @CourageHabit an extremist group 😂. learningforjustice.org/professional-d…