🧵#ExpelSEL DON’T let incompetent or complicit people tell you “evidence based research” shows SEL is successful in ANYTHING. Its the exact opposite. @Casel claims SEL improves academic performance, produces improved social behaviors & lower levels of distress, improves
attitudes & creates fewer conduct problems. @CourageHabit points out the plummeting proficiency scores since SEL took over the Chicago School District. However, CPS is celebrating their massive increase in graduation rates. What does this mean? THEY ARE GRADUATING STUDENTS WHO
are ILLITERATE! So when someone gives you graduation rates as a measurement of SEL success, ask them if they have any idea what they are talking about! This is why we see this massive push for “Equitable Grading” because they need to hurry up and manipulate the data so it
@MattWalshBlog Alfred Kinsey a pedophile, sadomasochistic who used fraudulent data collected by rape of babies & children to start the “Sexual Revolution”. He travel across the country to get 43 states to make law the obscenity exemption which allows porn in K-12. #ExpelSEL
Kinsey is also the “Father of Comprehensive Sex Education” a K-12 curriculum from @SIECUS created with @PPFA and @AdvocatesTweets that is based on the idea that children are sexual from birth.
In 2021 I testified to the Indiana Senate Education Committee to try to remove this exemption and before I testified I was told I couldn’t read my full testimony because “it’s on a live feed and children could hear” the example I brought from books in Indiana K-12 schools.
🧵#ExpelSEL SEL was always meant to be THIS. SEL was created as an umbrella so that it covered all of the things schools already did but allowed them to add their own twist & Marxist agenda under it. I have parents, school board members, and teachers say to me "Parts of SEL are
good because "it helps my child who is behind in reading", "it helps my child with ADHD learn to get through the day", "it helps my child who misbehaves", "it helps my child learn how to work with others", "it helps my child who went through a hard time", "it helps my child
(fill in the blank)" but the thing to remember is SCHOOLS ALREADY DID THIS. Schools already had systems to help those individual situations. SEL placed all of the good things schools did to support children under the SEL umbrella and snuck in the Anti-American,
🧵If you believe in freedom, parental rights & protecting children in America pay attention. #ExpelSEL I am incredibly grateful to contribute to this lawsuit against Social Emotional Learning and it’s devastating impact to our education system. James & Trisha Lucente along with
@parentschoicetn are leading the way to stop the radical indoctrination of children by filing this first of its kind lawsuit. SEL is a thought reform program our government is using to shift the values, attitudes, beliefs and worldview of innocent children. We must fight this at
every level- local, state, federal & legal. I hope this inspires people everywhere to do the same. I am happy to contribute with the knowledge I have gained in this fight for 3 years. This needs national attention, please share!