For the ✡️ #HighHolidays
—if you belong to a congregation you love…enjoy!
If not, there are still many options.
Contact your favorite egalitarian, inclusive shul and see if you can take part in services—in person or virtually—for whatever you can pay without financial hardship.
THIS THREAD will list congregations and groups that offer equal-participation #HighHolidays services, in person and/or virtual, without set “ticket” prices—or at least with the option to give “another amount” (just send it in; no humiliating negotiations or discussion required).
In these times, who needs the tsuris? Not us!
(But enough of that argument. For now).
SOME congregations do it right: they offer access to services that reflect the best of Jewish values—the values we really want for our families and ourselves—on a “give what you can” basis.
Some congregations open all services—in person and virtual —on a freewill-offering basis; others, only their online version.
Some offer outright-free streaming of services.
The standard prayers/prayerbooks can be downloaded—for personal use only—from some congregations’
And there are still other possibilities.
Do it yourself.
Gather with family, friends, neighbors—or start a havurah by putting out the call on social media.
Gather in person and/or virtually.
Read through the prayers.
Daven along with onscreen services—in the company of others.
Below you will find many free and give-what-you-can options.
Listed here will be ONLY inclusive, egalitarian services/congregations—meaning, AT MINIMUM, all-gender participation in all study and worship; and LGBTQ/Jews-by-choice/all-ethnicities friendliness.
(And maybe more.)
AND listed here will be ONLY those offering at least a freewill-donation alternative to any fixed-price tickets.
With no further hurdle than checking the box for something like “or another amount”, and sending it in. (No humiliating interaction with an authority figure required!)
Below are some places to start your search.
Many more to follow; watch this space!
Feel free to add any other options you know.
(But ONLY those meeting the criteria above; we want ALTERNATIVES to “settling” for ultratraditional services or overextending ourselves financially.)
L’Shanah Tovah!
You might want to start your search by exploring some of these:
CENTRAL SYNAGOGUE SERVICES also easily viewable at: (see schedule).
Inclusive-Participation and Inclusive-Liturgy Services—
In person (Denver, Colorado) and livestream!
Free; donations welcome…
Inclusive-Liturgy Machzorim—
for use with their services or for your home/havurah use
CBST is an LGBTQ+ synagogue for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
Our services are open to all, always free of charge. Your generous support makes this possible.
In-person and online services; Machzor available online
If you don’t like driving in “traffic”, why don’t YOU use mass transit?
“Congestion pricing” is an elitist scheme to PRICE RATION the use of our public roads.
In effect, it lets the rich pay $$ that THEY can easily afford—to buy their way out of sharing the road with us peons.
It’s a REgressive tax that hits working and middle class people hardest.
And yes, most of us DO have to drive—especially busy adults with work and family responsibilities to juggle on tight schedules.
How did people who call themselves “progressive” ever buy into this crap?
REAL progressives know that working/middle class people are tired of draconian measures that—whatever their ostensible purposes—impose extra hardships on those who are already struggling. Without even making a real dent in any actual problems.
“Now President-elect Donald Trump has tasked the Tesla and SpaceX CEO with eliminating waste from the federal government. In the new role, Musk will help direct policies on a wide range of issues and government bodies, including those that regulate his many business interests.”
“His companies have received ‘only’ tens of billions from government contracts and programs.
But in other ways, virtually all of his net worth can be pinned to government help. Tesla and SpaceX got started—and survived their early days—
with assistance from state and federal policies, government contracts and loans.
‘The foundation for Musk’s financial success has been the US government,’ said Daniel Ives, tech analyst for Wedbush Securities.”
From $35/month under Biden to $5,917 under Trump!
“Trump recently signed an executive order rescinding 78 of Biden’s presidential actions, including 3 executive orders aimed at lowering prescription costs
and enabling access to affordable health coverage... Biden order imposed a $35 monthly cap on insulin, which normally costs $5,917 a year."
Trump’s rollback of Biden’s healthcare protections—like the $35 insulin cap—exposes a chilling truth:
the working class is not just ignored
but actively undermined. Meanwhile, Silicon Valley’s oligarchs, emboldened by accelerationist ideologies, pour billions into AI designed to displace workers, not uplift them.
Local officials care most about their communities’ growth, prosperity, and affordability. They know their neighborhoods’ needs better than distant bureaucrats and profit-driven corporations.
LIE #4
Suburbs and single-family homes are racist and exclusionary.
A majority of Americans of all backgrounds live in low- and medium-density neighborhoods or suburbs. 94% believe home ownership is central to the American Dream.
@leahfrombklyn @gtjco ACTORS—& other showbiz types who perform onstage or on camera—may not need degrees to get living-wage work. Especially the already-established—&/or well connected. EG Melissa.
But for most desirable fields—INCLUDING off-camera jobs in entertainment/media—degrees are “preferred”.
@leahfrombklyn @gtjco Which basically means “required”.
And “the professions” definitely require degrees.
Even “midlist” fields that we don’t consider particularly aspirational—like teaching or “office work” or “middle management”—require degrees.
The answer is NOT to say “you don’t need a degree”—
@leahfrombklyn @gtjco but rather to MAKE SCHOOL AFFORDABLE AGAIN.
Without loans.
For a while, we made a real effort to help students through whatever postsecondary professional or occupational education best fit each person’s aptitudes.
IF YOU LEAVE—please put your new address/alt ID/linktree in your bio and pinned post here.
Otherwise, those who happened to miss the info may never find you!
(And maybe log in here occasionally—or your account could be deleted against your will.)
Oh—and wherever you go, consider putting your former handle and bio from HERE in your new bio/pinned post THERE.
(In search-friendly text form, not just photos.)
The more clues we leave, the more easily we can reconnect!
Nice network we’ve built—it would be a shame to lose it.