Looking like with the latest turn of direction the virus has managed to escape our immune system efficiently yet again.
There is an unprecedented number of highly diverged variants coming up and two brand-new studies shed light on this concerning situation.
Amazing work! 1/
In one study, Ben Murrell and colleagues show five-fold escape from serum neutralization by BA.2.75.2 in pseudovirus assay. biorxiv.org/content/10.110…
In another very impressive study, Xiaoliang Sunney Xie and colleagues study many current sub-sub variants comprehensively. 3/ biorxiv.org/content/10.110…
Please read the wonderful threads by the authors themselves for a detailed summary, I will focus on the main take-away. 4/
Our immune system works a bit like the guy with a hammer: every problem looks like a nail. This phenomenon is called antigenic sin. Once we have an antibody repertoire, we try to tackle similar viruses with the old repertoire. 5/
This strategy limits our immune response, but importantly makes it faster and over time can generate and select antibodies that work against a wide range of variants. So there is a reason for it.
But what we observe now is that SARS-CoV-2 has gone through so many iterative rounds of escape, that we are running out of antibodies neutralizing current variants like BA.2.75.*, BJ.1, BQ.1.1, BA.2.3.20, and many others. 7/
This was somewhat expected, because we knew that Omicron has accumulated enough change to be poised for complete immune escape. 8/ biorxiv.org/content/10.110…
The immune escape really appears to be shockingly efficient, new highly mutated variants appear almost every week, and there is no reason to believe that the process will end. 9/
To achieve this, current variants specifically mutate in the remaining surfaces of the spike protein that were not mutated yet. Therefore, we observe the same mutations again and again: convergent evolution (orange). 10/
With the cold season starting in the northern hemisphere now incidence has begun to rise e.g. in several European countries. So far this is not primarily driven by the new variants, only mutation of 346 in BA.4/5 plays some role.
But these new variants will likely dominate in winter. And if they indeed escape the subset of antibodies selected after WT vaccination and Omicron breakthrough, then also our new vaccines are in question, too.
So what do we do? Start a new primary vaccination round with the highly diverted and convergent variants? One thing appears certain: SARS-CoV-2 is still able to outrace us again and again.
Thank you for your attention and again: Congratulations and thank you to all researchers and the international research community involved in variant tracking, analysis, discussion, and interpretation.👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙏🏼
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Mutational differences between important SARS-CoV-2 lineages within the antibody binding regions of the spike protein. Shown is NTD (defined here as amino acid 1-300) and RBD (301-600) separate and together. 1/4
This rainbow-painted spike (blue to red) shows the N-terminal domain in shades of blue followed by RBD in shades of green for comparison. 2/4
Mutation space differences must not be confused with immunological distance, but do hint towards vaccine efficiency. The upcoming lineages BA.2.75.2 and BJ.1 are 33/36 mutations away from WT, 31/28 from BA.1, and 13/17 from BA.5. 3/4
Another sublineage of great concern is expanding in India and has also made landfall in the US and Europe (Austria): BJ.1
Numbers are still very low, but the newly acquired mutations are really a nasty combination in critical places. 1/7
The lineage was noticed already a month ago, you can follow the details and expansion in this pango-designation issue: github.com/cov-lineages/p…
Thanks to all the colleagues keeping such good track of the variant-zoo!
BJ.1 is a BA.2 sublineage with 14 additional mutations in spike (plus others). What is immediately obvious is, that the many new mutations cluster densly in the receptor binding domain and the NTD antibody binding “supersite”. 3/7
Sehr wichtige Preprint-Studie aus China zum Zoo an neuen BA.2 Varianten BA.2.12.1 (NYC) sowie BA.4/5 (S.A.) und anderen wurde gerade publiziert. researchsquare.com/article/rs-161… 1/8
Während die Affinität von BA.2 zum Rezeptor relativ zu BA.1 erhöht ist (und BA.2 ist infektiöser…), ist sie bei BA.4 offensichtlich reduziert. Möglicherweise ein Kompromiss des Virus, um die Immunflucht weiterzutreiben. 2/8
Und die Neutralisierung ist im Pseudovirusassay tatsächlich weiter heruntergesetzt. In den Daten nach Impfung ist der Effekt nicht so stark, da ist der grosse Schritt von D614G zu Omicron BA.1. 3/8
Durch je >500k Erkrankungen (🇦🇹) in der Altersgruppe 5-14 und 15-24 sind der Jugend durch Krankheit und Quarantäne geschätzt schon etwa 40 000 Jahre Schulbildung abhanden gekommen. 1/11 covid19-dashboard.ages.at
Eine aktuelle Metaanalyse über 21 Studien und >80k Patienten kommt zum Schluss, dass etwa 25% der Kinder anschliessend (subjektiv!) über Long-Covid berichten. Dies trifft vor allem Mädchen und junge Frauen. 2/11 medrxiv.org/content/10.110…
Integration, auch von Menschen mit Immundefekten, ist ein hohes Gut. Eine Gesellschaft misst sich daran, wie sie mit ihren Schwächsten umgeht. Freies Spiel des Virus in der Schule nimmt diesen Menschen das Recht auf Unversehrtheit und Bildung. 3/11 derstandard.at/story/20001334…