@AnnMariaReeves But Amanda is friends with Stella McCartney. Stella is also best friends with Photographer William Eggleston.
It is very interesting that the people helping Eggleston sells his lies about my father's unsolved murder all know each other.
@AnnMariaReeves Stella McCartney glorifys her muse William Eggleston often.
Lol her muse.
The Red Room photo taken at my dad's home at 508 Macarthur can be seen in the background of Stella's post on Instagram as you can see below here 👇 instagram.com/p/BxDFVIrA-7P/…
@AnnMariaReeves But when I complained about The Red Room photo Stella posted on her Instagram page with a photo of Eggleston she quickly removed the photo from her post.
Here are the two photos she removed off her Instagram post below here 👇 instagram.com/p/Bw7Xn2vghK7/…
@AnnMariaReeves Not only did she remove the post I was also belittled by the photographer taking Eggleston's photo.
These people are Evil.
They don't care about me or my father!
They care about the money they can make off of his murder with lies and with William Eggleston's Murderabilia.
@AnnMariaReeves Sophia Coppola also glorifies William Eggleston as her muse.
Eggleston has two different claims as to where my dad was murdered.
With his Portraits Exhibition and Fine Art Photography book he claimed he died where the Red Ceiling photo was taken. si.edu/object/siris_s…
@AnnMariaReeves Sophia Coppola wrote an appreciation for Eggleston's Portraits book.
Sophia Coppola's father is Francis Ford Coppola. Coppola directed Bram Stoker's Dracula featuring KEANU REEVES.
These people all know each other!
They all know William Eggleston as well.
@AnnMariaReeves William Eggleston is also very close friends with David Lynch.
Lynch is an admire of Eggleston's Murderabilia and Photography.
@AnnMariaReeves My father's unsolved murder is fabricated with Murderbilia in England!
Stella McCartney and David Lynch are all good friends with Eggleston.
Meanwhile he is fabricating my dad's murder with his Murderabilia. janeflowers.substack.com/p/william-eggl…
@AnnMariaReeves David Lynch is also very good friends with Keanu Reeves.
@AnnMariaReeves Jennifer Syme was a personal assistant to David Lynch, the renowned director, and film producer. Lynch described Jennifer Syme as a vibrant young lady.
Lynch is best friends with William Eggleston.
It's a Small World we live in 🌎 #filmproducermulholland-drive.net/cast/jennifer.…
@AnnMariaReeves Syme landed a job, working for director David Lynch, shortly after moving to LA. She then had a few minor movie roles which included a part in Lynch’s Lost Highway. David Lynch dedicated his 2001 film Mulholland Drive to her, in tribute to Syme’s memory.
@AnnMariaReeves Jennifer Syme dated Keanu Reeves.
They dated in the 90's before they broke up and she died in a car accident.
She was in is a small circle of people that all know each other.
Keanu Reeves, David Lynch, William Eggleston, Stella and Paul McCartney sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/wh…
@AnnMariaReeves They all know each other and are good friends.
It's very revolting and quite sickening how they are inspired by William Eggleston their Muse lies about my father's unsolved murder.
They are inspired by his Murderabilia!
Murderabilia of my father's home being burned Up!
@AnnMariaReeves In 1983 David Byrne of the Talking Heads released his song Burning Down the House.
I suspect this song is about my father's home that burned down at 103 Virginia St with him in it.
My dad died from smoke inhalation..
@AnnMariaReeves David Byrne is a huge fan of William Eggleston.
They are inspired by their Muse William Eggleston's lies about his Murderabilia!
But William Eggleston claims he died from an Axe to his head!
It all one big sh*t show!
Eggleston inspires artists with his Murderabilia and lies about my father's life and unsolved murder! instagram.com/p/BxEDrheAwby/…
@AnnMariaReeves David Lynch was so inspired by William Eggleston's lies about my father's unsolved murder that he made a song with Flying Lotus about a kid named Tommy and a FIRE! instagram.com/p/BxC_EqsANEw/…
@AnnMariaReeves Keanu Reeves is good friends with David Lynch for decades.
Some of these people that I've mentioned are inspired by Eggleston's lies because he is their Muse.
They are inspired by is lies and Murderabilia.
I have had two of my Twitter accounts locked in the past week.
I did nothing to have them locked.
Twitter is not letting me get back into my accounts either.
Twitter doesn't give me the option to get back in my accounts yet I'm supposed to be able to get back in them.
My Twitter account is getting locked is telling me something seriously going on.
I have an idea what's going on and people are freaking out so that's why they're going to people that work with Twitter and having them lock my accounts or either reporting my accounts multiple times
Karma is a b**** and all the people that have hurt me their karma is going to come after them real quick.
I have an idea that karma's already coming after them and that's why my accounts have been targeted.
The last time my accounts got targeted is when I was speaking out
@AnnMariaReeves William Eggleston is a known drug addict and Alcoholic.
He was good friends with my dad because they would get drunk and high together.
I don't have any resent videos of Egg.
He is mentally competent in my opinion.
@AnnMariaReeves William Eggleston's son Winston Eggleston also helps his father fabricate my dad's unsolve murder with his Murderabilia.
Winston will also eventually be sued by me under the Son of Sam Law along with the Eggleston Trust. whitney.org/media/362
@AnnMariaReeves Andra Eggleston will also get sued under the Son of Sam Law in regards to my father's unsolved murder and the Murderbilia her father William Eggleston is selling for millions all over the world in his Portrait Exhibitions, Films and Books. sandcmanagement.com/andra-eggleston
I received major psychic attacks last night with Dia Chawla, Suresh Chawla's daughter and his mom. Dinesh Chawla was also targeting me with psychic attacks.
They were not happy about my Autobiography Energy Workers Targeted Me, My Experiences with Psychic Attacks.
While I was receiving psychic attacks from Dia Chawla I was also receiving psychic attacks from Dr John Trotter.
Trotter was very very angry from what felt from his emotional energy.
I wrote about Trotter in my autobiography. Trotter is one of the organized criminals that helps
Melton Law firm in Greenwood Mississippi use my mom's name with Identity Theft and launder millions of dollars the White Collar Attorneys at Melton Law firm need cleaned. They usually clean their ill-gotten gains by buying property with the money.
The have purchased millions of
My Stalker Amber Nightingale from Elizabethtown Pennsylvania is an energy worker.
She has been up in my energy field targeting me energetically since September the 8th. She has an agenda with my life with her sociopathic tendencies towards me.
One would think that she would stop targeting me energetically because I'm going to write another book about her targeting me with psychic attacks if she doesn't and she won't stop targeting me energetically so Series 2 of my Autobiography is going to be very interesting.
In series 2 of my autobiography I will list the psychic attacks I had with her and her sister and father Andy Nightingale.
Come to find out Amber Nightingale could very possibly be an OES Mason.
Her father Andy Nightingale is a Freemason in Elizabethtown Pennsylvania.
Your stalker or gang stalkers will go to great lengths to kill you. I should know. My stalker would get in touch with my neighbors or people I lived with.
She made people believe that I was a bad person that was trying to hurt her!
She even lied on my affidavit probable cause
alleging I was stalking her.
She tried her best to kill me. While she was stalking me and cyberstalking me she was targeting me energetically with energy worker Psychic Medium John Edward.
My life is still in danger but I keep moving forward towards Justice.
I remote viewed Amber Nightingale talking to my former roommate Susan Brody.
Susan was poisoning me while I lived in her apartment and paid her rent.
I have had a lot of people try to kill me because of Amber.
In Energy Workers Targeted Me, My Experiences with Psychic Attacks I wrote about my Stalker Amber Nightingale and her friends Eric Brice and Psychic Medium John Edward. These people got together and cyberstalked me for years while she was investigating me for four years with
Officer Michael Lyons and Dustin Ryan at the Elizabethtown Pennsylvania Police Department.
Dustin Ryan quit his job in August of 2021 because of my case against him.
I'm filing my police misconduct civil rights case with Amber in Philadelphia Pennsylvania Pro se litigant.
Amber Nightingale never should have had her friends cyberstalk me on social media while she was investigating me for allegedly stalking her when I never was.
I was arrested on a false stalking charge and imprisoned on a false stalking charge because of Amber Nightingale.