Spoke at #GFF2022 on ‘Fintech fraud and consumer privacy’.
Thanks @NPCI_NPCI for the opportunity to talk about cyber frauds and cybercrime countermeasures.
@NPCI_NPCI I talked about @rbi digital lending guidelines, Chinese loan app menace and consumer data protection issues.
The rapid advances in digital technologies and mobile adoption worldwide is creating a unique set of problems and opportunities.
While the startup ecosystem is focussed on reducing friction and easing the customer journey, financial system integrity and stability needs to be ensured.
Fintech space today includes diverse players and stakeholders, right from Big Tech to the Law Enforcement and regulators.
Organised and syndicated cybercrime is sophisticated and wisespread.
A complex set of offense and defense infrastructure has evolved in this arena.
While there are excellent technologies on the consumer protection side; the adversary is also evolving in real time.
Tokenization of cards at @rbi directions, #accountaggregator (NBFC-AA) and AI/ML based technologies are very promising developments.
On November 24, 2010 the Secretary of State, amended the designation of Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LeT) under Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) and Executive Order (E.O.) 13224 by adding Falah-i-Insaniat Foundation (FIF) as an alias of LeT.2009-2017.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/20…
@NikunjGargN@officer_cia okay, here we go:
thread: signs that your phone is hacked. 1. Hot phone
Is your iPhone or Android getting hot and staying hot, even when you’re not using it? Like all devices, phones get hot with continued use, otherwise 'something else' might be causing it to overheat.
@NikunjGargN@officer_cia 2. Increase of data usage
Data usage indicates how much data your phone uploads and downloads.
If you realize that your data usage increasing exponentially without you changing your online habits, that can be a clear sign of a hacked phone.
@NikunjGargN@officer_cia 3. Poorer performance
Do you have problems with calls keep dropping? Are your texts not reaching the receiver? Or is your phone constantly crashing, freezing and glitching?
If so malicious apps could be running in the background and are responsible for the poor performance.
The Pakistan Air Force is preparing to receive Lockheed C-130H tactical transport aircraft, which were decommissioned from the Belgian Air Force in 2021.
On July 25, the first C-130H (c / n 4483, ex-number CH-12), already marked with PAF identification marks, flew to Brussels airport after painting and repairs before handing over to new owners.
The aircraft with b / n CH-12 was delivered to the Belgian Air Force in 1973.
In early July, Pakistan Air Force crews underwent theoretical training on the C-130H, which has some differences from the old modifications of the C-130B / E, which the Pakistani Air Force now has.