In Pillars of Tomorrow, we used emotion analysis to extract data through the Twitter API, analyze people’s emotions, and apply them as generative music traits.
A thread on data analysis 🧵👇
In our previous collection, Pride Month Tribute, we collected 100K online articles and transformed the emotions into colors.
The stronger the emotional expression was during a specific time period, the more prominent the color was in the artwork.
This is a prime example of happiness being the strongest emotion as you can see by the dominant presence of yellow which represents the feeling of happiness in our first NFT collection.
For this collection, since the NFT community is most active on Twitter, we used Twitter’s API as the source of our data.
The Twitter API provides free access (essential access level) to anyone interested in collecting and analyzing data about users and tweets.
According to the (GDPR), one can retrieve tweets published in the last 7 days, without exceeding 500,000 tweets per month.
Data and results for our upcoming music NFT collection in creative collaboration with @_dahleea_ 👇
Our data is derived from emotional analysis models to extract the emotion scores (happiness, anger, sadness, fear) from approximately 105,762 tweets, written in English, and containing mention of ‘Tomorrowland' during the time period between July 15, 2022, and August 12, 2022.
The analysis showed the following results:
Happiness: 38%
Anger: 8%
Sadness: 26%
Fear: 28%
On an additional note, here's a very good thread if you want to learn more about Machine Learning models by our friend @bubits_
Since the mint will be live in about 30 minutes, here is one more thread 🧵
But first to all the people that have supported this collection through beautiful comments and feedback, much love to all of you. Fam, you make a difference💛
There is always more than you can see 👇🧵
Our purpose is to create meaningful NFTs that are centered around humanity.
So what do you see here?
You see pillars moving with different motions, colors, and lengths.
However, they are in the same place, heading to similar destinations.
Just like the people attending an event like Tomorrowland, they are going to have fun, dance, and connect with people.
Humans are the center, they bring life to the land.
How our upcoming music NFT collection, Pillars of Tomorrow, is connected to Tomorrowland and the NFT space.
What’s our mindset behind the visuals?
A thread 🧵👇
The symbolism and purpose behind Tomorrowland provided us with some clear goals on how to visually reflect the people’s feelings and experiences.
We’re showcasing music, connection, unity, and friendship through our art, and making it very colorful.
Colorful not only because of the event’s mind-blowing production but more importantly, to highlight the diversity of people uniting to share a common passion and dream.