Because local media won't do the work and ballot drops are happening in 30 days.
1/9 In MGP's recent campaign ad you can see her rose city antifa inspired "rose" on her work coveralls
2/9 other variations of the rose city antifa logo that could have been used to design MGP's "rose" patch.
3/9 Their auto shop signage has both rose city antifa inspired roses placed exactly like the rose city antifa logo. Another way of telling antifa that their shop supports & is one of them.
4/9 In behavior: a tactic that antifa uses is to lable their opposition as "extremist" as to deflect from their own extremist behavior & views
5/9 Local support: Indivisible is a known organizational front group that supports antifa here in the Portland area and has ties to leftist fundraising through
7/9 Sauce: Without a doubt we have MGP Instagram post using the antifa dog whistle slogan from woody guthrie and openly providing free service, 1st time or several previous times?, to the antifa terrorists during their riot on a federal building in Portland.
8/9 How can an active canidate for Congress provide open support for a terrorist organization that attacked a federal building, City of Portland and the country in 2020?
MGP needs to be held accountable for her and her husbands open support for antifa