Ukrainian Telegram channels publish pictures of the Ukrainian POWs exchanged for Russian POWs. Kateryna Polishchuk, the legendary paramedic from Azovstal.
Mykhailo Dianov is another Azovstal hero freed in POWs exchange.
The head of Mariupol police Mykhailo Vershynin (the right picture shows him after the release, pictures from Tryxa).
The exchange apparently happened on the Russian-Ukrainian or Belarusian-Ukrainian border in Chernihiv region. The video is from Suspilne TV channel.
Sviatoslav Yermolov, another policemen from Mariupol. Picture source: Telegram Мариуполь сейчас.
More pictures of the freed Ukrainian soldiers. It’s different to find the original source, these photos appeared in many Telegram channels almost simultaneously.
Pregnant Azovstal medic Mariana Mamonova is said among the released POWs, no recent picture of her available yet.
Russian sources re-posted a quotation from a Donetsk “official” who said that the Ukrainian POWs were exchanged for the Russian POWs taken during the recent Kharkiv offensive, plus Russian pilots.
The Azovstal defenders leadership returned to Ukraine, at least we can see Denys Prokopenko and Sviatoslav Palamar among others here. Serhiy Volyna (last photo) was released, too, according to some sources.
Dmytro Kozatsky, the author of this photo, was released, too.
The word “partial” in Putin’s speech means nothing, as it was not said which part of the population it covers: 5/6 or 1/150. Basically this means a license to recruit as many people as they can supply with guns. And Russians are aware they can trust no word from the authorities.
Also the mobilization decree in fact prohibits soldiers from rejecting participation in military operations. They can leave army only due to old age, illness, and prison sentence now. There were plenty of refuseniks/otkazniks before, it looks like Putins wants this to end.
Minister Shoigu speaks after Putin, he claims that Russia is going to mobilize 300000 people. The mostly will be used to control occupied territories. Earlier he said that RF lost below 6000 people in Ukraine, i.e. lies obvious to everybody.
A few Ukraine commercial radio stations were hacked: they aired news bulletins with fake information on Zelensky illness and power transfer to the head of the Ukrainian parliament, according to a Facebook post by the head of the Ukrainian Public Radio Dmitry Khorkin.
The three stations he is in charge (the Ukrainian Radio and two other public radio stations) were not affected.
Industry sources say that recorded news bulletins were replaced in playlists of two commercial music stations.
Hromadske Radio was not affected, according to our technical and program staff.
Dozens of civilians were killed by Russian missile in Kramatorsk railway station, regional administration head Pavlo Kyrylenko wrote in Facebook. He quoted police and rescuers.
Kyrylenko said that cluster munitions Iskander rocket fell in the station, where thousands of IDPs gathered for evacuation.
Ukraine railway operator Ukrzaliznytsia said that more than 30 people were killed and more than 100 wounded after the attack in Kramatorsk.
The rocket was marked with a hand written sign “За детей” (For children). According to some reports in the Ukrainian media the full phrase is “За детей Донбасса“ (For the children of Donbas).
Kharkiv today. A thread. All pictures by AP Efrem Lukatsky
A dead resident lies at the store as he was killed it the Russian shelling in Kharkiv, Ukraine, March 24, 2022. Kharkiv is Ukraine’s second biggest city 30 kilometers of the Russian border. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)
A man points at his house destroyed in the Russian shelling in Kharkiv, Ukraine, Thursday, March 24, 2022. Kharkiv is Ukraine’s second biggest city 30 kilometers of the Russian border. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)
A Ukrainian soldier inspects a destroyed Russian APC after recent battle in Kharkiv, March 24, 2022. The writing made by Ukrainian soldiers reads: ‘Not to War’. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)