Republican John Gibbs, candidate for Congress in #MI03, argued in the early 2000s that "women did not 'posess (sic) the characteristics necessary to govern,' and said men were smarter than women...
...because they are more likely to 'think logically about broad and abstract ideas in order to deduce a suitable conclusion, without relying upon emotional reasoning.'”
Men who carry these beliefs such as these should not be allowed in the halls of Congress.
Will's Republican opponent, Rep Ken Calvert, has been part of the war on women's rights for 30 years.
He supported the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v Wade and believes rapists should be able to sue doctors who provide abortions to their victims.
I am a Democrat, but I am contacting you today as an American. The behavior we have witnessed from the President of the US over they last week has be extremely concerning. 1/
Let me state up front that I do not want Trump permanently removed from office by any other means than the vote of the American people. However, in light of his erratic behavior and confounding statements over the last few days, I think is is prudent and imperative that 2/
Mr. Trump be examined by an unbiased, credible team of doctors to determine if he is fit to continue his duties as President at this time. If his symptoms are medication based, he could be removed just until his capacity improves. 3/