Live from the launch event of the Biomethane Industrial Partnership! #EUSEW2022
EC EVP @TimmermansEU: "The brutal war of Russia against Ukraine has made increasing EU renewable energy production all the more urgent!" #BIPEurope
EVP Frans @Timmermans EU: “With #REPowerEU we set ourselves a target of producing 35 billion cubic meters of biomethane annually by 2030. It is a great challenge because we need to expand the current biomethane production by a factor of more than 11."
“And this is precisely why we need the Biomethane Industrial Partnership. We need it so that we can move from REPower targets to RePower projects.”
Frans Timmermans: “You can make a vital contribution to enhancing our energy independence, the security of our energy supply and to the clean energy transition."
"You can also contribute to a more affordable energy supply, because we will have less exposure to volatile and high natural gas prices if we manage to sustainably scale up the production of biomethane at relatively low costs.”
Frans Timmermans: “Meeting the RePower target for biomethane requires mobilising additional sustainable biomass feedstock, predominantly from waste and residue materials, as well as further activating innovative and sustainable biomass sources." #EUSEW2022
"There are many important issues to tackle over the coming months and year. This will make the work of the Biomethane Industrial Partnership a difficult challenge, but also an exciting and rewarding one. We can only achieve this together.”
EU Commissioner for Energy @KadriSimson: "We're ready to fully participate in this important partnership, working with national governments and the value chain to scale up biomethane"
.@KadriSimson “The new Biomethane Industrial Partnership is open to all stakeholders to overcome barriers for growth, share best practices and foster collaboration to rapidly increase biomethane in production and use.”
Kadri Simson: “The companies in the value chain are looking forward to working together to ensure a steep and simultaneous increase in biomethane production, grid connection and off-take.”
Harmen Dekker, CEO of @European_Biogas: "The sector which we represent with nearly 8,000 stakeholders can provide the 35 bcm of biomethane by 2030, and then ramp up to 160 bcm by 2050."
"Biomethane can become a major renewable gas in our future energy mix, together with green hydrogen. This will require €70-80 billion of investments. To ensure we reach this, investors need much faster permitting procedures across Europe and ..
.. long-term confidence that production will be matched with relevant offtake opportunities.”
Harmen Dekker: “Setting national biomethane targets, strategies and policies will be crucial alongside easy access to gas grids and cross border trade of biomethane.”
“.@European_Biogas is very proud to be part of the Biomethane Industrial Partnership and work together with all stakeholders to turn the 35 bcm into reality.”
.@OleHvelplund, CEO @NGFNatureEnergy, Europe’s largest biomethane producer: ““The companies in the value chain are looking forward to working together to ensure a steep and simultaneous increase in biomethane production, grid connection and off-take.”
Ole Hvelplund "We thank the Commission for their support and for pushing the rope of an ambitious biomethane target. We'll be sure to pull it!"
@TimmermansEU: "Great! And then we'll push it some more ;)"
The Biomethane Industrial Partnership has started! The clock is ticking, let's go for that 35 billion cubic metres now. #EUSEW2022#BIPEurope
Symbolizing the start of the Biomethane Industrial Partnership: jointly opening the green valve of domestic sustainable biomethane.
You can find all about BIP Europe at its brand new website, with an invitation to participate!
The Biomethane Industrial Partnership will have 5 Task Forces: 1. National biomethane targets, strategies and policies 2. Accelerated biomethane project development 3. Sustainable potentials for innovative biomass sources
4. Cost efficiency of biomethane production and grid connection, and 5. Research, Development and Innovation needs
For Task Force 1, all 27 EU Member State governments have been invited to join by the European Commission.
Great that the EC, national governments, and dozens of companies from the biomethane value chain will be working together to scale up production and use of domestic sustainable biomethane from its current 3-4 to a very substantial 35 billion m³/year by 2030!
35 billion m³ =
350 m³ of gas per EU household =
20% of the pre-crisis Russian gas imports =
350 TWh of gas =
1260 PJ of gas.
A valuable complement to energy efficiency and renewable electricity. And the sustainable potential for 2040 even is three times higher.
Slippery slope we're seeing in various places: 1. Vested interests get government to do things that are good for them, but not for the people (e.g. not taxing them, and cutting back on public spending).
2. People get angry.
3. (Social) media, sometimes controlled by vested interests, whip up the anger.
Based on satellite measurements, the @IEA has estimated Australian coal mines emitted 1.8 million tonnes of methane in 2021, double the latest officially reported figures. Australia has not signed the pledge to reduce methane emissions by 30% by 2020.…
"Did you know that methane emissions can make fossil gas just as bad for climate as coal?"
Australian coal miners: "Hold my beer!"
We need to reduce our consumption of all fossil fuels, as fast as possible, for many reasons.
Including the weather forecast for the coming 10 days, it looks like this will be the 2nd warmest August on record in the Netherlands.
With an average of 20.5⁰C, it'd be 2.8⁰C warmer than the already warmed 1991-2020 average!
According to the latest update (20.6⁰C now), this could even become the Netherlands' hottest August on record!
That'd also make this the 2nd hottest summer on record here, behind 2018.
Drought update: the river Rhine reached its lowest level ever yesterday where it enters the Netherlands.
Water flow around 1/3 of normal for this time of the year, but still just above its alltime low.
How is it possible that the water level of the Rhine is at a record low, but the flow is not?
The bottom of the river is still sinking, due to continuous erosion.
The extremely low water levels in the Rhine cause problems for shipping. In the Netherlands, shortages of sand and gravel can slow down construction.
In Germany, Shell's Cologne refinery has announced that it will have to reduce production of fuels.