Live reporting for the Finance Committee underway #fincom0928
Vote for new chair, nominations for George seconded, passes via roll call 7-0-1 (Hansen) absent; for vice chair, Natalie nominated, seconded, passes via roll with same vote 7-0-1; for clerk, Nicole nominated, seconded, passes by same 7-0-1 vote (only 8 current members)
State financing for the Beaver St project will be at 1.5% rate, the issues are really with the other project costs, labor, materials, etc
The est at $33M is likely short, by how much TBD. #fincom0928
Discussion on Red Brick Schoolhouse additional funds request of $50,000 - asking for an increase due to the renovation bids coming in higher than forecasted, #fincom0928 vote on recommendation to approve, passes via roll call by 7-0-1 (Hansen absent)
Stabilization Fund Balances - 3 Year Comparison (see page 5 of agenda doc)…#fincom0928 OPEB funding still will grow for a # of years before being spent
Request for future agenda item Board of Assessor's, and with School Committee #fincom0928
Motion to adjourn, seconded, passes via roll
Stay tuned for Town Council meeting at 7
Chair Mercer opens meeting with all 9 members present in Chambers #tc0928
Citizen comments: Carolyn O'Neil commenting on the need for a new state flag, it may have been good at that time but needs to be something we are proud of, to wave. #tc0928
Rachel Plukas also speaking for the change of the flag, quotes a passage attributed to King Philip
Franklin for All priorities on agenda part of the report was extracted here ->…#edc0921
Followed by downtown parking, always a tough topic
EDC steering committee opens, this has the 2 planning board members and 1 from ZBA; for the first part of the discussion... When parking comes up, on the 4 town council members will participate #edc0921
With Bernstein remote, remaining 6 members in Chambers for meeting, hence roll call vote in use tonight #schcom0913
FHS club fair coming, mock trial team had info night, still looking for members, DECA had over 200 participants, meeting coming, Jr class prom comte being formed, to plan for May 5 event. Home football game Friday #schcom0913
Slight delay in start for the FPS school space needs subcommittee meeting, about to begin soon #snsc0913
Meeting opens, Chair Al Charles opens meeting, one member remote, 3 present in room along with Business Mgr Miriam Goodman and Supt Lucas Giguere #snsc0913
AppGeo leading vendor on the analysis for the redistricting consultation, they were priced higher but in consideration of their local base vs. the other two being more remote and hence doing some work virtual, have experience with MA #snsc0913