[#severe climo thread] Is there something about late May? I totaled all severe reports for NY, NJ, PA, DE, MD and DC for the months of April to July (data source SPC, 1955-2018). For severe wind reports, they increase overall from April to July (but notice late May rise). (1/8)
In terms of severe hail, notice the peak in reports happens in late May to early June with the 10-day average peak right around the infamous date of 5-31. (2/8)
Tornadoes overall gradually increase from the start to the end of the period. However, the notorious period of the end of the May into early June again sticks out with peak in daily counts and rolling averages. (3/8)
Here's a 10-day mean SST in Reanalysis that spans the month of December in 3 blocks. It is scaled to be ~ 80°F-90°F. Of course you've heard about Australia's warmth. The +SSTa have intensified near WA/NT/QLD. Some SST approaching 90°F there.
EPS TC forecast in the next 10 days. This is why the RMMs are forecast to spike into phase 4-6.
Profiles tonight are marginal all around but worth mentioning. Not a lot of sunshine today and it has been cold. Profiles are somewhat supportive of spotty freezing drizzle. Not certain if sufficiently moist. Doesn't look like it goes into AM commute either with wind shift.
Here's an example NAM sounding for tonight. Not all modeling looks like this.