Since resumption of active hostilities by the TPLF rebels this August, the Government of Ethiopia has been taking preventive measures to degrade the rebel group’s capabilities from launching further attacks.
The National Defense Forces have been carrying out their mission with great care to avoid collateral damage with precision strikes on rebel military assets.
The TPLF group continue to terrorize local populace by hiding its arms and leaders on the run within health facilities, schools, places of worship, residential areas and other social service facilities with the express intent of creating outrage from a possible civilian attack.
This group is additionally using properties under the United Nations and other humanitarian aid institutions for transportation and storage of weapons caches.
Recently, the Ethiopian Air Force has taken action targeting the locations of military equipment and arsenals of the TPLF in Adi Daero, Tigray region.
And as expected, pre-drafted fallacious claims have been released by TPLF supporters that civilians have been targeted in this operation. Nonetheless, Ethiopian National Defense Forces ensure that military assets are isolated from civilians before taking action.
It is also to be noted that the TPLF has internationalized the conflict by chartering aircraft and weapons from Ethiopia’s historical enemies, as was evident from the plane that was shot down ferrying weapons to TPLF held areas.
The airspace of Ethiopia has been under the strict surveillance and control of the Ethiopian Air Force since that particular incident.
Primary Sources: የኢፌዴሪ መከላከያ ሠራዊት, ኢፌድሪ መንግስት ኮሙኒኬሽን አገልግሎት @FdreService
OSINT Sources: @Dinlas3 , @Qnie_Addis
Note verbale dated 19 September 2022 from the Permanent Mission of Ethiopia to the United Nations Office at Geneva addressed to the President of the Human Rights Council
The fact that the ICHREE chose to selectively look into this allegation and reinvestigate is not triggered by gaps in JIT findings and conclusion; it is rather prompted by a deliberate desire to create an agenda and smear the ENDF’s reputation. This is wholly unacceptable...
Who is behind the blockage of basic services in Tigray region?
Is it an intentional move on the part of the Gov’t or TPLF rebels making it impossible to resume services?
Here are some factual data drawn from #EEU , #EEP and #EthioTel internal reports:
The Telco operator #EthioTel had lost 21 of their employees in 2021 while on active duty, employees from both in fiber and radio transmission dep'ts, whose services are critical for the resumption of banking and other connected services in the region.
#EEP and #EEU , meanwhile, are 2 power companies operating in Ethiopia in energy wholesale/retail.
In mid 2021, just in a span of 3 months, these public utility companies had 7 of their employees killed in the line of duty while maintaining transmission lines going in to Tigray.
“Kindergarten Bombing” staged or real?
Aug 25
A UN agency @WFP accused the TPLF of stealing 570,000L of fuel
Aug 26
TigrayTV posted a video of the incident and Ayder hospital director corroborated it as a government airstrike (both the TV and hospital are under TPLF control)
Aug 26 - Following the allegations UNICEF “condemned the attack” with reporting by international media @ReutersAfrica , @nytimes , @washingtonpost
Aug 27 - Reuters and few media outlets corrected their initial reports
Aug 27
In a move similar to the infamous 3 Nov 2020, the TPLF immediately launched a well-prepared 4 pronged attacks to the South (Raya-Kobo), South-West (Abergele), South-East and Shiraro area (towards the Eritrean border).
The majority of the attacking force in Abergele/Raya