1/ Rather interesting development. On the Twitter coach the 80th (Arctic) Motorized RIfle Brigade has been largely absent during this war and no equipment losses on clear indications of their equipment being documented in use has been acknowledged to my knowledge in Ukraine.
2/ In the beginning of July Finnish state-owned media outlet Yle reported based on the satellite images obtained in late May 36x MT-LBVM/K APC, possibly self-propelled guns and other vehicles had disappeared from the permanent deplyement point. yle.fi/uutiset/3-1251…
3/ According to public information the brigade is still under development and acquiring continuously new personnel.
Based on the amount of disappeared equipment it was estimated in the Yle's article between 1/3 and 1/2 total strenght was sent to Ukraine (+- 1 BTG below.)
4/ The brigade is specialized to arctic conditions and their placement in Kherson is most likely part of imminent crisis patching the manning problems in politically volatile territory for both factions.
5/ At the end it's important to remember 80th MRB lacks compeletely main battle tanks and their self-propelled 122mm 2S1 howitzers have rather limited range and at the result composing them with 128th Coastal Brigade makes sense for that part.
In fact this is DT-10PM Vityaz Articulated all-terrain tracked carrier, a bit smaller version of DT-30P.
According to my information these modernized vehicles were first supplied in 2015 for 🇷🇺. Compared to previous model upgrades are minor, ie. more powerful diesel engine.
In 2016 it was reported Northern Fleet's Arctic Brigade will receive a batch of around 30 modernized DT-10PM Articulated all-terrain tracked carriers.
Coincidentally or not Northern Military District's 200th Separate Motor Rifle and possibly elements of 61st Naval Infantry Brigade are known for their adversiries in the Northern side of Kharkiv where this vehicle was possibly destroyed. #200MRB