What’s behind the recent rise of covid cases are in Germany?
It’s not the new variants — yet.
A number of variants possessing immune evasion mutations have been observed — BA.4.6, BF.*, BA.2.75.*, BQ.1.*
These variants make up around 20% of cases in Germany by Oct 1 — BF.7 (15%), BA.4.6 (3%), as well as other BF.*, BA.2.75.* variants and BQ.1.* (each <1%).
Here’s an overview of the zoo of variants, which all independently acquired the same mutations associated with immune evasion.
(Only some are found in Germany and part of our model.)
Beyond the dynamics of variant proportions, our model calculates the growth rate of total cases (all variants combined).
The overall growth rate depends on many factors, including variants, immunity and behaviour and is less predictable than the share of variants.
In September the total growth rate climbed from 0 to ~0.06 per day (~50% per week; the latest constant trend is a model precaution, note the wide CI).
In the same period, the share of the aforementioned variants increased to ~20%. This added ~0.01 to the daily growth rate.
So the recent upswing of covid cases seems mostly to be due to variant agnostic effects — seasonality, waning immunity, behaviour.
The projected rise of immune escape variants will add between 0.05-0.15 on top of the growth rate, which is bound to intensify the incoming wave.
Unfortunately, it looks like we’re set for a sizeable wave of cases due to these twin effects. Further modeling is required to assess how large the wave will be and also what its impact is going to be.
PS. All data from RKI, BQ.1* cases from cov-spectrum.org as they are not yet annotated in the current version of RKI’s data yet. Thanks to all contributors.
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Der Omicron-Tsunami hat England erreicht und die Fallzahlen sind sprunghaft gestiegen.
Ist Deutschland im Vergleich gut gerüstet?
Kurz: Deutschland muss bei den Erstimpfungen und Boostern für Ältere nachlegen und eine Überlastung der Krankenhäuser verhindern.
Hintergrund: Omicron ist nicht nur hochansteckend, sondern kann auch Geimpfte und Genesene infizieren.
Diese erkranken zwar eher leicht, tragen allerdings zur Verbreitung mit bei.
Die Fallzahlen drohen in bisher unbekannte Höhen zu steigen.
Selbst wenn nur wenige Fälle schwer verlaufen, muss man angesichts der enormen Fallzahlen mit einer erheblichen Belastung für das Gesundheitssystem rechnen.
Schwere Verläufe sind insbesondere bei Ungeimpften und Älteren zu erwarten.
Some thoughts about the punctuated evolution of variants of concern including B.1.1.529 in Southern Africa. 🧵
A shared characteristic of all known VOCs is that they appeared suddenly with a large number of mutations, many more than the incremental changes we see normally.
These mutations recurrently cluster in certain functional sites of the virus’ genome.
This is the signature of selection — while mutations occur more or less randomly, we preferentially see the subset that makes the virus fitter.
While we will never know the exact circumstance of each VOC emergence, we do know that a similar pattern occurs in immunocompromised patients who have chronic infections.
This includes patients with leukaemia, but also AIDS
Just out - the rise and fall of SARS-CoV-2 lineages in England.
In the last 1.5yrs the UK has been a bell weather for SARS-CoV-2 evolution and genomic epidemiology thanks to the data sequenced by @CovidGenomicsUK and @sangerinstitute.
As any virus, SARS-CoV-2 accumulates mutations and undergoes an evolutionary journey where fitter variants succeed. Most mutations are neutral and enable us to define lineages, which derive from a single ancestor and share all its mutations. By now there are >1000 lineages. >>
As new variants emerge all the time it is important to characterise their behaviour as soon as possible and an essential question is whether one variant has a growth advantage over others, as this may change the future course of the epidemic. >>